ABOVE: This season? Not a huge amount of fruit, but some. I'm happy we get to taste them before we move.
I shall be making some for Stew's dinner later on. They are best eaten very fresh.
Posted by
Chris H
6:30 AM
We have three months until we move. And I need to stop racing around like a mad thing, trying to get everything done NOW.
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This afternoon we will be making an offer on the home we saw on Monday. If all goes well, and our offer is accepted, it will go UNCONDITIONAL in a couple of weeks.
It's all a waiting game right now. I hate waiting games!
With those words (above) in mind, I'm actually not going to do much today.
First up, I will paint the last two walls. I have been procrastinating over them, they should have been done yesterday, but I just couldn't face yet more painting.
Once that is done I will have some enjoyable sewing time. I was going to buy some fabric that would suit the lounge suite we will be taking with us, but I might not need to.
ABOVE: I have decided to use one of the Dragonfly Panels instead. I shall have to cut it down a bit so it's not too big, but I reckon it works.
Posted by
Chris H
6:08 AM
I'm exhausted.
Some days I wake up and I have NO IDEA what freakin' day it is.
I know I have a big list of things to do, and I am slowly getting through them. But not necessarily in the right order.
I start one thing, walk down the hallway and see something else I need to do, and do it. Then wonder why that other job isn't already done?
Yesterday I didn't get our bed made until almost 5 pm! I took the headboard off our bed, to clean the wall and skirtings behind the bed.... so that delayed making the bed. Then, halfway through doing that job, I started doing something else, and so the bed didn't get made. See? So distractable.
ABOVE: Our Estate Agents gave us this lovely gift, to celebrate selling our home. How nice is that. Those two little blue pottery dishes for the relish's are delightful.
We will be left with the cream La Z Boy Suite, and the Patchwork furniture.
With that in mind... the teal/blue table runner I made for that coffee table, and the matching smaller one for the small coffee table between our lounge chairs are now not the right colour. They do not 'go' with that furniture at all.
So they are going back into my market stash.
And I will need to make something else for the coffee table.
YAAA, something to sew! I might even need to buy some fabric that will suit... such a shame (but not really). As ya all know, most of my fabrics are in storage. 😖😕😂
Well... I better get up and start the day. I wonder what I will get done today?
- take a load over to the storage unit.
- finish the painting.
Dunno what else yet.
Posted by
Chris H
6:13 AM
Well, I thought all the stress was over.
But, it probably isn't.
We have to wait a few days before we can make an offer on the home we viewed yesterday.
When you are dealing with rather elderly owners, you can't rush them.
So... there's a few days before we can put something on paper.
Meantime, I'm stressed out... AGAIN.
Today I shall continue packing stuff. I still have the Britto to pack up.
And I will probably make a start on sanding all the little spots on walls that need sanding, then painting.
I have a load I can take over to our storage unit as well. So see? Plenty to do.
Stew is back at work today, it was nice having him home yesterday I must say. Nice to have company on a Monday.
Posted by
Chris H
6:32 AM
Stew has taken time off work today so we can go house hunting.
After lunch we are meeting up with our Real Estate Agent. That's a bit exciting.
So, a fairly busy day ahead of us.
Not counting any chickens, as all the houses lined up for today are really SMALL. Possibly too small.
But we shall see.
We had made offers on two homes earlier on in this process, but we cancelled both of them when those contracts expired.
We realised neither was the right home for us, and one in particular would have been a very bad choice. We had a lucky escape with that one!
Lesson learnt? DON'T RUSH. What's meant to be, will be.
As I said yesterday, I am not prepared to 'settle'... we have time on our side.
And there is the option of renting something until the right house comes on the market.
Before we go out and about looking at homes, we have a few jobs we can keep ourselves busy with.
ABOVE: There's a 'sticky' door that needs attention. Stew had a go at fixing it yesterday to no avail. So he will try something different today.
ABOVE: And I will continue packing up what we don't need/use. Like the remainder of the Britto and the above ornaments.
In the past few months, I have taken car loads of stuff to the Hospice Shops, gifted furniture etc to friends and family, and sold furniture as well. I imagine after we move I will be getting 'rid' of even more.
It is not lost on me that I've spent all my life accumulating 'stuff', and now I'm getting rid of 70% of it!
I will only be keeping those things that I really, really, REALLY LOVE, or need.
At the end of the day, it's just STUFF.
What matters more than anything else is the people you love, and who love you.
Posted by
Chris H
8:00 AM
Last Friday morning, when we went to pick up my car, it was quite brisk outside.
As I drove home, I went past our local park, and saw this:
ABOVE; There was a light mist coating the field, and it looks so lovely. I had to stop and take a photo.
Posted by
Chris H
7:10 AM
Well... yet another family birthday today.
Posted by
Chris H
7:34 AM