Tuesday, February 18, 2025



Well, what shall I get up to today?

First up, I think I will go for a walk, as the forecast is for cloud and maybe some rain.

I don't mind walking in the rain, in fact I love it.

After that I shall make another runner similar to yesterday's.

I also have to tidy up the runner bags, because I rifled through them yesterday to find the Fish Runners that I sold to the builder and the buyer.

ABOVE: We finally got around to cutting the new watermelon last night.  We had never heard of there being a YELLOW Watermelon before.

ABOVE: And look at that!  It is indeed very yellow.  So, of course we then had to do a taste test.  And it is certainly a bit sweeter than the normal red watermelon.  Very nice.

It will probably be all gone by bedtime tonight.  It's only a little watermelon. 😋😊

And that is me for now.

Catch ya later.

11.03 am:  I've been sewing all morning, having put the walk on the back burner, might go soon though as it's drizzling, nice and cool.

ABOVE:  Braid Runner Number 164!   I can't believe I've made so many.  AND sold so many too.  
I wish I wasn't addicted to making runners... I really don't need to  make any more for a while... but I'm already thinking of the next one.  😖😕😓

***Just to clarify, I've made 164 BRAID RUNNERS.  That's not counting all the dozens of other styles of Runners I've made before them.

I spent the afternoon sewing another runner.  I will show you tomorrow.  Stew just arrived home from work and is crunching a chocolate bar in my ear.... I'm contemplating stabbing him 16 times in the chest.
He just left the room with his second one... WISE MOVE.

Uggh.  I had some dinner, and totally didn't need it.  I now feel massively over stuffed.  Watching Coronation Street, then off to bed.  Hoping for a decent night's sleep, but I doubt it will happen.
So hard sleeping when it's damn hot. 
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. I love the different watermelon now. Those smaller ones are far better, especially for the 2 of us. We can get them without seeds but don't think I've seen a yellow one. In 6 months I shall look for them lol

  2. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Did you ever finish your mosaic tile? xx Colleen

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I also love the tiny ones. Have not seen yellow either.

    164 is a lot of runners.


    1. That is ONLY counting the Braid Runners. There's been a whole lot more of other types/styles as well.

  4. Oh,,, almost to #200!

  5. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Stew, Bad Boy Bad Boy what she gonna do with you!!! Kj

  6. 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪

  7. I love the runner # 164


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