Sunday, June 09, 2024



For a long time now, I've found myself getting cross with Coco.

She barks whenever she sees Stew's car arrive home, or if she sees him (or anyone) outside the house.

ABOVE:  She sits 'on guard' in the doorway, watching out the window, and if she sees anyone she barks her bloody head off.

Yesterday I found myself yelling at her twice:  " It's ONLY DAD Coco! " 

And I got cross with her again.


She can't hear very well.  Nor can she see very well.

So, she sees 'something/someone' moving around outside, and she barks.  Normal for a dog right?

Only, she can't tell it's Stew, so she still barks.

I get it now.  

Now I feel bad.  I must remember she's getting  old, and make allowances for her.

Luckily, when I have yelled at her, she couldn't hear me anyway!  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜„πŸ˜…

Today we have Steve coming over to maybe install the new melamine panel where the old oven was.  There's quite a gap left where the old oven was, hence needing a new panel.

Once that is done, we can go ahead and get an electrician in to actually install the new oven and cooktop.  THAT is going to be exciting.

We have coped very well without an oven and cooktop to be  honest, but it will be nice to have them up and running again.

I was going to cook scones last weekend, until Stew reminded me you actually need an oven to cook them.  Derrr.  Hence we made pikelets instead.  Just as nice, just not scones.

Once Steve has been and gone (and probably the family as well), we might go for a nice afternoon walk.  There is a section of the river pathway I'd like to investigate, a section we have not walked yet.  In fact, there's quite a few sections we have not walked yet, which I look forward to walking over time.


Steve arrived quite early, luckily we were out of bed, having slept in for ages.

ABOVE:  After many measurements being taken, he removed the old panel and took it home to use as a template for the new one.  He will be back later on today to fit the new one.

Stew and I decided to go for our walk after he left, rather than leave it till this afternoon.

There is some nasty weather predicted for this afternoon, so best to get out and about now, while it's still fine.

ABOVE:  Our Sunday stroll.  Not a long walk by any means, it wasn't so much about exercise today, more about enjoying the surrounds.

ABOVE: That is the Flagstaff Footbridge, which crosses over the Waikato River, and you can walk for miles in both directions.

We've done some of that walkway.  Today we decided to go under that bridge, and stay on the eastside of the river, heading towards the Pukete Bridge.

ABOVE: There were some really lovely views along the way.  This walkway only goes along the riverbank to the Pukete Bridge, then it goes up to River Road.

ABOVE:  A dead tree stump, covered in mushrooms (or toadstools?).  Very pretty.

ABOVE:  Dead end under the Pukete Bridge.  We turned around and walked back along the riverbank, rather than head up to River Road.

ABOVE: Part way back, and there was another path heading into a reserve, so we took that path, which took up back to River Road eventually.
That last stretch was bloody steep!  Stew gave me a helping 'hand', pushing me up the steepest part!  Hand on me butt.  He didn't mind at all.

ABOVE: The Te Hikuwai Reserve, which has it's entrance right by the Flagstaff roundabout.  NEVER noticed it before, even though we have driven around that roundabout dozens and dozens of times!  

Once we got back to our car, we came home to do a couple of jobs, then we might go out for some lunch.

ABOVE:  Three vehicle smash on the intersection between River Road and Wairere Drive.  Luckily, only minor injures.

Because our journey to The Base was blocked by that accident, we went to Chartwell Square instead.

ABOVE: We had lunch at Robert Harris Coffee Shop.  A Chicken Filo Pastry and side salad.  It was lovely.  Very flavoursome.

I bought a winter nightie, as I've found the Polar Fleece pjs I bought a while ago just too hot to wear to bed.

I shall use them as my mope around the house clothes instead.

Now we are home, and just looking forward to a quiet afternoon.  At least, until Steve comes back.

ABOVE:  Well it seems making that new panel (and shelf) was quite a big job.  But, it's in and everything fits perfectly!  Steve did an amazing job, considering he's not actually a cabinet maker!

I will show you the finished job tomorrow.

It's now 5.45 pm, the kids have gone home and Stew and I are settling down for a nice evening in.

It's wet and miserable outside now... hopefully it's not tomorrow.

I'm hoping to get out for a walk at some point tomorrow.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Hey cool pic of Coco ☺️ oh that's right that was me taking it hehe πŸ˜„

  2. Of course - I stopped reading midblog to find out what a PIKELET is. HAHA. Yea - COCO must be on extra alert trying to keep the home safe when she can't see or hear very well.

  3. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Beautiful scenery on your walk today guys. Felicity

  4. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Naaaw bless wee Coco πŸ™ I didn't win a bean on Lotto bugger it 😒 ohhhh well back to work for me. Quiet weekend here about to do some gardening GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

  5. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Hi all sounds and looks great including lunch....Peta

  6. So my friend cooks scones in the fair fryer and my sister does too very easy!

  7. The walk and your lunch both looked good. Looks like the accident was the result of a fleeing driver ...

  8. I forgot to add very nice walk pictures.

  9. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Love the mushie pic!

  10. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Beautiful photograph Chris. Maggie Melbourne Au

  11. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Wow. Your walks are so interesting. Awesome photos. Can't wait till I can go for long walks again. It must be nice being just the 2 of you now! Kj

    1. Yes it is wonderful. It took over 40 years to just be the two of us. Just a bit longer than the usual couple with kids to have them all leave home. lol

    2. Bearing in mind, when we got together, we already had 4 kids, so had never been 'just us' till the past couple of years.


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