Sunday, July 03, 2016


Well... we longed to leave it.  We dreamed of leaving it.  We despaired we ever would leave it.

And then we did.

And today... we are going back as VISITORS.  *huge smiles* 

We are going to visit Steve, Bex and the boys, and just 'do' the mall.
I love Auckland's shopping malls and fabric shops, so plan on going back up on a regular basis.

It will be our first venture away from our new home since we moved in 3 weeks ago.  It actually feels like longer than just 3 weeks!

We need to take a break from the endless jobs that are still to be done around the house and yard, so leaving town is a good way to do that.

I will now show you how the lounge looks with it's new curtains.  I'm thrilled to bits with them.
OK... they are the same as what I hung in the Family room, but they make such a difference!...


Now you don't notice the curtains FIRST, you see the painting and pretty cushions.

And now... we are getting ready to go north.


Well... we left here at about 10 am, and it was a frosty, foggy morning.  The fog was so thick in places you couldn't see 50 metres in front of the car.
We drove through fog all the way to the Bombay hills!  

I heard on the news tonight that the fog didn't lift until 1 pm!  That's the Waikato for ya... and now we live here and have to get used to frost and FOG again.

Once we got to Auckland we picked up some lunch and went and visited with Steve and family.
We had a really lovely visit for a couple of hours, then we went to the mall.

It was packed.  After walking the mall for a while we went over to Botany to look for a door guard.  

I want to keep the dogs inside at night, instead of in the garage.  It's just too cold in the garage for them I think.
So, the door guard will go in our bedroom doorway, so they don't keep us awake at night.  They can sleep with the kids!

Oh we also bought a basketball hoop for the kids.  Griffin is thrilled to bits.  It will be good for them to get outside and play instead of staring at screens all the time.

Over summer I'm going to set up a net across the back yard so we can play volleyball and so on.

Now, as you can imagine, I took heaps of family photos... but will leave them till tomorrow.

For now, how about the view as we left Auckland and entered the Waikato again:

ABOVE:  Yep... FOG again!  By the time we got to Huntly is was back into thick fog, and the temperature dropped markedly.

It's so thick now I can't see my own letterbox.

Just as well this is a lovely warm house or I'd be crying like a baby now!  lol

Looking forward to a quiet, warm evening.


  1. Looks lovely. Enjoy your trip.

  2. Certainly does make a huge difference. Olive that picture. Enjoy your day with the boys and the Mall.

  3. Surprising what a difference it makes- looks much lighter and brighter!

  4. The new curtains look so much better- and coordinate so nicely with your new lounge suite and painting :) (Maybe you could try selling the old ones on Trade Me - they still looked pretty good, and might be appreciated by someone else with the right colourings in their house).

    Have a lovely time in Auckland today.

  5. Happy Shopping dear- you guys have a great time.

  6. Love the difference, the room looks a lot bigger, lighter and shows the fantastic colours you have in the room.

  7. I have just been through and caught up on all your house news, sounds like the new house is working out well :) Hope Auckland was kind too you today x

  8. Much better. Floor length curtains always look better, in my opinion.

    1. I totally agree! I don't like cut off curtains at all.

  9. It's winter... this too shall pass (the fog and cold). Hey, can I ask what brand your new gas hob is? I am so over my F&P one but a recommendation would be great :)

    1. It's a BOSCH, 4 burner and it's WONDERFUL.

    2. Thanks... I'll go and have a look at them :)

  10. Anonymous7:55 PM

    The colours on the print now pop, love the colours. FOG yes well Reporoa fogged out too, Taupo frosty trip to Rotorua today frost n fog oh well..... petanque? croquet on the back lawn or catch the chickens? Its me Blondie


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