Friday, January 17, 2025




Let's all have a good day eh?

First up for me is a trip to the mall.

I need a decent bra to wear tomorrow.

I've been getting by wearing cheap bras from Postie lately.  They are lovely and comfortable, but not exactly 'supportive'.

More like a t-shirt bra in fact.

The boobies don't look that good in the dress I am wearing tomorrow, wearing the current bras I have.

So, that's me.  Off to try on a few more supportive boobie holders.

And that is about all I have on my agenda for now.

Catch ya later.

Time for a change.

Holding on to 'stuff' does not take away the memories.
Having another purge.

Thursday, January 16, 2025




After the comments about me hair yesterday, I've decided today I will go to 'Just Cuts' at the mall and have a TRIM.

Anxious.  Last time I went there and asked for JUST A TRIM, the damn bitch cut off over 12 inches of me hair!

I was outraged.  And vowed to never go there again, or trust a hairdresser.

But, I can't do it myself, so I will go to a different salon, and make my wishes perfectly clear.

Let's call it a 'treat' for me to get out and about.  I might even stop in and visit Lacy and Keera, and see how the guinea pig is doing.  IF he's survived the night that is.  

I have not heard from her yet on that score.  I hope he's survived.

The other thing i need to work on today ... is getting the ball in motion,  in relation to doing the necessary repairs to the couple of areas flagged in the Builders Report.

None of it is BIG SHIT, but it will still take TIME. Which we don't have a lot of, if we are to get it done before settlement.  

Good news, CHOCOLATE the Guinea Pig has survived the night. Tough little guy.

I didn't get to sleep until around 4am... kept dreaming about the jobs that need doing. Grrrrr.

Sitting outside the mall... waiting for the salon to open. No appointments necessary at this place, it's first in, first served. 

DOGSTARS:  We have to honour the first contract ... unless they pull out for whatever reason.  At least, that's what I understand from all I know about Real Estate. Which isn't that much!  I'm sure if we are put in a position to have to consider something else, our Estate Agent will know all the in's and out's.

ABOVE:  I was first through the door at the salon this morning.  Asked for a 'decent trim', and I'm really happy with the amount we decided to take off.  And without the added length, the curls pop up more, nice bonus.

After that I popped into the supermarket for some dips, then came home.

Visiting Lacy and Keera will have to wait, I'm so damn tired... might have a bloody nap.

Our builder called in this lunchtime..  thanks Steve... and checked out the thing on the 'too do' list. All are minor fixes. What a relief. We will start on them this weekend.   
Now.. where was I? 
Oh yes... trying to have a nap.

We are back to square one.

Hoping like hell the viewers from yesterday are still keen.  

I'm gutted. 

THIRD TIME LUCKY?   Or shall we aim for 8? 


VICKI:  I know for a fact the inspection cost them in excess of $800.  They got the LIM report from us for free, which I now regret.

ONWARD.... there will be someone out there wanting our lovely home.

Ya know what?  I am already feeling more positive about the house sale happening eventually.
Remember, we are in no rush.
We now have time to do those minor repairs ourselves.
And if those arseholes could back out of the sale over minor, piddly arse things, they don't actually DESERVE my lovely home.
Fuck them.

ABOVE:  These sneaked in me gob.  NO CRITICISM thanks.  Emotional support jelly beans are ALLOWED.

TRACY: We have checked with our lawyer.  They can pull out over any reason they feel is justified, and they had a 'Solicitor' clause in the contract, meaning their Solicitor could cancel the contract if they felt it was in the best interest of their client.

Seems they thought the repairs would take too long, the client needed somewhere to move to quickly, and so cancelled the contract.

We feel like they simply changed their minds and wanted out of the contract, and used the Builders Report as their escape route.  I'm just so happy they had to pay through the nose for the builder's report, to do that.  The writing was on the wall for a long time, we just didn't see it clearly.

8.18 pm:  Thursday night... I dropped Stew off at the pub, then I spent an hour with the kids before joining Stew at the pub.
I was there for a good couple of hours, chatting with a couple of girlfriends, and of course, the blokes.
Then Stew and I had dinner there, beef sliders and some fries.  Very nice.  We don't usually get dinner there, it was nice for a change.

Now that we are home, I'm going to watch last night's Coronation Street.  Then probably go to bed.

Catch ya tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025



Good Morning... here's to a lovely day.

I talked about getting some elastic for a job yesterday.  I finally did with it what I'd planned.

ABOVE:  I wanted to wrap it around the square trestle table, to give me something to clip the Square Table Toppers on.

It works a treat!

ABOVE:  I can display five toppers on it at the same time.  Excellent.  I'm rather happy with that.

Our next market is on January the 27th, Auckland Anniversary Day, in Cambridge.  I'm really looking forward to it.  We've had quite a break from markets over the holiday period.

