Thursday, June 27, 2024


Today is gunna go something like this:

Off to Cambridge for a walk that starts at 9.30 am.
Stay for a hot chocolate and natter.

Come back to Hamilton, go and get a hair dye.
Come home and dye my hair.   That will take a couple of hours.

I will probably do a 'before' and 'after' photo, cos well... that's what I do.

Once that is done, I might end up doing some more cutting out in the sewing room.  So much time is spent just doing 'Prep Work'!

ABOVE:  I used to cut out at least a dozen strips from each piece of fabric.  Now I'm only doing 4 strips at a time!  It saves my back.  Why didn't I think of doing that sooner I wonder?

I should be ready to start making some new Kiwiana Braid Runners, using some of the new fabrics, tomorrow.  That will be fun.

There is three weeks or so until our next Tamahere Market, so I do have plenty of time to get a few made before then.
Right, that's all I have for now.

ABOVE:  Today's walk was wonderful!  Neat company, I just love our 9.30 am leader.  Only 7 of us today, with 6 of us partaking in a hot drink afterwards.
Note to self, don't sit at the front, ya end up looking like the incredible hulk!
Seriously hate this photo!  

When will I stop hating how I look????

ABOVE: The walk stats.  Not a bad time today, we upped the speed a little.  It's nothing like the pace I was doing around the lake, but my thinking has changed a lot this year.
It's not about beating a personal best, it's all about just getting out there, being with friends and feeling good.

I am now going to dye my hair, having been to the Base to get the dye, and some more thermals for this cold season.

ABOVE:  for about 2 months, I didn't see any rabbits on my trip over to Cambridge.  I almost always saw them when I was exiting the Expressway, heading into Cambridge.
I thought someone must have shot or poisoned them.  They were just GONE.
I felt so sad.
Then ... they have popped back up again!  
It's made me very happy.
I know they are a pest of monumental proportions, but I like seeing them.

I have the dye in me hair... waiting till I can wash it out, then tone and condition it...

ABOVE: Done.  In the AFTER photo I look hot and bothered.  I was.
Sometimes I think it would be nice to get a hairdresser to do it... but at $315 a visit, I'm like NO.

ABOVE:  It's not perfect.  It's quite yellow at the baseline, and much lighter going down the length.  But in the next week or so, and after a few toning shampoos, I'm sure it will look fine.

I am now done in!  I shall sit and do nothing for a while.

Tonight is Stew's 'pub' night, so I shall visit Steve, Bex and the kids for a couple of hours. 

ABOVE:  Well, I had a lovely visit with the family, I even ended up having dinner with them. 
Now, Stew and I are home, and looking forward to a couple of hours together before bedtime.


  1. You are so fortunate to have a walking group. I am glad you kept with it. You can zoom around the lake on your non-FBG days....

  2. My hairdresser is $200 and she is amazing, maybe one day you will give her a go, you won't regret it xx
    #Lacy 💙💜

  3. Glad you are enjoying your FBG walks. Like you I love seeing the rabbits even though they are a pest. Very cute !

  4. Good to hear the walk was enjoyable. It cost a fortune to go to the hairdress here too. I keep debating as to when I should stop dying my hair. Have not had the courage to do it thus far.


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