Tuesday, June 18, 2024



Our 'new' washing machine isn't working.

ERROR 50...  nothing I do makes it change or stop it flashing, and not going again.

So, after exactly 3 years and one month, it's broken down and I am gunna have to get a serviceman in to (hopefully) fix it.

Worst thing is the repair will probably cost almost as much as getting a new one.

I am livid.  You don't expect a machine that cost you thousands of dollars to break down after only 3 years.   Grrrrr.

Right.  Bitch over.  As soon as it's a decent time, I will be ringing around to find someone who can come out and fix the bloody thing.

I'm going to do some housework this morning.

And so far, that's all I have on my agenda.


ABOVE: And there's 35 minutes I'm never getting back.  Syphoning out the water from the washing machine.

I figured the repairman would have to do that, so I did it for him.  Saves some $time.

I've just sent an email request for a machine service to a local repair company.  Let's see how long it takes for them to get back to me.

In the meantime, I'm now freezing and am going to warm up before I do anything else.

2.20 pm:  Result.  I've got a bloke coming to look at the washing machine on Thursday afternoon.

I had to take all Stew's shirts out of the machine and hand wash them, then chuck them in the drier.  They wouldn't have dried outside today, it's too overcast and dreary.

I had another go at listening to an audio book... so far it's not too bad.

The Ebook is still waiting as well, so I've got plenty to amuse myself with.

I went back to reading the Ebook this afternoon.

Reading on my phone is not that good for the eyes!  I have stopped for a while, and everything is blurry!

I tried setting up the 'Borrow Book' App on my laptop, but couldn't for whatever reason.  It said my laptop was undiscoverable.  Grrr.

It would certainly be easier to read on the laptop.

But never mind.  I've got about 80 pages to go to finish the book.  It's still a damn good read.

I made a pizza for lunch, it was rather nice.  Stew gets the rest for his dinner.  Again, I don't have to 'cook' when he gets home.  Excellent. 😋😊

Oh in case I've not mentioned it... my hip pain is all but gone!  So relieved.  I still get up in the morning with a mild lower back ache, but that's not new.  The pain all depends on what position I slept in.  

It had nothing to do with the weird new pains I experienced recently.  Long may it stay away.

5.32 pm:  And I finished the EBook, and immediately got another one by the same author.  It was that good.  Some might say a bit long winded in places, fanciful in many places, but a good read all the same.  Certainly entertaining.

Now.. I'm again all blurry eyed.  Stew's dinner is heating in the oven and I'm surprised it's gone pitch black outside already.

Time to close the curtains and look forward to a quiet evening.

The last item that I listed on Facebook Marketplace got picked up this evening.   So now I have nothing for sale right now.  Gimme a day or two, I'm sure I will have something else to list.

Now, I'm watching Coronation Street, then going off to bed.


  1. Ironically, My husband has to go help our son today with a defective washer that is 3 MONTHS old! His last one died at 3 years old. This is the replacement. They TRULY don't make stuff like they used to!

  2. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Good luck on the washer. My sons dishwasher went out a month ago and the repairs were going to be $800. He went to Lowe's and found a brand new Bosch for $799. ;-) Life is crazy weird sometimes. Ky Girl

  3. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Bugger about washing machine...im sure your other machine worked way harder over the years you had it with family washes not just washing for 2 people. I can understand your frustration. Through away society in a world telling us to save the planet by not using plastic

  4. Damn, I hope the washing machine is an easy fix. My F&P top loader is now around 15 years old and never missed a beat so far. It still looks like new as well. Our drier is around 25 years old and works a treat. I'd love a new one but not much point when the old one works so well.

  5. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I got a new Miele front loader last year after my old Miele front loader gave out after 17 years. Love Miele products. So did the washing machine man come Chris? Marie, Melbourne

    1. He is coming on Thursday afternoon Marie.

  6. Anonymous10:30 PM

    If you take your lap top to the library, they might be able to help straighten out the problem.

    You can change the text size on the ebook.

    It is worth getting a tablet for ebooks. Make sure you get one that is compatible with the library system.


  7. OMG one of the most important machines in the house! I use washer and dryer almost everyday. Hope you get it back working soon.

  8. What book did you finish that you loved? Was it the One Year old Man book? Or a different one? I need a "can't put it down" book.

    1. Yes it was the one called The 100 Year Old ....


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