For the first time in a very long time, we are having to miss the Tamahere Market this month, as we will be at a wedding in Tauranga.  Luckily, the market organiser is holding our space for us, it will be ours again next month.  

Right, I really don't have anything planned for today.  I will probably  just potter around, do some housework, tend the pool, and so on.

I might even go for a little walk.  Time to get my fitness up again, now that I'm recovered from the tooth extraction from HELL! 😂😖😉

Oh I just thought of something I can do this morning.  I shall re-dye my hair.  That is always a two hour mission.  Hopefully it comes out OK, cos we have a wedding to attend on Saturday.  AND I shall shave me legs and pits... both are looking fairly ragged.  Oh the lengths we go to,  in an effort to look half decent!

10.50 am:  
Hair - DONE.  Might be a bit yellow, with purple tones!  lol
Legs & Pits - DONE.

Phone call from our Estate Agent... just checking in and letting me know we have a Private Viewing this afternoon.  Gosh, lucky there's bugger all for me to do to make the house ready.

Lacy's last surviving guinea pig got attacked by a cat this morning. He's hanging in there right now, but it's a strong possibility he will die.

So sad.

Right, I'm off to do those few things that are necessary for today's Private Viewing.

ABOVE:  Today's viewer(s) will arrive to the delightful smell of a Meatball and Bacon Pie cooking in the oven.
It will be our dinner of course.  Yummy.

ABOVE:  I CANNOT sing the praises of ANGEL BAY products enough!  Their meatballs and burger patties are HANDS DOWN, the best you can buy in a supermarket.
Nothing can beat homemade of course, but these come damn close.
And NO, no bugger is paying me to say that... sadly.  😂😅😋

ABOVE:  lol!  A bit yellow, a bit purple... and I really don't care one iota.  Though,  I'll probably put some more purple shampoo on the very top/front in a couple of days, to try and tone down the yellow some more.
Overall ... I'm happy to do it myself, and save OVER $280!  
I'm thinking of having about 2-3 inches cut off the very ends soon, to tidy them up, they are very straggly and whispy.  

Back to it...

3.50 pm, and I am pretty sure the house is ready.   I just put the pie in the oven, it should be starting to smell lovely by the time the viewer(s) get here.

ABOVE:  I have this notebook, with a list of things we must do before every Open Home/viewing.   I know it off by heart now, as you can imagine.  lol
I just checked the list.   Yep, all done.  Even the side gate Stewie.
He almost always forgets the side gate I might add. 😂😊
Coco is safely curled up in my car, ready to park down the road.  She is happy as in there.  And yes, she has water.

I have about 15 minutes left until I need to leave...

I thought the buyers had brought a building inspector with them.  I was wrong.  The bloke taking photos etc was the buyer... with his wife and son.   He wanted to measure rooms up etc etc.  They are VERY VERY interested... they just have to wait for their Broker to say OK and we could have a back up offer on the table soon!!!

Wouldn't that be AMAZING???

Funny thing, when I left the house prior to the viewing time, I drove out of my driveway, down the road a little, and parked behind a workman's ute.

When our Estate Agent arrived and parked outside our home, the man in the Ute drove up and parked opposite our home.  LOL, it was the potential buyer!  

He must have been 100% aware I was watching from the road, while they looked through the house again.

My Estate Agent said they were really concerned about me having to sit in the car in this horrendous heat.

I didn't mind, I got out of the car and sat under a tree on the grass verge.   Nothing is too much trouble when you are trying to sell your home, seriously.

OH and my pie in the oven made them all drool.  lol  😋😊😋

Well... it looks like we have a few repairs to make to our property, in order for the sale to go Unconditional.  Not too many, so we shall see what happens over the next week or so.  
Steve is going to probably do the repairs as much as he can, and we will have to get a bit of new guttering fitted.  Fingers crossed we can get it all done, and the sale goes through.

At least it is still ongoing... not a dead in the water deal.

And of course, we still have another potential buyer in the wings!

It has been another stressful and busy day I must say.  I am dying for all this to be over so I can finally just damn well relax again.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025




And now we wait.  For the builder to send his report to the 'buyers', who then discuss it, and then reply via their solicitor as to what they want to do about 'anything' in it. Or nothing?  Just buy my friggin house already!!!

My nerves are shot.

I don't deal with waiting too well, and particularly over something so BIG and important.

I'm trying everything I can to NOT think about it, but seriously, it's all I think about.  So much hinges on this.  I hate the idea of going back to square one with another buyer.

If you have been around long enough, you will remember the nightmare we had when trying to sell our home in Auckland.

We had SEVEN CONTRACTS fall over, before the EIGHTH one finally sealed the deal.  

Here, this is our second contract.  The first lot walked away, cos they were after a cheap deal and we said 'NO'.

