My mind and body are telling me to SLOW DOWN.
We have three months until we move. And I need to stop racing around like a mad thing, trying to get everything done NOW.
ABOVE: I need to heed those words.This afternoon we will be making an offer on the home we saw on Monday. If all goes well, and our offer is accepted, it will go UNCONDITIONAL in a couple of weeks.
It's all a waiting game right now. I hate waiting games!
With those words (above) in mind, I'm actually not going to do much today.
First up, I will paint the last two walls. I have been procrastinating over them, they should have been done yesterday, but I just couldn't face yet more painting.
Once that is done I will have some enjoyable sewing time. I was going to buy some fabric that would suit the lounge suite we will be taking with us, but I might not need to.
ABOVE: I have decided to use one of the Dragonfly Panels instead. I shall have to cut it down a bit so it's not too big, but I reckon it works.It certainly 'tones' in with the Patchwork Chair! lol
ABOVE: The other thing I need to make is fabric covers for the arms of these chairs. Stew is a bit of a piglet, the arms of his chair will be filthy before we know it.IN FACT, last night he dripped Soya Sauce on one of the arms! So yeah, I will be making quite a few, so I can switch them out as he messes them up! 😂😁😅
A conversation with Stew the other night.
He looked at me and said "I'm worried about this move."
I was like "Why? This was your idea!"
And he replied:
"I am never gunna know where I'm sitting in this new house when I come home, because you will be able to move our lounge chairs around all over the place!"
One 'downside' of not having the big Blue Leather Lounge Suite!!!! Or is it an UPSIDE??? LOL
I'm going to LOVE moving shit around. 😂😅😁
ABOVE: 8.25 am and the second to last wall is painted. And the skirting boards are cleaned, one less job on moving day. Ignore the weird lights on the wall, they are from the kitchen lights reflecting on wet paint.
One more wall and I can put the goddam paint shit away.
10.22 am and all the painting I intend doing is DONE. Paint tray, brushes, roller etc all cleaned and put away.
I had a shower to get all the paint off ME.
Our Estate Agent just rang, she's working with the other agent to get our Contract to Buy ready for us to sign. She just has to get a couple of points sorted out.
So that is ticking along in the background.
I have sat down for a rest. YES. Rest.
It may not last long, but I am taking breaks when I feel I need to.
Seriously, there isn't too much more I can do around here now.
1.47 pm: I went out at lunchtime, picked up Stew and we headed over to the Real Estate Office.
ABOVE: We have signed a contract to buy. Now we have to wait for the agent to present it to the current owner. Hopefully they don't want to haggle, cos I'm really not in the mood to haggle YET AGAIN over a house.
I tell ya, the paperwork on this deal seems bigger than the darn house!
I don't know if I've mentioned it on here, but the house we are buying is a TEENY, TINY place, and will be only just big enough for us.
Next thing.
I know I'm going to upset a few people (obviously), but NO, we will not be replacing our La Z Boy Lounge Suite.
WE like it.
It is very comfortable.
It is practical for the space in our new home.
And YES, we will have arm rest cloths, cos they are easy to clean. I don't freakin well care if it looks like an old folks home.
ONE day ... we will be old folks.
We only have to please ourselves at the end of the day.
I'm now having a rather late lunch of crackers and salmon dip. Really YUM.
AND ... my feet shall stay up for at least the next couple of hours. See? Taking it easy.
VERY QUICKLY... I do have some news, but am out right now so will fill you in later.
House purchase negotiations went on for two hours... and by 5 pm we had a result we were all happy with... and our contract was signed by all involved, dated and sent off to the solicitors.
We have a two week wait for that contract to become UNCONDITIONAL. Our conditions of purchase are standard, and should not hinder the purchase.
Stew went to the pub as per usual for a Thursday night, I visited the kids then joined Stew for an hour or so.
Home now.
Feel wrung out.
I detest 'house negotiations', but this time we came out much happier than in previous negotiations.
Time to sign off for the day, it's been A LONG DAY!
Catch ya tomorrow.