Monday, February 24, 2025



Stew has taken time off work today so we can go house hunting.

After lunch we are meeting up with our Real Estate Agent.  That's a bit exciting.

So, a fairly busy day ahead of us.

Not counting any chickens, as all the houses lined up for today are really SMALL.  Possibly too small.

But we shall see.

We had made offers on two homes earlier on in this process, but we cancelled both of them when those contracts expired. 

We realised neither was the right home for us, and one in particular would have been a very bad choice.  We had a lucky escape with that one!  

Lesson learnt?  DON'T RUSH.  What's meant to be, will be.

As I said yesterday, I am not prepared to 'settle'... we have time on our side.

And there is the option of renting something until the right house comes on the market.

Before we go out and about looking at homes, we have a few jobs we can keep ourselves busy with.

ABOVE:  There's a 'sticky' door that needs attention. Stew had a go at fixing it yesterday to no avail.  So he will try something different today.

ABOVE:  And I will continue packing up what we don't need/use.  Like the remainder of the Britto and the above ornaments.

In the past few months, I have taken car loads of stuff to the Hospice Shops, gifted furniture etc to friends and family, and sold furniture as well.  I imagine after we move I will be getting 'rid' of even more.

It is not lost on me that I've spent all my life accumulating 'stuff', and now I'm getting rid of 70% of it!

I will only be keeping those things that I really, really, REALLY LOVE, or need.

At the end of the day, it's just STUFF.  

What matters more than anything else is the people you love, and who love you. 

11.30 am:  And it's so strange!  I have very little left to actually pack.  Most that's left here we will need until we move, either rent/or buy.

I'm about to cook our lunch, which is lamb chops and veges.  Then we will be going out and about.

Stew has fixed the sticky door.  He had to sand it back, so I have to re-paint it now. That will be a job I do when I'm re-painting a few walls.  God damn, I hate painting so much!  I'll be so relieved once it's all done and I can relax.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    It will be interesting looking at other homes today. Stews got 3 legs??? Lol have a good day. Kj


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