Saturday, June 01, 2024



Alrighty... another market day.  We have not done this one before, so fingers crossed it is a good one.

If not... you will hear about it no doubt.

At least the weather is looking OK.  Cold, but not wet.  I've got all me winter wear on, plus the new gloves I bought yesterday.  I'm going to wear my lovely new merino/possum socks and me UGG boots.  So all going well, my feet SHOULD be warm.

ABOVE:  A few photos of me and the girls, taken yesterday afternoon.  I can't get over how tall Keera is getting!  The rate she's going, soon she will be taller than me.


ABOVE: 8.30 am and we are all set up. The market 'officially' starts at 10 am, so we are now twiddling our thumbs. Its quite fresh, luckily not freezing.

ABOVE: Can't say I ain't done enough to keep warm! πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£

11.48 am: I'm happy to say it has warmed up  and this market is going very well. Lots of new faces, and lovely comments about my work. 

3.27 pm:  And we are home.  I've had a wonderful soak in the bath... I feel so relaxed now.

Stew is at the supermarket doing his weekend shop.
I am not moving until dinner time now.

As for the end result of today's market?
EXCELLENT!  A very good turn out, and we did very well with our sales.  
I had not expected that!  So yeah, very happy it wasn't a wasted effort.

OH I forgot to mention... it was lovely to see you Roz!  Roz is a blog reader from Christchurch, who is up in the Waikato for the weekend.  She knew about the Gordonton Market from reading the blog and came out to say 'Hi'.  Nice girl.

8.42 pm:  And Stew and I have had a lovely evening.  He watched rugby (ikkk), and I watched Queen Charlotte, the spin off from Bridgerton.  I put it off till last night, when I watched half of it, and finished it off tonight.
I might have cried a couple of times.
It was (in my opinion) better than Bridgerton!

Now, I'm going to bed.  I'm bloody tired.  It's been a long day.  Smiling at people is TIRING.


  1. I hope the market is going well 😁

  2. Lovely pics of you with your girls.
    Fingers crossed for a great market 😊

  3. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Kerra sure has grown like a bean pole lol. Guess nearly packing up time for market hope you enjoyed it. I'm sitting at laundrette doing the washing. Was 22 before funny temp for first day of winter lol.

  4. Hope the sales are going well. Lovely photos of you and your girls - not long and Keera will be taller than you πŸ’•

  5. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I am glad you are getting compliments, as they are works of art.....Peta

  6. Congrats on the market,glad it was a good one. Keera is growing so fast. Looks like she will be tall like her mama.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Oh shivers lol I'm actually not tall, might just look like it, but I'm actually average hight, Mumma is short lol xx

  7. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I’m happy the the market went well for you

  8. Lovely photos. Great to hear that the market was a success and worth the effort in getting there early on a cold morning. Hopefully you can relax for the rest of the weekend

  9. Yeah for a successful market!

  10. Yay great to hear market went well. Keera is so tall and growing.


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