Wednesday, June 12, 2024



My freakin hips are still sore.  The right one way more than the left. Grrrr.  I shall pop some painkillers immediately, so I can move!

This morning I have electricians arriving to install the new oven, cooktop, and light in our bedroom.

How exciting!

I can finally use my new appliances, and have a brighter light in our bedroom.

It's going to be fun working out how to use the kitchen appliances, though I think the cooktop won't be too  hard to figure out.

The oven on the other hand?  It's a multi-function, two oven affair.  That's probably going to take me a while to master.  But, I have plenty of time. 😋😊😉

I have watched a couple of tutorials on You Tube, so hopefully I get the hang of it quickly.

I'm looking forward to not having a HOT oven anymore!  Our old oven was always too hot, and I burnt lots of stuff when we first moved in here.

I think it's thermostat was a bit buggered to be fair.  It certainly was time to get a new oven.

So, that's the main thing happening today.

I am dying to cook scones in the new oven, and see how they come out.  I might even do that this afternoon...  *squeals*, just a bit excited.

I sound like a sad git! 😃😂😅


10.39 am:  And the electrician is here, busy installing things.

ABOVE:  Ya heard of 'Builder's Crack'?

I now give you 'Electrician's Crack'!  😂😅😂  'C' is aware his butt is on my blog, and had no problems with it.  😊

Be thankful it's only showing a little crack, cos when he was down on the floor, there was HEAPS MORE showing I can assure you. 

ABOVE: The oven is on, doing it's preliminary 'burn off'.  Once that is over, I can make  scones!

AND so far I've managed to get it to work right.  

I am going to give the induction cooktop a run later on as well.

ABOVE: The new light in our bedroom.  I got 'C' to set it on the brightest it could be.  There were three settings... A warm tone (yellowish - IKKK), a 'natural white', and BRIGHT WHITE.  I went with the Bright White.  I'm very happy with it.

And the size and shape of the new light totally covered the hole in the ceiling where the old fan/light was.  

AND now, I think we have finished doing shit to this house!  I can't think what else needs replacing, repainting, building, installing and so on!  

ABOVE:  1 hour after the oven was installed, and I have cooked my first batch of scones in it!

AND they are perfect.   

Lunch was.... cheese scones.  With jam and cream.  


As a rough guide:
For every BIG cup of flour I add a heaped teaspoon of Baking Powder.  (I usually use around 6 cups of flour, so I add 6 heaped teaspoons of Baking Powder).  Then I grate a HUGE amount of Tasty Cheese (around 500-600 grams), and then I stir it into the sifted flour and baking powder.
Then I pour in milk, a good splosh at a time, and I mix it together with a knife, until it is a big clump, but not too sticky.   Then, I DO NOT KNEAD it at all.... I just tip it out onto a floured bench, pat it into a rectangle about  30 cms think, cut it into squares and chuck them on a greased baking tray and bake them in the oven for about 15-20 minutes.  Temperature 220 degrees C.

6.52 pm:  Stew arrived home, and I immediately got him to do a little job for me.  It was an easy job, one he did with enthusiasm.  More on that another day.

For now... I'm back in my chair feeling very sorry for myself.  I forgot I have hip pain, and I moved like a 'normal' person.  BOOM!  Shooting pain across my entire lower back.

Damn it!  Stew reckons I should go to the Doctor.  I might if it's not much better tomorrow.  This pain reminds me of a few years ago when I had a muscular problem in my glutes.

So, I'm thinking it's something muscular, or a nerve problem.  

And that's enough bitching.  It better be a bit better by the morning, as I want to go for an FBG walk.  Weather permitting.

Our friend Jacqui is here for the night, it's always lovely having her visit.  Someone different to yak to.

And now... I'm going to sign off for the day.


  1. HEck NO! You are not a sad git! Get the scone dough ready to go!

  2. Give it a minute and you will find something 😂

  3. Ohh, now I want scones 😘

  4. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The scones look delicious and I'd love your scone recipe. I think you've posted it here for us before? Ky Girl

    1. I have put it on the blog for you.

  5. Wow that was quick install finish excellent all your ducks in a row nice.

  6. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I could tell in your picture that you don't over work your dough, so the scones are light and fluffy. I hope to make them on Friday. I'll let you know if I do. Ky Girl

  7. Anonymous6:39 PM

    All looks great!!! especially the

  8. Rhonda6:55 PM

    Will be making those scones. Thank you being so kind to share the recipe.

  9. Go to the Dr & get it looked at. Maybe some physio will help.

  10. Anonymous10:30 PM

    I mentioned I pulled a muscle in my side. I did go to the doctor. They were worried (at first) it was kidneys or gallbladder. So yes, I think you should go to doctor.

  11. The scones sure look good. There is no butter in the recipe?

    1. With that much cheese, you don't need butter in the mix.

    2. Ah ok, so can replace butter for the cheese. I will try!

  12. I hope the pain is nothing serious. It's just odd how it started all of a sudden with nothing to trigger it. Like a huge workout, or a fall, or whatever.
    The new kitchen seems like it will be used and loved!
    The bedroom light looks perfect.
    Oh! And I like the "catch ya tomorrow" thingy.


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