Wednesday, September 12, 2012


My lovely Daughter-in-Law Tess sent me some more photos of her and Russell's babes yesterday:

 ABOVE:  wee Bodhi.... growing like a mushroom...

 ABOVE:  Russell giving Bodhi a 'top up' and just look at Sienna looking after her 'baby' too... so cute.

 ABOVE:  this little angel has 'cheeky imp' written all over her face!  I love her so much and can't wait to give her a HUGE hug and kiss.... hurry up December!

ABOVE:  Blonde curls just like her Aunty Lacy and Aunty Kelly had a little girls.

ABOVE:  doesn't he look so well now!  Can't believe he was so sick in hospital only a few weeks ago.

 ABOVE:  Bodhi's first smiles and coo's.  


Stew goes to Christchurch.  I am taking him out to the airport at lunchtime for his flight.  I hope he has a good flight... it's so WINDY right now... it could be a bit bumpy!
And it is FREEZING down south now too... they had snow yesterday!  Spring cold snap... brrrrr.
Kinda glad I'm not going now.

Once I've dropped him off I am going to Spotlight for a few necessities so I can continue work on the Cot Bumper Set.  It's turning out to be quite a lot of work!

Think I will be sticking to 'just' cot quilts after this lot is done!

PUPPIES: due between 11 - 13 days! It's getting a bit exciting!

HI!  Very quiet in blogland today!

After dropping Stewy at the airport I went to Spotlight to get more batting... came home and did some housework.

The 'family' bathroom is almost spic and span again... funny how I never use it... but I'm the one who has to clean it when I can no longer stand the state it is in!  Makes me a bit.... crabby.

NOT a good feeling as I'm scrubbing other people's mess up.  And the shower... Massive Ikkkkkk .  Not really nice doing that either. 

Am I the ONLY person in this house who knows how to put empty loo rolls in the friggin bin then?  I found a wet one shoved BEHIND the bloody loo too.  Gross.

Right, I better go and finish it now... just got the sink to go...

End of Day:  well we have had a lovely evening, the dogs had us all in stitches.. more about that tomorrow.
Stew got to Christchurch OK... has seen his Mum... he said she looked like a really little old lady... last time we saw her she was a robust, healthy woman.  So sad what ill health can do to a person.  She is only 68.
nite nite.


  1. OHHHH That did my heart good to see how well your Aussie family is doing!!! SO glad Bodhi is well again. :)

  2. Oh my gosh Bodhi little face and smiles delightful, and Sienna is just cute as a butoon her face says IMP alright she will be a heartbreaker for sure! We after a few rotten days have woken to STUNNING day but hella cold.

  3. hope the flight is good for stew - it is freezing here in Invercargill

  4. man I would be having a fit if I had to clean a bathroom I didn't even use. The rule should be 'if you use it, you clean it'. Actually now I think of it I have it pretty cruisy as even the weekend that Jason has his children with us they have the down stairs bathroom and its their responibility to clean it before they leave on sunday evening. They also have their own bathroom at his house and keep that clean too. (age 9 and 10 ) gee he's trained them well, I don't think Evianah was responible for the bathroom until she was about 11 or 12 but the sooner the better I say, ESPECIALLY when I don't even use it either.


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