Tuesday, June 04, 2024



Because Stew and I were so busy yesterday, I didn't get my planned walk in.

So... I'm doing one today.  Over in Cambridge with me FBG friends.  At 7 am.

Which means getting up at 6 am, something I'm not exactly thrilled about, but if I'm going to walk with company, I have to get up early.

Sadly, there's not many FBG walks listed right now.  I expect more in a week or two, once new Challenge Walks are loaded.

After my walk (and a coffee stop?), I shall come back to Hamilton and drop off my car load of stuff to the Op Shop.  

Then I shall head to the Pool Shop.  I need more chemicals for the pool.  I now put maintenance chemicals in it once a month, and run the pump once a month as well.  That keeps it reasonably clear till summer.

I also need some poly filler, I'm tidying up a wall in one of the bedrooms and repainting the wall.  

Once home, I'll tend the pool, then I have plenty to keep me busy inside the house for now.

I didn't mention it after our market on Saturday, but just remembered.  I sold one of my Blue Kiwiana Runners to a young man.  He walked past, stopped, came in and looked at quite a few runners, then left again.

All good.  

But then he came back about an hour later, walked straight in and said "I will have that one please", pointing at the Blue Kiwiana Runner on the wall.

I asked him if it was a gift?  Nope, he just loved it and wanted it for his coffee table.

I was so happy for him, he seemed so chuffed to be buying it.  That sale made my day.

It's moments like that, that make the early starts worth it.


ABOVE: This morning's walk was just under 5 kms.  A nice distance, and I didn't even mind the hill!

ABOVE:  Sitting in the dark, waiting for everyone to arrive.  It was bloody cold as, so I actually wore a jacket this morning!

Not quite a frost, but very close.  

ABOVE:  I see the moon, do you?

It's only a tiny crescent today.

ABOVE: Finally, the sun came up.  It didn't really help keeping us warm.

After the walk we had a lovely coffee/hot chocolate at Cafe 9 (a very regular hang out for us FBG'ers), then I came back into Hamilton and did my shopping and a big drop off to the Op shop.

Now... I'm about to flip these over:

ABOVE: Two pieces of corned beef, which have been cooking since 6 am this morning.  We shall have corned beef and veges for dinner tonight, then cold on sandwiches for the next few days.

Super yummy. 

I've gotta go to the shop now for some milk.  Ya can't have corned beef without cheese sauce!

3.30 pm:  My lunch was delicious!

Stew will be having the same for his dinner.

After lunch I spent some time sorting out the garage a bit more.  Slowly getting more room in there, it's already looking heaps bigger.

ABOVE: Fresh in from our walk this morning... the 'official' walk photo(s).  As you can see, it was an almost frost on the ground.  

I'm now taking a little break from housework.  Might put me feet up for an hour.

7.46 pm:  And I got HEAPS done this afternoon!  Rather chuffed with myself.

Stew arrived home and really enjoyed his dinner.

He's just finished doing the dishes, and will be sitting down and relaxing soon.

He just jabbed me in the belly with my Trulicity injection, I didn't feel a thing.  Sometimes I do, but most of the time I don't.  Thank goodness.

And I think it's time to sign off for the day.  Another quiet day on here.


  1. Kiwionholidays10:27 AM

    How fabulous you got up so early and got to do your walk n catch up with your friends there plus have a cafe break ,
    Lovely also you had a great market day as well ,
    Have a fabulous day there in the Mighty Waikato ,
    Feels like Winters come here , got down to 8 deg overnight so snuggly sleep last night n sunny day today πŸ•ΊπŸΏπŸ‘πŸ’―πŸ₯πŸ’

    Take care
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  2. Mustard sauce with the corned beef is even better.

  3. Was super cold here too
    Lovely crisp morning walk though.

  4. Anonymous10:44 PM

    We have been working on our flower beds aggressively while we have perfect weather. No mosquitos, no high humidity, no Canadian smoke, moderate temperatures.

    We have been averaging a high of
    75 degrees fahrenheit =
    23.889 degrees celsius

    The old swing set, which also meant the huge trumpet vine growing on it, was rehomed. We gave trumpet vine starts to 5 people.

    We took out six other bushes and rehomed those too.

    Two beds have been emptied (plants rehomed or relocated to other beds at our house) and will be grassed.

    We removed a few small trees. We have also trimmed lot of smaller trees. A professional crew came in to trim the four largest trees.

    My husband is working four days weeks so we have three day weekends to work. I found a high school boy who comes in for a couple hours on Saturday mornings to provide extra muscle for the harder work.


  5. Anonymous10:45 PM

    If anyone else is having trouble adding comments - try restarting your phone. It worked for me.

  6. The faces on the photo with the yarn bombed tree are PERFECT! So funny.


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