Thursday, July 25, 2024




Let's have a better day today shall we?

I'm still not feeling 100% cheerful, but I am trying to snap out of it.

There's a few things upsetting me obviously.

One is my weight.  It's gone up A LOT in the past month, since I stopped using Trulicity.

My brain went like... fuck!  I feel hungry again... LET'S EAT!

So 'we' did.  Anything and everything.

What a twit I am.

I put on all that I'd lost while being on Trulicity in about 2 weeks flat!

Talk about feel like an utter failure.  A prize IDIOT.

I knew exactly what I was doing and didn't care.

WELL, that's a lie.  Cos clearly I do care.

So.  Starting TODAY, I am going to cut back DRASTICALLY on sugars and carbs again.

NOT go 100% Sugar and Carb free, cos that only makes my blood sugar levels drop too low, and I end up feeling sick and dizzy.  But, I will curtail the free fall eating I  have been doing, and try hard to get back on track.

Before NOTHING fits my sorry arse again.  😖😕😞

I just find it so annoying how hard it is to lose even 1 kg, yet can gain 5 kgs in TWO WEEKS!  WTF?

CRABBY is how it makes me feel.  C. R. A. B. B. Y.

AS F*#K.

So, let's start the day on a positive.

I'm going over to Cambridge for an FBG walk.  Being with the girls (and odd guy) will cheer me up I hope.

At drinks afterwards, I WILL NOT BUY A PINK ICED BUN.  I WILL NOT.  I don't think I will even buy a hot chocolate.  I'll just have my diet coke on hand.

Once home I will continue with my latest mission...

ABOVE: That 'mission' is to fill this rack with Braid Runner tops, ready to quilt and bind them all later on.

So, that rack should hold about 2 dozen runners!

I got three and a half made yesterday.

ABOVE:  I wasn't too sure about this one's colours while stitching it up, but now that it's done, I like it.  AND it got to keep it's pointy ends for a change.

ABOVE:  This is the 'half'... I'm thinking of keeping it simple, just black and white.  No embellishment by adding some colour to the house in the middle, or adding another house somewhere.  Do we agree?

Moving right along... I think I should get outta bed and actually start the day.  Catch ya later.


Oh shit!  It's 2 pm and I have forgotten to update.  

So, my walk was lovely.  Nice short walk.  No photos.   And I didn't go to the coffee shop, I AVOIDED those evil pink iced buns.  WIN WIN.

Home.  Did a couple of jobs around the house, then had an early lunch.  Lamb chops and veges.

Now I'm in the sewing room, just finished that black 'n' white runner (the top), and have started on another one.

5.35 pm. I'm now at Steve and Bex's for a couple of hours while Stew is at the pub.

I almost got three runners finished today (the tops only). I made one that I think Vickie will approve of. I'll show it tomorrow. 

9.12 pm:  I spent a nice time with the kids, then Stew and I came home.

I cooked him some chops for his dinner, the same as what I had for my lunch.

We are now settled down for a couple of hours before bed.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Yep, I like the all black & white idea. Sometimes a 'neutral' is better, so can be used in room with other colors !!! I use Black and White as accent colors in my bedroom and living room and dining room... wait... almost every room, lol !! I understand your struggles with your diabetes / weight; my son is considered 'an uncontrolled diabetic' - he does right, some of the time but not all the time, but even when he has been hospitalized and they are trying to get control of his diabetes, they struggle too !!! So they now have him diagnosed ' type 1, uncontrolled diabetic' officially. Its hard!! It's taken a terrible tole on son - lost left foot to mid calf, lost right foot, and due to non toleration to prosthetic on that right leg ended up 9 months after losing right foot they removed up to his right mid thigh. Then he was OK for almost 3 years and in January this year lost left pinky due to falling out of bed and 'smashing finger' and it got infected (and he waited to long for medical attention, which would have saved finger most likely) and then in May lost right middle finger to 2nd joint. So I am losing him bit by bit, and at this rate, if he makes it to age 50 it will be MIRACLE (he is 44). Anyways, good luck on watching your food intakes !!! Dawn P. Albany GA USA

    1. That is so sad, Dawn.

    2. I agree, it must be so very hard to watch, as his mother, his declining health. {{{HUGS}}}

    3. Anonymous3:45 AM

      Thank you Chris and sparklingmerlot for the kind remarks! It is especially hard, because he is an adult, he knows that he isn't always good about his diet, nor checking his sugar 4 times a day (as he has been told to do for years). I used to worry I would outlive him, and there is NO ONE besides me that gives him care, takes him to laundromat, takes him food shopping and basically I am his best buddy :). No father in his life and hasn't been since he was 2 yrs old and he just disappeared ! He has his own apartment, receives a VERY small disability payment to live on and food stamps & took us forever to find him a decent apartment that is CHEAP but we finally did. He is my heart...

  2. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Agree, black and white is lovely with no color.

    Still think you should do a gray and white (very muted/neutral) and see how it goes.


  3. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Agree, black and white is lovely with no color.

    Still think you should do a gray and white (very muted/neutral) and see how it goes.


  4. It is very hard to gain 5kg of fat that quickly. When we increase our intake of carbs the body stores it as glycogen (for quick energy release) and every molecule of glycogen has a molecule of water attached (or something like that - it's been a couple of decades since I studied this!) so your apparent weight gain is water. As you cut back on the carbs you will use the glycogen and shed the water as well. Don't despair and don't give up.


  5. I agree with the simplicity of leaving the black and white.
    Sorry to hear you are feeling down. I am too, actually. Stressors of the outside world.
    When you were on Trulicity - you thought it wasn't working - but it seems as though it was! Kind of a bummer that you can't get it anymore.

  6. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Everyone has said everything I wanted to say so I'll leave you with a {{{HUG}}} and a Kiss XXX. Ky Girl

  7. I love the coloured runner and the black n white runner.
    My sister sadly has gained nearly all her weight back from diabetes control through Sydney hospital she’s annoyed at herself too big hugs.

  8. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Love the colourful runner! That's the best one yet!

  9. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Hi I really like the runners and I have sent you an email....Peta

  10. Rockstar on skipping the iced buns. I know exactly how you feel. Keep strong. Runners look great.

  11. I feel for you. Why can't we just lose the damn weight and keep it off. You've got so much temptation around you. Makes it so much more difficult. Good luck on the next leg.
    As usual, love the runners.

  12. I have been following Dr. Michael Mosley's Fast 800 diet and have lost 9kg. I will tag you in a post I wrote about it. I am half way through my 7th week. For me, the hardest thing was accepting that I have to permanently change how I eat. It' s hard.

    1. I will check out the Fast 800 ... just for you. though I think I am pretty much going to be doing something very similar for the next few months to get back on track. Lots of Protein, VERY low carb... NO SUGAR.


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