Tuesday, June 25, 2024



Monday to Friday Stew gets up and does about 40 minutes exercise.  Isn't he good!

That's his 'Rise and Shine' routine.

Me?  I stay in bed as long as possible, I hate getting up early!

This morning, once I'm up, I shall drive over to Te Aroha and swap the cushions we bought. Then I can show you WHAT we bought!

Once home again, I am going to try sewing...

ABOVE:  I'm gunna try sewing standing up!

And if it works out better for my back to alternate between sitting and standing, I shall invest in a 'standing desk'.

But first, I have to ascertain IF I can work standing up.

So, let's wait and see.

For now... I am gunna get out of bed, shower, dress and so on, then go over to Te Aroha.


I left home at 8.30 am.  It is now 12.45 pm, and I'm finally home!

My trip to Te Aroha turned into a 'shopping trip' to various places.

I will fill you in once I've had some lunch, and edited my photos....  hold on ...

ABOVE: The trip to Te Aroha was uneventful... except for playing 'dodgem' with a ruddy big water tank in Morrinsville.

When I arrived in Te Aroha, I had to wait for the shop to open.  She was a bit late.

When I went in, she didn't say a damn thing about us travelling over on Sunday for NOTHING.  I was a bit cross.

She had ample time to reply to my two phone messages, and/or the Messenger message I left her ... but no.  

So, instead of buying two more cushions to add to the two I had, I only swapped the doubled up one out for a different one.

I won't be visiting that shop again.

I decided to visit a couple of fabric shops on my way back to Hamilton.

They were not too far out of my way after all...

ABOVE: First stop was 'Tis The Season' at Matangi, where I found some really lovely fabrics.

ABOVE:  My second stop was at 'Bower Bird' in Tamahere.  Again, I found some lovely fabrics to add to my stash.

ABOVE: After that I ended up at Lacy's, measuring up where to put the double fridge/freezer.  I have had an idea.   More on that another day.




It was on Lacy's driveway.  She thinks it was her car that did the damage.  😂😖😏

ABOVE: My two new cushions.  So cute, we just had to get them.  They are in a similar vein to one of our big cow paintings.

ABOVE: The lovely fabrics I bought today.  6 are for Runners, and three are for???  I just loved them?  That will do.

Now, I'm taking a break for a little while, before tackling that sewing machine on my bench top.

DOGSTARS:  I will use the machine pedal flat on the floor, not up on my wedge.


And I  have found out I can't sew standing up.  I have to lean down a bit to see the needle and what I'm doing, and OMG, that causes instant backache.

If I were to raise the machine much higher, my shoulders and arms would be working raised too high up... again causing pain.

So.  Back to my sewing desk I go.  I will just have to make sure I take time out to stretch and relax every couple of hours, when doing a lot of work.

At least I tried it.  And ultimately saved myself wondering if a standing desk would work for me.  AND I saved several hundred dollars on a standing desk I didn't need.

I did some cutting out this afternoon, but not for long as I have got a shitty headache.  I need to take a Panadol.

Stew is making himself toasted sandwiches for his dinner!  I am such a lazy tart sometimes.

It's not as cold as yesterday, but still cool enough to want me Hotpod and blankie on.

I'm now settling down for the evening, there's a new programme starting on Channel 1 that I want to see.  Elsbeth... it sounds interesting.

And on that note, I'm outta here.


  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I use my serger standing (PVC pipes under the legs).

    I use my regular sewing machine seated. I cannot do it seated.

    I think THE issue for you is moderation. Hours and hours of doing the same thing is likely the problem.

    Sew or cut for an hour or less then do something else for a while. Like stretching exercises or a short walk or getting your feet up for a while. In the summer swimming would be great.


    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Typo - standing - cannot have accurate 1/4” seam allowance and nice points standing.

  2. Is that board SLANTED? Standing on a slant board (heels lower) is a great stretch for your calves/legs.

  3. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! I can NEVER unsee that rat! Yucky!!!!!
    LOVE the fabrics though!

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Bugger that you can’t sew standing up. At least you found out before buying a desk

  5. Love those cushions 💕. When you are working at the sewing table, have an alarm or timer set to go off every 30 minutes and have a stretch & a walk for a minute.

  6. Anonymous11:29 PM

    The cushions are lovely!!! Peta

  7. Love the pillows! Customer service has went out the window!

  8. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Elsbeth was a great character on The Good Wife and The Good Fight. She is fabulous in the courtroom. Very very clever.

    New show is okay, but she is not nearly as fun as her original lawyer roles.



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