Sunday, July 21, 2024




ABOVE:  Run the bath...

ABOVE: Get yourself a drink, book to read, peanuts to eat and ya phone to keep up to date...

ABOVE: Wallow, like the cherub you are...

ABOVE:  Drink copious amounts of Totara Cafe, then decide to shave ya legs.

NOT a very good idea, but hey!

Ya got away with it!  

Even though the soap kept falling in the bath, and ya took FOREVER to find the fucker again.

AND... ya didn't nick yourself once! Bloody miracle.

Get all dizzy... Text the man to fill up the glass again ... so ya ended up having about 6-8 nips of Totara Cafe in quick succession!

Can't read the book!  The words are running together... WTF?

So read the news on ya phone.


ABOVE: Reach for the book again... WHOOPS!

The bloody book ends up in the bath!

Save it.. but it's a bit wet.  Oh well.

Have another mouthful of Totara Cafe.

Finish it.

Stew is engrossed in the goddam rugby, can't ask him for more grog.

Get out before I sink into the depths, never to be seen again.

Afterwards?   Sit in me lounge chair, wondering how I actually feel?

Tired. Definitely.

Chilled out?  Definitely.

PISSED AS A CHOOK?  Definitely.

Happy?  TOTALLY.

Shut eyes.  

Room spins.  

Stomach churns.  


Three hour nap later, all is good in the world again!

LESSON:  Baths are lovely.  But lots of alcohol is not for me.

Today?  Gunna go look at bloody rain jackets.  AGAIN.

This time, dragging Stew along with me.

We are also going to look at options for covering the wet/muddy ground at our Tamahere Stall site.  Maybe fake grass with a thick plastic backing?   We really need some way to keep the water and mud from pooling in the stall.  It was horrible yesterday.


11.57 am. We have had a busy morning. 

Stew did his grocery shopping while I did some mundane housework. 

Then we came to The Base and looked in a few stores for rain jackets.

We finally settled on some. I'll show you later.

ABOVE: We are now at The Foundation for lunch. We have ordered a selection of 'Bar Snacks', it's a nice way to have a variety of things.

Lunch was so so.
After lunch we went 'flooring' shopping... to cover the muddy, wet patches at market.

ABOVE: We bought two large and one smaller rubber mats.  They should solve our ground issues.

ABOVE:  We got a rain jacket each, both the same.  They are slightly heavier than we intended getting, but they were about the only ones we could find that didn't stop at the waist.  We really wanted slightly longer ones.  We are happy with our purchases today.

Now that we are home, we are tweaking the car pack up again, to account for the mats, and to be able to unload in the rain in a more organised manner.  Yesterday worked OK... but it did need some tweaking.

90 minutes later, and we have it sorted.  Hopefully next time it's raining cats 'n' dogs, we can unpack and pack up much easier, and have no massive mud patches putting off people coming into our stall.
The mats cost us several hundred dollars, but in the long run it will be worth it.

Stew and I are now done for the day.  We are gunna sit down and relax for the remainder of the day.

8.20 pm:  We've had a lovely, quiet evening. Just watching TV, browsing the 'net and so on.
Time to sign off for the day.


  1. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I found after the dreaded M I could no longer drink wine. After years of not drinking anything I found I can drink my favourite spirt but I have lost the desire to drink

  2. Hot bath/pool and alcohol don't sit well with me... omg you get drunk faster i reckon. And yeah that's lots of Totara Cafe!!! Ha... i would have been exactly the same 😵‍💫

  3. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Worse things could have happened but they didn't so you're all good!! Slow Sunday here I've done my back in and can hardly move but we'll get there hopefully 🤞 GM 💙💙

  4. As Kittie said, baths and alcohol don't mix. You get drunk much faster. I remember doing this in Rarotonga and I only drank what I would normally have (and been fine) but I was so sloshed it was like my drink had been spiked. Stu had to literally help me walk to the bed!

  5. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I want to try some Toyota cafe. You know what I mean. Auto correct. Is it like kahlua or a White Russian? Dogstars

    1. It is a Coffee Lacquer... very rich. And I don't even like coffee! Though it does not taste like coffee to me.

  6. So I used to have totara cafe over ice cream and cream and sponge cake!
    It’s pudding down here I cleaned 20 company vehicles then boom heavy rain.
    Currently stripping and polishing floors oh joy!

  7. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Seems like you had fun in the you had a busy day, the raincoat looks really good...Peta

  8. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I thought of you on the weekend - Big W had rain jackets for around $20. Light weight and pink, very pretty. xx Colleen


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