Friday, June 14, 2024


 Alrighty... what's on today?

Well I am doing another FBG walk at 9.30 am. So I don't have to get up with the sparrows.  But I will leave earlier than usual, to account for traffic again.

After my walk, I want to stop in at the supermarket for a couple of things.  Just some basics we have run out of.

Lily turned 5 months old yesterday, it has gone so fast!

ABOVE:  Such a bonny wee girl.   

It won't be long before she's crawling around everywhere and chasing the dogs.  That could be interesting.  I wonder if Marley will love her as much, once she's grabbing her hair?  lol

Once home, I will probably just take it easy like I did yesterday.  It certainly seems to have helped with my hip/back pain.  AND I am really, really enjoying reading a book again.  I'm probably going to keep it up now.  

I used to be an utter bookworm, but in the past decade (if not longer) I'd given up reading books in favour of watching YouTube/Instagram and so on.

So... I better source more books soon.  


7.30 am:  And today's walk has been cancelled due to the appalling weather we are having right now.  Fair enough, it's pissing down, with thunder and lightening expected as well.

I am now going to walk at the mall, then get the groceries there before coming home again.

ABOVE: This morning's mall walk went well.  It was a bit busier in Chartwell Square this morning, thanks to a large group of elder people walking in there as well.  I'd not seen them there before, because I usually walk earlier than them.

Lots of lovely 'hellos' from them.

After my walk, I did the grocery shop, came home, made dinner preparations then did some little jobs around the house.

It is now absolutely PISSING DOWN, as predicted.

I'm hoping that it is over by tomorrow, so we don't get wet at market.  But I know, it will be what it will be.

If it's raining, we only put out a small amount, and tuck inside the gazebo tightly.

It's going to be a lazy afternoon for me now.  I'm torn between watching more of Bridgerton, which came out today, or continue reading my book.  Decisions, decisions.


Then Stew arrived home from work, he had his dinner, which was a Shrimp and Salmon Salad, and an apple scone I'd made this afternoon.

Now, it's that time of the night where I say...


  1. Raining here too terrible
    The photos of you and Stew in that lovely bed cover hilarious.
    Glad the hip pain has eased.

  2. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Oh 5 mths old miss lily. She is the spitting image of her brothers. I had a wee giggle thinking of her chasing the dogs. Glad your hip is feeling bit better as is my shoulder. Have a cozy inside day. FELICITY

  3. Kiwionholidays3:50 PM

    Lovely after your early busy start , you’re having some me time
    Well needed and deserved,
    Love pics of Wee Lily ,,
    Have a fabulous weekend
    Cheers 🥂

  4. what book are you reading? I too, have switched from books to video. And it is NOT a good thing. I hate it. I want to read, but video is so easy....

  5. Stew looks like one of those bedding ads lol

  6. Lily is lovely. Love that red hair. So uncommon. Getting in that walk regardless of weather shows determination. Keep it up.


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