Saturday, June 08, 2024



It's going to be a fairly normal Saturday around here.

Stew will go to the supermarket for his usual weekly shop.

I'll stay home and do some housework.

I also want to tidy up the laundry area, part of my big de-clutter.

All the bedrooms are done.  The back sheds are 75% done.  The garage is 75% done.  So it's coming along really well.

ABOVE:  And this is why I have lists!

I have lists for EVERYTHING.  Do you?

It isn't just an age thing... I've always made lists.

Bex let me know last night the David's Emporium is having a big sale on Cotton fabrics, so I might just have to go there sometime today!

And that's me for now.  I'll be back later.


Lately I've been spending some time sitting in a lounge chair in the sunroom, soaking up the warmth from the sunshine, and the dogs love sitting on my lap.

And it came to me that I'm way more comfortable in the 'old' lounge chairs, as opposed to the new, leather ones we use in the family room.  We sit on them most of the time.

So, last night I switched them around, and put the two leather ones in the lounge, and brought the two older, fabric lounge chairs from there into the family room.

Then I thought, hmmm, I need to cover them as Stew is a messy bugger!  

I had NOTHING in the house suitable to completely cover them, so I looked online.

And like, NO WAY am I spending $240 for two covers, (ON SALE EVEN!),  to cover two chairs.

So we looked around.

ABOVE: First stop was Briscoes, who were having their USUAL 50% off sale.  When are they NOT having a friggin sale?

And luck would have it, we found the perfect throws immediately.

ABOVE:  And of course, at 50% off, we paid $70  for two 'covers' for our chairs.

ABOVE:  And they match perfectly with the other salmon/pinkish colours in the room.

I'm rather chuffed with them.

And of course, I'm now way more comfortable in the chair I spend the most time in.

After Briscoes, we bought a LOTTO ticket for this evening's draw.  It's a 'GOT TO BE WON' Jackpot of $50 MILLION.  Gotta be in to win right?

ABOVE:  Then we stopped at the supermarket, cos Stew wanted some Tomato Relish to go on his crackers.  And I wanted more crackers as well.

I LOST .400 grams this week, so I'm not that impressed with my efforts.  I need to stop indulging in sticky buns (twice this week!), and eat a bit less.  I have been 'hovering' up and down a kilo for a month now.  Not good enough.

So when you plateau like that, you need to CHANGE SOMETHING.   So I'm going to do crackers and relish for lunch, and move my main meal back to dinner time.  Let's see how that works for the next month. 

ABOVE:  I finally got around to moving that shell painting to the right a bit, and how good do those two leather chairs look there!  

It's now 2 pm.  Stew and I had crackers, cheese and relish's for our lunch, yummy.

He's now outside, water blasting down the dog's side of the house, where it gets a bit manky after a while.

And I'm fluffing around inside the house.  I can always find something to fluff around with! lol

7.23 pm:  Well, Stew did a really good job of the water blasting, then he cleaned our cars, before coming in and calling it a day.

I cooked Sweet & Spicy Beef Ribs for dinner, they were AMAZING.  So, so tasty.

Stew is now watching rugby (no surprises there) and I'm watching Real Crime stories on You Tube.

Waiting for the LOTTO draw.  We have just as much chance of winning as anyone else... fingers crossed!

And on that note, I'm outta here.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Yes, I am a list maker...couldn't make it through a day if not. ;-) Ky Girl

  2. Almost never make a list. But, I don't often need one.

    1. What, not even a grocery list?

  3. Definitely a list girl, i don’t remember.

  4. I am not really a list person either. I'm sure I would be more organised if i did write shit down 😊🤣

  5. Nice chair covers it’s a beautiful day here alas I’m working… had a lively lay in though.

  6. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I use to right list on my hand but if late my hand hasn't been big enough so I txt myself my lists lol Felicity

  7. A great score on the covers! It is great when things work out so well. I need lists as I seem to always forget stuff.

  8. I'm assuming you didn't win since you didn't come back lol


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