Thursday, June 13, 2024



I'm off out very early today, because I decided to do an FBG walk at 7 am.

Normally I'd leave around 6.15 am to get there on time, but because the Fieldays are on, I will leave earlier, to be sure to get there on time.

Before you ask:   Mystery Creek Fieldays


Last time I travelled south during Fieldays, it took me 20 minutes to travel 500 metres at Tamahere.  So, I'm not leaving it to chance that the road will be clear, even at 6 am.

AND... the walk might not even happen if it's raining.... so I'll have to wait and see if the leader cancels or not.  She has until 6 am to let me know.

There will probably be a cafΓ© visit after the walk, if it happens, so I won't be in any rush to get home.  It's always nice to sit and chat after a walk.

The pain in my hips/lower back is still there, so as long as I can walk at a moderate pace, I should be ok.  If it is no better by say, 12 noon, I will take myself off to the Dr. 

Walking isn't going to hurt me, it actually feels better moving, as opposed to just sitting. 

ABOVE:  I can't believe THAT is MY cooktop!  It's gorgeous.  And blue. I boiled some water, just so I could turn it on.  And it boiled in about 20 seconds!!!  I. LOVE. IT.


I woke at 3.43 am.  I couldn't get back to sleep after that.  So as a consequence, I ended up leaving the house at 5.30 am!

Thinking there would be traffic jams at Tamahere... NOPE.  None at that time in the morning.

So I got to Cambridge at 6 am.

ABOVE: It was still pitch black outside.  I sat in my car for an hour, waiting for everyone to arrive for the walk.

Doped up to the eyeballs on painkillers.  Which, by the way, doesn't really take the pain away.  Maybe just dulls it a bit.

ABOVE: The walk itself was a nice distance.  It was quite cold, and I didn't warm up for quite a while.

With my back/hips, as long as I made sure I didn't twist in any direction, I was OK.  Deep breathing is still a problem, so is getting the bloody hiccups!  That hurts.

I've decided to wait until tomorrow to visit the doctor (If I'm no better by then).  I'm feeling a bit off right now, and don't feel like going out again.

I'm going to get back into bed and have a nap now.

TWO.   HOURS.   LATER.... and OMG I feel so much better now!

My left hip is still sore, but the rest (lower back and right hip) are much better.  I used a hot wheat bag and actually slept for two hours.  It was so good waking up feeling like a human again.

I took Tramadol this morning before walking, and it turned me into a zombie!  I felt quite ill in fact.  But then, I'd not had anything to eat, that probably didn't help.

Lacy just visited to pick up a parcel from TEMU.  She got some rather nice clothes for a dead cheap price.   I might even have a look on there soon.

Well... once I've lost these last goddam 10 kilos!

Right now though... I am going to have some lunch and then read more of my book.  

Lazy boy chair/blankie/diet coke... what more could I ask for?

ABOVE: Two walk photos today.  Funny, I don't look like a Zombie, but OMG I felt like one.

I got up out of my chair, went and checked the letterbox, then did a couple of other things inside before I sat down again.
Then I realised.... NO PAIN!  
No pain at all.  OMG ... what if it's over?  All better?  That would be so good.  It's been four days of pain.  Fingers crossed.

It's a pub night for Stew.  I'm not sure what my plans are, or Jacqui's yet.  But it looks like I might be at home on me own.  All good.  

8.13 pm:   I picked Stew up from the pub, and we both came home.  Jacqui is out and about, we will see her later.
My hips/back is STILL feeling great!  I'm so excited that this pain episode is possibly over.
Now though, it's time to sign off for the day.


  1. Kiwionholidays11:13 AM


  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I hope you were able to nap or at least rest. I've had back problems all of my life and I know what you are going through. Hopefully you're better tomorrow. Ky Girl

  3. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Think I’ve mentioned this before Chris.....why don’t you go on to Google Maps on your phone, key in destination and it will tell you how long in real time it will take to drive there 🀷‍♀️Marie, Melbourne

    1. Yes you have. Does it tell you the real time when there's unexpected traffic delays?

    2. Yes and it tells you quicker routes

    3. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Yes Chris. As Lacy says. When you hit “Directions” it comes up with the quickest route, factoring in heavy traffic, accidents, incidents etc. And it will tell you how long that route will take. I check a number of times before I leave to check if conditions are still the same. Make sure it’s Google Maps and not the Maps app on the phone, that’s useless. Marie, Melbourne

    4. Anonymous12:03 AM

      I think you can also adjust the time. So if you want to check early in the morning, how long a drive will take later that day, you can adjust the map clock to predict travel time at that hour.

      You will want to check again later, to be sure road conditions (an accident, construction) have not changed.

      I use my maps if I am going any distance at all or traveling on roads I rarely use, specifically because it will look for road closures, construction, accidents.

      I do use the map on my phone because it is hands free. Siri will pull up directions on command, without me even looking at my phone , and I can say “Siri, end navigation” when I arrive and it turns the map off/talking.

      I have lived in the same area for over 40 years, sometimes the routes Siri picks surprise me. She is clever at finding the least congested way.

      She will also look up the hours a store is open, in addition to directions.


  4. Omg look after yourself!!

  5. OH! I want to see Lacy's clothes. Especially the ones she is happy with. With those places some things are better than others.

  6. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Please be careful using Temu. The stuff comes in from China where they use political prisoners and slave labour. There is a very big question mark over items bought through that online facility.

  7. Good to hear the pain has lifted. Take care.

  8. Did the walk cure the pain? Better keep up with those walks now!


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