Wednesday, June 26, 2024



In the past few days I've visited three fabric shops, and bought fabric from all of them. (I didn't NEED more fabric, but oh well!)

Gosh it was so much fun!

I need to do it again.

Like today.

So, as there is no FBG walk on today that I wish to join, I'm going to a shop in Te Awamutu this morning.

I love going there.  Stew and I bought our first home there.  Steve was born there. We got married there.  So, it's a special place with special memories for us.

I will probably have a good browse of the shops while there, as I don't go there very often now.

Today a very, very dear friend of mine is having surgery in Mexico.  She will be on my mind all day, until I hear she's had her surgery and is OK.

I love you 'S'... I hope to hear from you soon, and see you when you get home again.


It is now 12.35 pm, and I just got home from my little shopping trip.

Similar time as yesterday in fact.


ABOVE:  Heading to Te Awamutu, a lovely view of Mt Kakepuku.   One day I might climb it!

But then again, it's A MOUNTAIN!  So maybe not.  lol

ABOVE:  I stopped at this private Catholic Cemetery near Ohaupo so I could get a nice photo of Mt Pirongia.

It has headstones commemorating the lives of quite a lot of priests there.  I got the drift that the priests bodies were not necessarily there.

ABOVE: The view I stopped for.  I love this part of the country, it is so pretty.

ABOVE: First stop, the fabric shop in Te Awamutu.

ABOVE: The fabrics I got there.   I will fold out the one (bottom left) later to show you, it's really cute.

ABOVE: Second stop was Backstreet Bargains, where I get most of my Kiwiana fabrics.  It's the cheapest place for them.  They charge $24.50 a metre, other places can charge upwards of $27 - $36 a metre!

Why would you pay that price???

ABOVE: Today's Kiwiana fabrics.

Right, that's me for now.  I'm going to have some lunch.

ABOVE: What do ya think of that fabric:  I think it's bloody cute.  I have enough to make two runners out of it.  

I had me lunch, then I started reading online again.  I'm enjoying my second ebook by Jonas Jonasson, called The Prophet and the Idiot.  It's not quite as funny as the first one, but it's still entertaining.

I might keep reading till Stew comes home.  I'm in no hurry to get into the sewing room.

It can wait till tomorrow.

5.18 pm:  Well I did end up in the sewing room.  I did some more cutting out of the new fabrics, for braid runners.  I am now limiting my cutting out time to ONE HOUR stints, to make sure I don't annoy my back too much.  It seems to be working!

Sure, I don't get as much done as I would like, but it's not a race at the end of the day eh?

I better go and sort out something for Stew's dinner now.  Hmmm... I wonder what he feels like?  I don't think I can get away with toasted sandwiches two nights in a row! 😅😆😂

My dear friend 'S' has had her surgery and is up and moving.  All went well, which is such a relief.  Now she just has to get home and recover.  

It's the end of the day... so I'll sign off.  


  1. Enjoy your shopping! Love all the new fabrics. WTH? Maybe they inspire something. It's all worth it!

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I buy fabric, but I don’t need it either. My excuse is I buy for my retirement ( when I can’t afford it). It just a joke between hubby and i

  3. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Looks like a great day, lovely pics of everything....Peta

  4. Pretty fabrics ... and lovely photos of the scenery. Good idea to limit your time doing the cutting if it is agravating your back

  5. Looks like a nice haul of fabric! Enjoy your treasures.

  6. Kiwionholidays12:43 AM

    Well what a days shopping ,🛍️
    The Kiwiana Two of those I bought about 5 years ago when back on holidays and they were $30 a metre then ,so to get them at your prices today is fabulous
    Good work ,,
    Love all your craftwork and enthusiasm,
    Take care and happy for your friends surgery success

    Cheers 🥂

  7. Glad to hear "S"s surgery and postop are going well. When we lived in Canada, Mexico was the place to go to get surgery that either wasn't covered or that you were on the waiting list for years. It was evidently a 5-star experience with very nice pre-surgery and post-surgery accommodations, along with excellent doctors.

  8. Also meant to mention how much I love the fabrics you've bought this week ... especially the Kiwiana.


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