Monday, June 03, 2024



As it's a public holiday today, Stew is home.  So we are going to continue working around the house and yard.

With any luck we will get to the dump today, as our trailer is getting very full!

We are expecting a man to call in and pick up our large mobile, marble top kitchen bench sometime today.  I sold it on TradeMe a week or so ago, and it's going to Wellington. Once he's been and gone, we will be free to go to the dump whenever we are ready.

This morning I am going to photograph and list on Trade Me the items I want to sell.  That should take me a little while.  I have/am donating HEAPS of stuff to Op Shops, but there's a few things that I feel better selling, because they are worth quite a bit of money. 

And that is me for now, I'll catch ya later.


Another busy morning here.

I finally finished sorting out all the photos that came out of the attic.  I've kept maybe 10%, the rest are being destroyed.

The marble top unit finally left our premises, it's off to Featherston.  I'm slowly getting more room in our garage!

Now... we are off to the dump. 

AND IT'S DONE.  We went to the dump at midday, when it was less likely to be busy, and yes!  No queues at all.  Straight in and out.  $106 lighter in pocket, but it was worth it to get rid of so much clutter.  I will probably find another trailer full over the next few months. 

We are home now, and I'm making us some ham/cheese and pineapple toasted sandwiches for a very late lunch (1.25 pm).

After our late lunch, I pottered around the house doing some odd jobs.  Stew mowed the lawns.

We didn't have 'dinner', as lunch was quite late, and we were not very hungry.  Though in saying that, Stew has been picking on and off all afternoon/evening.  

I couldn't bear the thought of food after such a late lunch!

I've been getting a few things ready to list on Trade Me... most will be on tomorrow sometime.

Yaaa, hopefully I get rid of them, more clutter gone.

Now, it's 7.45 pm, and I'm signing off for the day.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I move a lot of stuff on Facebook and no fees. Hope its a lovely day up Hamilton as it is here a bit crispy but nice. Have a great day team Harvey. FELICITY

  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I was up with the sparrows and went out to take photos what an amazing sunrise here. You're doing a fantastic job with getting rid of stuff GM 💙💙

  3. I ended up sleeping in cos I woke up ready to go to the gym but my shoulder was really sore so took some painkillers & rested then went to a market in town, bought an overpriced gelato & came home to read my book.

  4. OOH! I must try that sandwich! Sounds yumm with the pineapple!

    1. My favourite, but I add onion too

  5. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Holy shit, $106 in dump fees?

    1. Yep. Daylight robbery I know. Once the dump was privatised, the prices literally doubled overnight. It's no wonder a lot of people dump their rubbish on private property, on public roads and parks etc.


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