Monday, June 10, 2024



I can't keep the smile off me face.

The job Steve did for us, getting our kitchen sorted out for the new oven and cooktop, is just lovely.

I'm sure it took him way longer than he thought it would.  Apparently the added shelf above the oven was what took the most time.  It was worth it son.

ABOVE:  So many measurements required, but it was very important, so that everything fitted in properly.

ABOVE:  This was the most crucial moment. 

Would the oven fit in the gap he had made in the panel????  I held my breath...

HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF.  It fitted perfectly.

You did SO well Steve! 

ABOVE:  It isn't a HUGE difference, but with a lovely new oven, a new shelf above it and the white panel, it feels like a new kitchen.

Add in the new Induction Cooktop and yeah, I love it.

ABOVE:  I wasn't sure how the white panel would blend in with the rest of the kitchen.

I needn't have worried.  It looks fab.

What do you think? 

Today I have my usual Monday morning jobs to get done.  Some washing etc.

Then later on today I might pop over to Cambridge for a walk with the FBG's.

There's not been any new Challenge Walks posted yet, so it's going to be a repeat of a walk I've already done.  Not a problem, any exercise is good.  


Lacy came over this morning to help bath and groom Coco.  A MINI groom, I just wanted to do around her face.

ABOVE:  The bath/comb out and blow dry went really well.

Then came the shave around the face.

Let's just say, Coco ain't leaving the house for a couple of weeks!

She has joined a gang, cos well ...................................................... she's got the patches!

I get no prizes for dog grooming.

I have assured Coco the difference between a good haircut and a bad one is only about 2-3 weeks!  I'm sure she's OK with that.

Luckily for her, I only did a tiny bit of her body before thinking... NAH, this is too hard.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜–

Now my house smells like wet dog.  Not a nice smell at all.

At least the bathroom is smelling OK again, I took a shower and that fixed the smell in that room.  Well, I hope so!

Now, I'm gunna put some face on and in an hour, head over to Cambridge for a walk.

We have been waiting 6 weeks for the right screws to secure the new cooktop to the bench to arrive from Heathcote's.

The salesman involved said they would be here in a week.  

I rang him on Saturday, asking "Where are the screws?"   

He told me the company needed the serial number from under the cooktop, so they could send me the right screws!  AND he tried ringing me several times, but couldn't get through. 


The serial number is clearly on the invoice, and the company who makes the cooktop would know which damn screws were needed.  And my phone number is also on the invoice Graham.

He lied for sure.  FUCK if there's one thing I hate the most, it's being lied to.  When I finally get those screws I'm going to call him out on his lies.

Clearly he had NOT even ordered the bloody screws.  He better now, he has run out of excuses I think.

Gee.. it's been a while since I had a rant!  Been holding them in... don't want to be accused of being NEGATIVE.

But ya know what, life can have negative moments.  It ain't a bed of fucking roses.

On the positive side, me face is on, I no longer look like an old hag.  My hair is done, my walking gear is on... might just go walkies.

2.35 pm:  Just in from my walk in Cambridge.  It was a good walk, and we were lucky to avoid rain.  

ABOVE:  A nice number of us this afternoon.  *smiles*, I'm so enjoying doing the funny faces, even the dogs get one.  

I went to the supermarket while over in Cambridge for these:

ABOVE: Not something I would normally buy.  The other day I made some cheese sauce in the frying pan, cos our cooktop is not operating yet.

It didn't work too well, it stuck on the bottom of the pan.

So, as I want a cheese sauce for tonight's dinner, I thought I'd try these.  I can't remember using them before, so it will be interesting to see how they taste.

Only a couple more days of not having an oven or cooktop, all going well!

I was just saying to my friend 'C', since I complained about our neighbour's dog barking, he's hardly barked at all this past week.

*SIGH*, I spoke too soon.  He's been howling since I got home, so clearly she's out.  Grrrrr.

Hopefully she comes home soon.

I want to clarify something.

It was going to take two weeks to get Coco into the groomer.  A couple of people over the weekend mentioned that Coco couldn't see well, due to the hair on her face getting in her eyes. THAT is why I tried to groom her.  Well, I tried to groom her face.

Now I will just have to wait for the 'damage' to be less noticeable before I do book her into the proper groomer!

8.30 pm:  Well another day done and dusted.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I agree, the white blends perfectly. You will love the little Cooke sheet shelf. Very handy son!

    We had a rude awakening this week, our 22 year old refrigerator died. It earned its keep, we got a lot of use out of it. The rude part is refrigerator sizes have changed. Just a few inches difference, bigger, so new ones absolutely will not fit in built in spot.

    We had to demo the kitchen to make a new, larger one fit. My husband was able to do all the demo with help from a neighbor. We had extra flooring in attic which my husband was able to do too. Now waiting to drywall guy to come patch walls.

    We are super busy in garden now, so the time required in kitchen was very inconvenient.


  2. You're very clever Steve πŸ‘

  3. How clever are you Steve and how lucky are you Chris to have a "Steve" who is so handy.

  4. Lol πŸ˜† we are sorry Coco πŸ˜…

  5. That oven looks great and Steve is so clever and handy that’s for sure.

  6. No pictures of Coco's gangsta ' look?
    I tried grooming my shihtzu's face - too.
    It's hard. And it grows fast when you botch it!
    The oven looks fabulous!

    1. No., I don't want to embarrass Coco! She's hiding her cute little face until it looks slightly better than right now. lol

  7. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Coco looks like she loves getting pampered, even getting a dodgy haircut lol

  8. It would have been better if old mate Graham just said “oh my gosh, I am so sorry I completely forgot to order them, I will do it right now & here is a voucher for $50 as a way of apology”. See, not so hard.


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