Today's offering:
It's Saturday... and we are going to take Sandra out and about, she's not seen much of Auckland....
*grrrrrr*.......... Griffin had a dreadful cold/cough.. and now Brylee and Stew have it, I wonder if Sandra and I will get it too?? It's certainly a nasty one. Griffin has lost 3 kilos and Brylee has lost 2.5 already... and she's now only 23 kilos... her BMI is 14! Not good.
Been out and about.. it's a miserable wet day here... but we managed to have a nice time out. Did a wee bit of shopping, showed Sandra a good deal of Auckland and surrounds... now home and watching STEW make dinner! Steak, sausages and coleslaw. NICE.
End of day: dinner was nice. We are now watching "Monsters Inc"... oh JOY. The kids choice. Stew is in the other room watching RUGBY... oh JOY. nite nite.
Ohhh... poor Teddy! He pwommmissseess. LOL
ReplyDeleteoh no !! why is she scratching? poor puppy
ReplyDeleteI am a follower. Love both of those fabrics!
ReplyDeleteAww .... poor Teddy. He looks sooooo miserable with his huge collar. Let's hope he learns that if he stops scratching, he won't have to wear it eh?
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your tiki-touring around Auckland today :) Beautiful day here in Christchurch (so far!!)
Awwwww....those pictures of Teddy are precious! I love that he's found a way to be comfy on his cushion. Hope he feels better soon!
ReplyDeletePoor Teddy! Have fun today
ReplyDeleteIf that Teddy doesn't stop scratching HE WILL need therapy for the torture he is subjected TOO!!! LOL NOT he looks totally pissed off, NOW listen NO BREATHING on your blog as you update WE as a collective group don't want that nasty sounding cough cold thanks (I am covering my mouth as I type !!!)Hope everyone perks up soon
ReplyDeletePoor Teddy i feel his pain he looks evenmore miserable in Person the photos dont show half of it eh.
ReplyDeleteYea i can sew now i got time i better eh.
Oh, poor Teddy...he is definitely going for the sympathy vote with that look on his face. He has my sympathy and so do you and Sandra with all of the rest of the family sick. I hope the two of you stay well.
ReplyDeleteOpened your blog and thought you were going to give away Teddy!!! Poor little man. I met someone last weekend whose dog has a similar problem.
ReplyDeleteLove those fabrics. How can you give it all away Chris. You are very generous and kind hearted. Hope you have a wonderful day.. I'm presuming it's warm up there (hanging my head...windy and cold outside in windy wellington and I've got a nasty chest cold!! grrr)
Poor teddy.
ReplyDeleteCount me in again for the giveaway please.
I thought Teddy was day 3 giveaway!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletePardon my ignorance but was IS a follower. I clicked on the button and couldn't upload a picture (taking too long) but come here every day (OK ... too many times every day!) so what's the diff?
Hope Brylee had a lovely birthday and that everyone gets over their bugs. If it's like the one I have wear a mask and wash your hands - lol - you don't want it!
The colds are going around. My brother has one at the moment, he can't stop coughing, even with cough mixture and a visit to the doctor. He sounds a little better today, though. Hopefully yours will follow suit soon!
ReplyDeletePoor Teddy! I hope his scratching stops, also that Griffin and Brylee get well soon!
ReplyDeleteGlad you are enjoying your week and your visitor..
ReplyDeleteoh no the poor things. Hope you had a wonderful day even though the Auckland weathers is SHIT!
ReplyDeleteTeddy looks so sad, wow Miss Brylee hasnt got that much to fall back on and loose being sick she is petitee enough as it is...I have some spare if she wants it.
I thought Stew would be watching the boxing!
ReplyDeletechris ... you have the best giveaways!!!
ReplyDeleteok. just popping in to enter...you are very kind having a house guest this long. i am too fussy for company. well, i am ok for a day or so, but at least that is some company for you. how are you feeling otherwise?
I certainly hope you and Sandra keep safe from that cough/cold thing going around!
ReplyDeleteHeres to hoping everyone gets better soon. Teddy too - he doesn't look happy. I don't know how to quilt or I'd be entering for those fat quarters - they look gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteBless Teddy's ♥.........ya know...no mater what you write....you bring a smile to my face......
ReplyDeletePoor Teddy! Your Kiwi things are wonderful! The fabric is so different from what I see here in Ireland!
Pleased to see I didn't have to scroll down too far to find a picture of my little Teddy!! Surely there is something the vet can do?! Have a look on the Vetalogica website...that has "alternative" medicines for dogs and cats.....I have Scarlett on their arthritis stuff for her dicky knees.....you never know...worth a look.
ReplyDeletepoor Teddy. He is such a darling isn't he?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if that collar will work on my baby. We're using socks on his hands to prevent him from scratching, but they eventually fall off.