Saturday, June 15, 2024



Another damn early start today.

I'm not impressed.  I'm damn tired to be honest.

And while I was so hopeful my sore hips/lower back were all better, they are not.  Still not 100%, that's for sure.  I kept putting off going to the doctor in case it was over... but NO.  So I'll probably end up going on Monday.

Yesterday the weather was atrocious, so hopefully today isn't as bad.  The forecast is for cloudy this morning, and 'some rain' this afternoon.

So, we will be going to market with our fingers crossed that the rain hold off until after market.

Even though Fieldays is on, and traffic has to pass the market, we don't expect this market to be any busier than usual.  It wasn't last year, so we have no expectations.


We should have stayed at home.  We have been rained on twice already, and had to rush everything inside.

ABOVE: we had all that outside the gazebo. It all got wet. We will have to dry it all in the garage when we get home.

ABOVE: Before it rained.

ABOVE: Now. Still got the bowl cosys outside,  covered in a plastic sheet.

As for market attendance,  there's about half the usual amount of stalls here, and virtually NO CUSTOMERS!!!!

We have never seen it this quiet.

11.30 am: ALL is not lost... we are making a few good sales, which is amazing considering the very poor attendance. 

1.40 pm:  HOME.

ABOVE:  Jo Beckett Pottery.  I've known Jo for over 30 years, she lives and works from her studio in Cambridge.

ABOVE: No Lacy, I don't know how much it was.  I'd say EXPENSIVE.

ABOVE:   So many people come to the market just for the popcorn!  It is delicious.  We don't get any as having popcorn stuck between ya teeth all day is a pain in the ... teeth!

ABOVE: We used to see a lot of this craft work around, but not any more.

ABOVE:  At most markets now, you can expect to see at least 5-6, if not more, people selling cakes, donuts and lollies.  On top of the usual food carts selling other hot food.

ABOVE: We bought our fire rock off this stall.

ABOVE: These lovely guys are at most of the markets we do.  
They usually do very well, but today was not so good for them.

ABOVE: Just across from us was this cute little dog...

ABOVE: His owners were selling cakes/slices... which are delicious.  He gave us a freebie at the end of the day to clear his stock.

ABOVE: Random view from inside our stall.
This was before anyone even arrived.  And before it rained.
Luckily, after the two heavy showers early on, it stayed fine until pack up time.
Then the wind got up, making it difficult to pack up without stuff flying everywhere.

In all, a good day sales wise, but a shitty day weather wise, and attendance wise.  We missed having lots of people to yak to!

I am so relieved to be home with my feet up, relaxing.  I'm so tired I almost feel sick.  I'm about to take a painkiller for me headache.  My hips/back are only mildly bothersome right now.  I'm thankful I got through the day without making it worse.

ABOVE:  The family are here for dinner.  The girls are enjoying my lap, so am I. They are keeping me warm.

6.30 pm:  We just had a very nice Chinese Takeaway for dinner.  Lots of variety tonight.

The guys are watching the rugby, so are very happy.  Lily is enjoying it too, she loves the TV screen.

I'm going to sign off for the day now, I doubt anything else will happen tonight worth yakking about.


  1. Rain can keep folks away. Hope the next market is far more successful.

  2. That's so disappointing that so few customers today ... I know you put so much work into your beautiful creations. You will be looking forward to getting home today.

  3. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Glad its not complete waste of guessing your thinking of a nice hot bubble bath when u get home. FELICITY

  4. That’s good news it’s
    Perked up a bit the only thing I can think of with sore hips back that you’ve changed is those chairs. I do hope it settles soon.

  5. Kiwionholidays6:57 PM

    Sorry to hear you’re still having trouble hopefully tomorrow after a good sleep you’ll feel much better,
    Great end to the day though having family there for dinner To’o,
    Great results for the rugby 🏉 I’m sure the boys are happy lol
    Take care
    Cheers 🥂

  6. WOW. I am glad you had good sales in the crappy conditions.
    The new rise and shine photos are fun!

  7. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I hope you get some relief from your back/hip pain Chris. I've had hip pain and it is nasty. I changed my bed and it's not so often now. Kj


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