Sunday, June 30, 2024


 Another day with our darling Keera here with us.

Sometime today we are taking our old double fridge/freezer over to Lacy's, so we will give Keera back then.  😋😊

ABOVE:  She is all long limbs, and cuteness.  She doesn't have an 'OFF' switch, so by the time bedtime rolls around we are 100% ready for some peace!  lol

Emily arrived yesterday wearing her Crocs.
Of course, we have seen people wearing them EVERYWHERE, even nurses and doctors in the hospital.
But I have never tried them.  Not even interested in trying them.
But yesterday, I decided to slip Emily's on... and not only did they fit, I found them to be very comfortable!

ABOVE:  I am now SERIOUSLY considering getting myself some to wear around the house and in the garden.  They are so easy to slip on and off.  And so LIGHTWEIGHT.

Am I TOO OLD to wear Crocs people?

I even LOVE the jibbitz thingees the kids put on them. 
I imagine it is quite fun switching them out to suit what you are wearing/doing.
Emily certainly had some very cute ones on her crocs.

Andrew said you can even get 'high heel crocs' now!  The mind boggles.
I will have to go investigate them next time we are in a mall.

10.50 am:  And OMG it's another super foggy, damp and freezing cold day here.

My friend 'S' was supposed to fly into Auckland from LA this morning.
Her flight got diverted to FIJI because Auckland airport is too foggy for any flights to arrive or leave from.
She's stuck in a transit lounge in Fiji with dozens and dozens of other travellers, and it's super HOT there.
Poor girl.  She's gunna freeze when she finally gets home.

In the next little while we will be taking that fridge/freezer over to Lacy's.   Then I can get into my sewing room and make a start on some new braid runners.  I've now laid out 6 to make.

12 noon.  And that's done.  I have more room in my garage.  And I'm going to fill it with another trestle table, so I can lay out more braid runner fabric strips.  Yaaa.
Less clutter in the sewing room, and neat to have all the strips in one place.

Now... it's lunchtime, and we are going to get something from our local chinese takeaway.

ABOVE:  Steve, Bex and the kids called in to visit after lunch.
Then Jacqui and Sofia also called in.  So we all had a nice 'Sunday visit'.
Lily was adorable, and enjoyed sitting with Me, then Stew and finally Jacqui.

Now they have all left, and we have a bloke calling in to look at our Cross Trainer.

3 pm:  And YES, they bought it!  Another large item out of my house!  That's two things out of here today.
I'm loving seeing the house with so much less clutter.

Over the next week I will tidy up the gym room and space things out a bit better, now that there's more room in there.

Today's weather went like this:

Overnight:  Rain, damn cold.

6 am - 11 am :  THICK FOG, Damp and damn cold.

11 -4 : Grey, damp and damn cold.

4 pm till now (6.30 pm) :  Got dark, still damp and DAMN COLD.

8 pm :  FOG, DAMN COLD.

I'm totally over this shit weather.  Even rain would be better than the FOG.

I am living with a hotpod on my lap, AND the heat pump on.  I refuse to freeze if I can help it!

And now... I'm settling down for the evening.  Gunna watch some mindless telly till bedtime.


  1. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I'm 75 and love my Crocs. Go for it. Helen in France

  2. NOBODY is too old to wear Crocs. For exactly the reasons you said. They are so easy to slip on and off. And so LIGHTWEIGHT!

  3. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Two smiles in two days WTH 😂😂 yep go for gold with the crocs!! I'm not a fan of the jibbitz but each to their own GM 💙💙

  4. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Never too old to wear what you want. I have never worn crocs but after your description of being easy to slip on and off I am tempted - as long as they don't make it easier to fall over!! Wish my grandies lived closer. Audrey

  5. Rhonda11:38 AM

    Never too old to wear or do what floats your boat. Lovely photo of you Chris 💕💕

  6. Ummm Stew book is upside down.

    When I was
    In Aussie last month they had tie dyed crocs they were super cool

  7. Ha no it wasn’t I didn’t have my glasses on ! Lol

    1. LOL... I did wonder what you were on about! Better get new glasses cos that is ME, not Stew! lol

  8. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I found I tripped over more than usual in crocs and they drew my feet made them sor and hot and biffed them before I killed myself. Felicity

  9. Rhonda7:21 PM

    Your weather today sounds an exact replica of the weather where I am in Sydney, Australia. A day for relaxing, reading and resting with the gas heater on and keeping the temperature in the house lovely and warm throughout. I’m all for comfort whether it’s summer (air con) or winter 🥶

  10. I drove down to the mount today from auckland and the fog was some of the worst!! And even with mum's thermal on, my feet are freezing 🥶

  11. And we are having a heat wave here in the U.S. I live in North Carolina and went to the beach early this morning. It was already 85 degrees. You're not too old for crocs. Our 13 year old grandson Logan gave his crocs to Joe (my husband) last year. He wears them every single day and he's almost 67!

  12. Get the crocs. I love mine. Especially in the warmer weather. It is great you got to have Keera for a visit. I know in days past it wasn't always easy. Hopefully the weather improves. You must miss your daily walks.


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