Saturday, July 27, 2024



Stew is still snoring, enjoying his weekend sleep in.  I'm just lying here, thinking how I don't wanna get up, cos it's cold.

I have no intention of sewing today.  I've done quite a bit the past few days.

ABOVE: This is the runner I finished last night, it was the third one I got done yesterday.  I am churning them out!
Well... the tops anyway.  They all need to be quilted and bound yet.  *grrrrr*, not my favourite part, that's for sure.   I love putting the tops together the most.

It looks really foggy outside again, so it's not exactly a nice day out there.
Maybe it will clear up later?
I hope so, cos the fog is awful.

Our plans for today?  Yard work primarily.  Weeding.  Prune a few shrubs.  If it fines up, mow the lawns etc.
I'm actually going to help Stew today.  It will be nice to get outside and spend some time with him.

I'm going to tidy up under the pool deck. It has become a bit of a dumping ground for pool toys, chemicals and so on.
Right now I've got pool chemicals in three different places, it would be nice to try and have them all in the same place.

So, that's the plan for the day.  


11.50 am, and so far today has not gone to plan.It was just too cold to go outside and work, so I did go and make another runner!  Stew did his grocery shop then just relaxed in the family room.

ABOVE: This is the runner I whipped up this morning.  I really love it!
It IS busy.  It is full on.  But WOW.  Just love it.
I put a border on this one, to make it wider... it sure adds to it.

It is now, finally, warming up a bit outside (11 degrees even), so we are going to venture into the gardens.

1.30 pm:  I am cringing!   I have to come inside every 15 minutes to wash my hands!  I cannot STAND dirt on my hands.
Now they are feel dry and disgusting.
But, we are making good progress on the weeds and rubbish lying around.

VICKIE:  I have tried various gardening gloves over the years.  Most end up with holes in them, then the dirt gets in just the same.  And they usually restrict your hands movements, which I dislike.  

See, I'm so very fussy!  I'm a pain in me own arse in fact. 😂😆😅

Usually I totally AVOID gardening, but just felt I wanted to help Stew today.  And it is very nice out there right now.  Sun is shining, no wind, not too cold.  A glorious winter day in fact, now that the fog has gone.

8 pm:  Well it's a pleasant Saturday evening.  I made another runner top... probably won't bother to show you as it's VERY similar to the last one.  I just changed up the line up and the green fabrics.

Time to sign off for the day.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    You're sure knocking the runners out. When is your next market? Hope it's a nicer day than the last one. It's been lovely weather here this last week up to 18 and 19 and only down to about 10 at night... different kettle of fish next week...enjoy your weekend. Felicity

  2. I love those 2 runners very eye catching I did think yesterday Xmas runner too and
    Loved it.

  3. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Maybe wear gardening gloves - ?


  4. Like you, I hate getting dirt on my hands, so I use a pair of disposable gloves when a pair of gardening gloves over them - works perfectly every time :)

  5. Haha, I hate gardening and getting dirty muddy hands too 😁.

  6. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Ooh I especially love love the first runner today. Colours are beautiful. You are so talented Chris. Kj

  7. Getting outside is really good for my mentality. My husband loves yard work. I a grateful since it isn't something I enjoy doing. Love the last runner.


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