Griffin has been struggling to read and write ever since he started school... he got a small amount of help while we were in Palmerston North... and I let the new school know way, way in advance that he had learning difficulties and would NEED Reading Recovery help as soon as he arrived ...
We arrived at the START of September last year... they did not have any help set up for him. I was told he would be put into Reading Recovery at the beginning of this year.
Yesterday afternoon his teacher told me that he was TOO OLD for the Reading Recovery programme now! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!
I am totally LIVID, I cannot believe this is happening. Griffin is 7.3 years old, he cannot read or write beyond a 5 year old level (if that)... and he is not going to be getting any help?
I was so upset his teacher offered to take him for 1/4 of an hour BEFORE school, starting next week. She is so very nice... but I don't think 1/4 hr a day is going to help him much.
So my job today is to try and find some outside help for him.. which we will obviously have to pay for. So be it. Griffin is not an idiot, far from it.... but he does need help in this area. I feel so sad for him. He is already realising that he can't read and write like his classmates. I don't want his self esteem to suffer, I don't want HIM to suffer because an inadequate education system let him down. Like, they KNEW (both schools) he needed help....
... can you see the steam coming out of me ears from there?
On a happier note... Teddy seems to be getting better! He isn't so miserable looking, he's wagging his tail a bit... and he is tolerating the new food... and not scratching so much .. THANK GOD!
I am going to my patchwork class this morning... I am going to DE - STRESS and just enjoy some GROWN UP company. (wonder if I can take some rum?)
I have talked to the Principal... got the run around.. but she did promise that they would do SOMETHING for him. In the meantime, I have approached his teacher to see if she would be interesting in doing some private tuition .. she said probably 'yes'... will wait on that.
The Patchwork Class: was a hoot! About 9 ladies, varying ages... I had a wonderful time! Lots of jokes and natter... SOME sewing going on too! They all stay after 'class time' and order lunch from the downstairs coffee I did too... it is really NEAT and I can't wait till next week to go again. Thank god something is going well.
When I finish today's little project I will show you all. .... bet you are on the edges of your seats waiting for that! LOL
Enough suspense:

This is my view while at my sewing machine... in the garage....

And this is what I'm making today... once it's finished it will be a little lavender bag for me Mum's drawer... I'm gunna make her a few... all different colours of course! They are partly hand sewn and partly machine sewn. Fiddly friggin things, but cute. I love working with different colours and patterns, it's fun.
We have dinner guests... I invited Lynn and her daughter to dinner (private blogger), so I better pull finger and do something about that!
KAREN: Oh Ok, so they are 'Cathedral Window Blocks'... I kinda enjoyed making the first one so...

I just made two more!
End of Day: our dinner guests (Lynn and Lauren) have left... we had the most lovely visit. Today has been the NICEST day I've had in ages... well let's not count first thing when I was mad as hell... the rest of the day has ROCKED. I like day's like this. Wish there were more. nite nite.