Thursday, June 20, 2024



Meh... I really don't feel like getting up this morning.  It's bloody cold.

I think I will be turning on the heat pump for a couple of hours, just to get it above the current 8 degrees in here!

I have no walk planned today.  Instead, I shall be heading into the sewing room and getting a few Kiwiana Runners made, ready for quilting.

I've got 5 ready to start stitching up in fact, so that's a good start for the day.

I will take a quick dash to the supermarket sometime this morning too.  We have run out of a few essentials.  Now days I shop every 3-4 days, no more once a fortnight shopping for me. It's so much easier to just go more often and not have to lug home $500 worth of groceries in one go!

I can still remember the days I'd go once a fortnight, and spend over $800 to feed the family!  I bet if I bought the same amount now it would cost WELL over a thousand bucks.

It's bloody wonderful only having to feed 2 now.

I have the washing machine repair man coming at 1 pm.  Gosh  I really hope the machine can be fixed for less that an arm and a leg!

I will be getting a quote for repairs before I let him proceed.  No way am I just gunna say "Fix it", then get a huge bill.  I'm still fuming that a 3 year old machine has broken down!  

Lacy is visiting me this afternoon.  I have asked her to come and do a couple of jobs for me.  Ones that would have required me to do quite a bit of bending over.  I don't want to risk aggravating my lower back right now, as my hips/back are still a teeny bit sensitive.  So, I am looking forward to her coming over.  *smiles* 


11.34 am. Best laid plans.. ha ha ha!

I decided to visit the doctor. The hips/back were still bothering me so I thought, why not just go? So go I did. 

I stood in a queue for 45 minutes, then waited another 30 minutes before seeing a doctor.

Then I went to get THE DRUGS. 

I could get everything except TRULICITY.  Theres NONE in the country.

So I'm no longer on it.

Fine by me. I didn't feel like it was doing much for me anyway.

I still firmly believe weight loss is totally down to your own motivation and will power.

YES,  sometimes you need a hand..  but for me at least, I'm going to rely on my own bloody mindness.

ABOVE:  So according to the Doctor, and after much manipulation of my body and legs... the problem is my Sacroiliac Joint, deep in the pelvic area.  NOT my hips per se.
She had given me anti inflammatory medication and pain meds.
I am now going to do some of my own research, and see what I can do to help the situation.
Walking is OK, so said the doc.
Sitting is more of a problem.  Who knew?  lol

It is nearly 1 pm, so the repair man should be here soon.

1.45 pm:  And he's been, fixed a disconnected wire in the back of the machine and BOOM!  Its going again.  Thank god I only had to pay a call out fee, which covered his half hour of labour as well.  Bloody nice guy as well.  

ABOVE:  Well I'm safe from aggravating my S.Joint... I don't do any of those things!  lol

I ended up at the pub with Stew and his mates this evening.  It wasn't planned, but I got bored at home on me own.  I had a nice time hanging out with them.  Not something I want to do too often though, cos the 'diet coke' at the pub is actually Coke NO Sugar and it's bloody horrible!  Well, the flat pub stuff is.

Once we arrived home, we just watched the telly till bedtime.  Which is now.


  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Good luck with the repair of your washer. I hope it is an easy fix. Ky Girl

  2. I hope the washer repair goes well. My son ended up upgrading to a big front loader. I think he was overloading it. I think the repair folk were out three times in 3 months and they just let him upgrade and they will deliver and install the new one. So that was fixed. What a relief. I am thinking of trying to cut up a snake plant leaf to propagate more. I was given a 1 leaf plant. It is really tall and flops over. So I will try to make it into several smaller leaves. I have no idea how. So... YOUTUBE.

  3. Anonymous12:12 PM

    And it is all about portion control. We know when we are overindulging, but do it anyway. We humans are our own worst enemies. ;-) Hang in there and I hope the meds for your hip/back do you some good. Ky Girl

  4. Well - hope the hips are okay.....

  5. I am loving the new rise and shine series!! Very funny.

  6. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I had the same thing a few years ago. Had a cortisone injection in my hip which is guided in by ultrasound so they get it in the right spot. Took a few days to come right but haven't had any pain since GM 💙💙

  7. Glad you have your hip issue figured out and so happy the machine is fixed and ready to go without a silly high bill.

  8. Is this a thing that will go away? After taking the anti-inflammatory meds. Do you think it was the chair switch? Is it permanent?

    1. I do believe the Doctor did not say if it was a temporary problem or not! She was in a rush to move on to the next patient. As it IS getting better, I'm guessing it's temporary. AND yes, I think it has something to do with the chair switch.

  9. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I'm loving your photos st the start of your posts Chris. So pleased you have an answer to your pain. Kj

  10. Hope your hip feels better soon.

  11. Great news on the washer! Saved some serious cash. It was practically new too. That medical diagnosis is scary. At least you know what the problem is. Hopefully it is a temporary condition.

  12. I think that is the same spot I have pain too. Walking has seemed to help it a bit. I sit way too much!

  13. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I can relate to the SI joint pain. I first started suffering from that in my mid 30s. It's been bothering me ever since. Some days is crippling. Now that the cold weather has set in I cannot get comfortable in bed and wake up with terribly hip and back pain. I am going to need to buy another mattress topper this year as that seems to alleviate the pain a little. One of those really well padded one. The older I get (now I'm in my late 50s), the worse it is every year. Hope you find some respite soon! xx Colleen


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