It is only Tuesday, we certainly don't expect to hear back from anyone before the end of the week, at the earliest.  So, lucky I am not a nail biter, I'd have no fingers left!

My plans for today?  Some housework, followed by some grocery shopping.

Then after lunch I have a 'Secret Squirrel' meeting, to discuss our next home with the Estate Agent.

ABOVE:  Ouch!  90% of the time, my Trulicity injection doesn't hurt much.  Last Friday's?  DAMN WELL HURT.  And I got a bruise.  Dreading this evening's one now.  I hate injections so much!  I could never give one to myself, Stew has to do it.  I feel like it has dimmed my appetite a bit now.  So that's good.  I presume my Hba1c has come down again as well... I really should have another blood test soon I suppose.  MEH, it can wait.

No pain. No headache. No tummy upset.  NOTHING.
Yaaaa, long may it last.

I visited Lacy and Keera first thing this morning, got HEAPS of cuddles from Keera.  So thankful we won the battle, and can see and cuddle Miss Muppet often. 

ABOVE:  Getting those cuddles in... 😂😅😉.

ABOVE:  Keera playing with Lacy's little kitten, who had had a name change.  She is now known as 'Sylvie'.  She's rather cute, for a cat.

After visiting them, I went to the supermarket and spent oh, about $250 more than I anticipated!  How the hell do ya do that?  😕😖

Brought it all home, put it away then went out again to Spotlight for some elastic.   I'll show ya what for later.  If I can be bothered.  It's not really that interesting TBH.

Well, it's now almost 6 pm.  My afternoon has been good, I got my 'secret squirrel' stuff done, then came home and just relaxed.

First day in two weeks I've actually felt NORMAL again.  It feels so good.
Stew just arrived home from work, so I'm going to chat with him for a while. 

ABOVE:  I took the first photo of my bruise last night, this is it again this evening!  Weird.
I've been dreading my injection today, and Stew just did it.
And thank god, it didn't hurt, so shouldn't bruise.

I can relax for the remainder of the night now... not sit here dreading the damn injection.  
Catch ya tomorrow.

Monday, January 13, 2025



It's a special day.  Our youngest granddaughter turns ONE.

Lily has been a delight from the moment she arrived into our family, we love her so very much.  See you this evening darling.

Sadly, Stew has to return to work today.

I will miss him being around 24/7.

It's been lovely having him around for almost three weeks.  

Around lunchtime today we have the 'buyers' builder coming over to do a building inspection, as per the contract conditions.

Hopefully the house passes all his/her checks.  

The contract can fall over on a building report, depending on what, if anything, is found 'wrong'.  I can't think of anything being wrong with our home though, so I hope I'm a little worried about nothing.

ABOVE: The pool is looking 100% gorgeous.  And the family enjoyed swimming in it yesterday.  I will miss our pool next summer.

Luckily, I don't actually have to do anything for the builder today.  The house is already spic 'n' span.  So it should be a quiet morning.

Catch ya later.

ABOVE:  What do you call someone who says one thing, then almost immediately does the complete opposite?
CHRIS HARVEY is one of those.
I swear, I simply cannot do NOTHING.
I decided to make another Square Table Topper today.
Another one that showcases BLUE.

OMG the buyer's Estate Agent just turned up!  11 am???
I wasn't expecting the builder until 12.30pm.
LOL, the Agent got the time wrong too, it's actually at 11.30 am.

So, she's gone off to make some phone calls until 11.30.  And I shall continue working on my topper.

ABOVE:  It is now 1.34 pm.  And the builder has been here for TWO hours already!  He is being incredibly thorough.  And the 'buyers' have contacted the agent several times in the two hour period, asking for this, that and the other thing to be checked!   Like, their son (who's a builder) said he was sure there was a 'bow' in our hallway wall!

Well.  The building inspector got out his huge level... and checked it.  NO BOW.
I have a feeling the buyers are going to try and pick our home apart, and either walk away?  Or give us 'right of repair',  or make us drop our price.
This has been NERVE WRACKING.  

On a better note, someone who came through the  house on the weekend is interested, so that makes three 'interested' parties in the background.

Nothing on paper though, so can't count on any of them coming through.

Luckily, it will happen eventually.  Just have to hang in there.... and maybe this sale will go through?

I'm back in the sewing room now, having spent the last two hours yakking with the potential buyers Estate Agent.  That was nice, she seems like a nice enough person.

ABOVE:  Lily checking out her new books.  This kid loves books.

ABOVE:  Clever parents, put baby in a paddle pool so she can eat her birthday cake and not make a mess on the floor.
It was a very nice cake too.

