Sunday, June 16, 2024



Stew and I are going to have a really big sleep in today.

Once up ... we shall have a really nice, relaxing morning.  I might get a load of washing on, but that's about it.

We are expecting Lacy to drop Keera off to us at lunchtime.  We are going to be taking her to lunch, then a wander around the mall.

I am going to be buying two new Hot Pods today .... I do not like the wheat bag.  It doesn't stay hot for very long, and I am not liking the smell either. 

I've had two Hot Pods before, and they lasted 2 winters, so it's well worth getting some new ones.

So, that's our plans for a good chunk of the day.

I saw this on Facebook last night:

ABOVE:  This is ME.  You can change the word 'Chips' to : lollies, chocolate, cake, pretzels, dried fruit, ice cream, you get the drift.

And I know anyone who's ever been on a diet feels the same.

Who's feeling the same RIGHT NOW?  Or will in a couple of hours/days?

While it's annoying feeling deprived... if you want to succeed in losing some weight, it takes will power.

And I'm doing something right, cos last week I lost 1.1 kgs.

It's not all about denial though.  I do have some treats, just not every day.  And I am keeping up my exercise, which helps for sure.

It's a long process, but the end result is worth it.  Whatever reason you have to lose weight... Keep it up.  WE.  CAN.  DO.  IT.


Well... I just learnt a lesson everyone has been telling me about.

FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE.   I listed 4 things on Trade Me a week ago.  Didn't sell any of them.

Lacy took one.

This morning I listed the other three on TM Marketplace.

Already sold two of them!  

And no fees.  Derrr, why didn't I do that earlier, without having to pay fees?

Lesson learnt.

Today is going like clockwork.  Getting odd jobs done.  Then going out for lunch, which I'm looking forward to.

It's a bit chilly today, but not raining.  That's coming later on for sure.

2.20 pm:  Well our lunch at the mall was OK.  Keera enjoyed her McDonald's.

ABOVE:  The kid still enjoys a McDonald's Happy Meal.  I was shocked at the size of the burgers now!  So small.  Daylight robbery.

On our way home we stopped in at the supermarket for some fruit and ice cream.  

Now home, and Keera is heading home with her Mum, and we are going to have a quiet afternoon.  My new hotpods are on my lap, they are so good!

I had a lady call in this afternoon to pick up one of the items I listed on FB Marketplace.  The second item is going in a couple of weeks (to a cousin of mine) and the third item looks like it will be sold by tomorrow night.  So that's called a RESULT! 

Apart from that, it's been a quiet afternoon and evening.  Just keeping warm, watching TV and reading.


  1. I had to chuckle at that comment about chips. I often say "is there cake" or similar knowing full well I don't have any because if I did, I'd eat it!

  2. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Our solution is single serves. We never have a package of anything in the house. (This includes bread and noodles.)

    There are local shops that sell one slice of cake, one slice of pie, etc. in the summer we go to a local TCBY shop for a single cone.

    We do ONE of those things about once a week. And we do not do it in conjunction with eating out. We eat from home. We go out once a week for a single something special.

    This will not be your thing, but others might relate - I wash/chop and put out something veggie most days. Cucumber, radishes, sugar snap peas, carrots, celery, etc. CRUNCHY! It is on the cutting board, ready.


    1. You are correct, I would never have a vege board out on the bench!

  3. Anonymous11:04 AM

    You'll get there because you want to, you're doing very well so far!! Made a Meatloaf and Chicken & Mushroom Casserole 😋 might head towards the garden shortly GM 💙💙

  4. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I look and look. I have to be mad because there's never anything yummy in my house lol. And I am more than often too dizzy so I can't go out!! But I don't lose weight either because I can't get outside and exercise! Stress makes me dizzy. Hmm kj


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