Sunday, June 23, 2024



Because we didn't have any firm plans for our day, we have decided to return to Te Aroha and swap out the 'wrong' cushion, that way I don't need to go on my own in the coming week after all.

So, we shall have another little day trip.  Which will be nice I'm sure.

ABOVE:  Coco is looking decidedly better than she was a week or two ago.  I knew it wouldn't take too long to 'recover' from her terrible haircut.  😌😊😉
You can hardly see where I made her bald on the top of her head!  ha ha ha.
Obviously, I won't be doing that again.
And that's me for now...

We have driven over to Te Aroha, having seen online that the shop is open today.
We are rather annoyed.  I've tried ringing her, but her phone just goes to answer machine. Grrrrrr.
Looks like a wasted trip.
Heading home shortly... just giving her a chance to listen to her messages, and PERHAPS reply? 

12 noon.  Home again. I will now have to go back during the week.  I will TRY to be polite, but it's gunna be difficult.  

Moving on.  Stew and I are now doing to do some work around the house.  Nothing riveting.

We just spent over 2 hours doing new Wills and other Legal Documents.  OMG what a mission.  But it's done now, and finally we can relax.
We 'celebrated' accomplishing that mission with an ice cream at The Base.
It was worth it. 😋😊
But I certainly won't be needing any dinner now.
I'm full as a bull.

Slight change of plans ... I ended up making Stew and I a small salad each for dinner.  Which was nice for a change.
Better get back on track after the past couple of days, where I've been a bit off track.

After dinner I did some work in the sewing room, setting some fabric out for tomorrow.
Now though, it's 10.10 pm and I'm ready to sign off for the day.


  1. Anonymous7:49 AM

    That middle pic of Coco, "I haven't forgiven you yet Mum"😂

  2. Cocoa looks great! It didn't even take that long! Put a short guard on the thingy and keep it up!

  3. Chris, it clearly says on Aroha Fabrics website that they are closed Sunday, Monday and Public holidays (bottom of their website homepage). Just so you know not to go on Monday or Friday (Matariki) either :)

  4. Opps... forget that comment. I don't actually know where you bought the cushion from!!

    1. haha, I realised as soon as I posted. Pretty frustrating to drive that way and be closed.

  5. Kiwionholidays6:52 PM

    What a shame you went all that way to Te Aroha,
    You’ll be like us in the end no doubt ,another adventure to add to the memories,of something again that was out of your control,and you two had a road trip together so got back safe and sound
    Having said that i totally get the frustration of that, so many places we now often ring 💍 to make sure they’re definitely there , cos web pages sometimes are so out of date they need a huge upgrade ,,
    Lovely pics of the fur babies n loved yesterdays blog was too late at night though to comment,
    Commiserating with the guys over the 🏉but at least it was another Kiwi team they lost to not an Aus team but we were going for Chiefs once Crusaders went out
    Have a nice relaxing evening like we’re gonna do here, after a full on week

    🥂 Cheers

  6. As soon as Scott's mom's house is sold we'll be doing the same.


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