Friday, June 28, 2024



So, his nibs can lie in bed for as long as he wants today. 

No work for him today.  It's a public holiday today.

I presume a lot of the shops will still be open today, it's not one of those days where everything has to stay closed.

I plan on getting into the sewing room to continue some cutting out.  I would like to think I will get it all done in the next few days, but I probably won't!

ABOVE:  My camera had a brain fart last night, hence it took shitty photos.  Lily just cut her first tooth, which explains the massive amount of DROOL!

She is going through her clothes on the hour just about!  Everything ends up sopping wet.  

And that's about it from me for now.  


11.00 am:  Seems lying in bed is not so attractive as it once was.  We both end up with a backache if we stay in bed too long!  DANG, this getting older lark is the pits.

One good thing, I have managed to do 1.5 hours of cutting out this morning:

ABOVE:  I am getting an impressive line up of fabrics ready to go.

I'm running out of room in fact, so once I get the double fridge/freezer out of here, I can set up another table to use.

Roll on Sunday.

ABOVE:  I just cut out about a dozen 'centre blocks' for runners, using this fun fabric.  I can see in my head how they will look already, using lots of black and white fabrics.

Now, I am stopping for a while.  Stew and I are going for a walk down to our local shopping center.  We will grab some lunch, then a couple of things we need from the supermarket, then walk home again.

ABOVE:  Well that was a rather nice, if hot walk!  I was overdressed, with a polar neck, long sleeved thermal on, then a heavy jacket on top!

The sun is out.  It is a glorious winters day.  Yes, it was only 2 degrees this morning, but what a gorgeous day it has turned into.

We got what we needed at the supermarket, changed our minds about having lunch down there and came home.  

We are going to have dinner at our local Indian Restaurant this evening.  Much better idea than an average lunch.

I might just relax a while, then go do some more cutting out.

Happy to say we have Miss Muppet staying with us for the weekend.  

ABOVE: She's trying to decide if she likes the hot stuff!  We got two different shared platters, so lots of cholce.

I don't think she liked the hot stuff.  

ABOVE:  I must admit, at least half of this lot was quite HOT, and I didn't enjoy it much either.

ABOVE:  She LOVED the Butter Lamb and the Garlic and Cheese Naan bread!

So did I.  Stew, Keera and I shared one dish of Butter Lamb, which proved to be plenty to go around.

After our dinner, we stopped in at the supermarket and bought some 'dessert'.

ABOVE:  Luckily, we hardly ever do this now!  But cos Keera is here, we indulged.

Worth noting, I got my blood test results today, and ALL my levels/numbers were GOOD.  No reason for concern anywhere.

I must be doing something right!

Proud of myself.

And now... I'm going to sign off for the day.


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Beautiful picture of Miss Lily and her daddy. Sweet!! I finally made your cheese scones. I cut the recipe to 2 heaping cups, added a bit of salt, and used heavy whipping cream instead of milk. I made 6 big, fluffy scones. I always make sweet scones with red currants, I like having a savory one, as well. Thanks for the recipe share! Ky Girl

  2. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Lily is just gorgeous Chris. Marie, Melbourne

  3. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Lily is so cute!!! ...Peta

  4. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I love that shelving unit that you have the strips of cloth laid out on. How ingenious. Did you design it and Steve build it for you? Ky Girl

    1. Steve made it for Bex to display her crocheted toys on at markets. I've borrowed it for the time being, until she wants them back again. Then he can just make me some of my own. *smiles*

    2. Anonymous1:47 AM

      It is so nice to have someone around who can build things. Steve is a keeper. ;-) Ky Girl

  5. Miss lily with a tooth already growing up so very loved little girl.

  6. Just saying HI! Food looks great. Enjoy having Keera this weekend!


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