And now, we are home, and it will be our usual evening. I am still feeling really 'wired' after today's stress, so hopefully I can unwind now,  and just relax.
Catch ya tomorrow.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

OPEN HOME 2 PM - 2.30 PM


Good Morning!

And here's hoping it's a good day.

The weather is looking fab again.

ABOVE:  We picked all the plums off our tree last night.... before the birds got them all.

I am going to leave them out on our bench today, with a sign saying 'Help Yourself' during the Open Home.

Hopefully some are taken, cos we can't eat them all, and I'm sure not set up for making jam right now.

Any left can go to work with Stew tomorrow, to give to his staff.

There isn't much we need to do for today's Open Home.  We might just go out for a wander around a mall to kill time.

Let's see what eventuates.

11.23 am:  just home from a very successful shopping outing.  We found a gift for Miss Lily's first birthday.
Then went on the hunt for a new drinking bottle for me, one that was thermal, but not with a screw top lid to access the liquid.  t
They are a fag.

ABOVE:  Stew in Rebel, the third shop we looked in.  Rather pricey in there, and nothing that I wanted.

ABOVE:  Last stop, Briscoes. And they had the perfect bottle, at more than half the original price.  SOLD.

Home now, and about to do the few jobs that need doing before the Open this afternoon.

Feeling pretty good today... certainly better than yesterday.  I've not had any pain killers since last night, and they were the only ones I took yesterday, so we are doing really well eh?  Still taking the anti biotics, cos well... YOU ALL TOLD ME TO!  lol

There is, believe it or not, a BONUS to having ya tooth out and suffering for almost two weeks!

ABOVE:  I lost 3.1 kilos!  And I think I can tell ... well in me face at least.  The boobs?  Yeah Nah.
It will happen... I just have to keep trying.
I'm going back to NO SUGAR, starting today.
That should help.

It is an amazingly gorgeous summer day out there... certainly will find us all in the pool after our Open Home.

2.40 pm:  And we had our first ZERO visitors today.  It had to happen eventually.  Our Estate Agent said it was like that with most of her Open Homes today.  People are busy getting ready to go back to work tomorrow, or coming home from holidays... bla bla bla.
Never mind.  We are not worried.  

Now, it is pool time.

ABOVE: A certain wee girl started doing this yesterday, and we got to see it today.
Just days before her first birthday... clever little bubba.

6.55 pm:  Just had our dinner, which was gnocchi and meatballs in a honey/garlic/soy sauce. It was delicious.  I swear Gnocchi is one of my newest favourite foods.  You can add so many different things to it.  
I'm so thankful my appetite is back, because I was running on empty for quite a while there.
And now I am feeling a million times better.

On that happy note, I'm outta here.  We are going to enjoy a quiet evening in front of the telly.
Catch ya tomorrow.

Saturday, January 11, 2025



I'm smiling!

Feeling pretty good.  Had a good night's sleep, only mild pain now to deal with.

It's OVER.  I'm definitely on the road to recovery.

Just as well.

We have an Open Home today, and another one tomorrow.  I need to be feeling up to it.

They are both in the afternoon, so we get plenty of time to do the necessary stuff.

ABOVE: This is the little trestle table I will be using to 'show case' my Square Table Toppers on, at market.  I now have 5 ready to go.
I'm not that happy with the fabric I used to make the table 'cover'... I might even just take it off?

ABOVE: This is the blue one I finished late yesterday afternoon.  I love it... but of course!  It's BLUE after all.  😊😉  I wasn't planning on putting the final bright blue border on it, but it just needed it to finish it off.  So glad I did it.

I'd love to make a few more, but it might be prudent to see how well they go at market, before making any more.  Shame really, cos they are fun, and fast to make.

12.30 pm. Just waiting till it's time to leave the house. Everything is ready.
I had a morning nap!
Kinda ran out of energy. 
And while it's a gorgeous summer day, I'm COLD! 
No, I don't have a temperature,  just feeling bone tired.
Clearly not 100% yet.

Annoying, cos yesterday I felt really good. Not so much today.

I think after the Open we will grab something for a late lunch then just have a quiet afternoon. 

I feel like maybe we will have no one at the Open today. But I thought that would happen last Sunday too... and we had a big turn out. So, let's wait and see...

3.00 pm : And we saw several viewers today!
Not as many as last Sunday, but still a decent amount for this time of year. 
After the Open we went to Burger Fuel for lunch.
You must go if you have never been there, they make THE BEST BURGERS in New Zealand.  Hands down.

I'm now going to have a nana nap again. My head is POUNDING. 

7.47 pm:  Well it's been a quiet afternoon.  I watered the gardens, we picked all the plums off our tree before the birds got them all, and we had bits 'n' bobs for dinner.
I'm now catching up on three missed Coronation Street episodes.
Then I'll be off to bed.
To hopefully sleep well.

Catch ya tomorrow.