Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Well, it's going to be a run of the mill sorta day for me.

Off to Cambridge for a walk this morning, then back here to do some fluffing around the house, before heading into the sewing room.

Soooo... what are YOU doing today?  Anything fun, exciting, boring or mundane?  

Fill me in.  

ABOVE:  Last night's sunset sky.. though the sun was off to the left of this photo.   I just liked the way it looked out me sewing room window.

ABOVE:  And HEY!  What is that in the sky?  I think it looks like a plane, but I've never seen a plane in the sky THERE before.  And I don't remember hearing a plane while taking that photo.  It's a bit weird.

I just did some research... and found out...

ABOVE:  It WAS a plane!  Sent to circle over the countryside until it could land at the airport.  I knew it wasn't on a regular flight path.  But, it was an Air New Zealand plane.
That Flight Radar website it pretty good!


11.47 am, and I've been home about an hour.  What a glorious day it turned out to be.

I met up with my FBG friends, and we enjoyed a casual stroll, followed by a hot drink.

ABOVE: Crossing the Blue Bridge, which is on the outskirts of town.  It won't be long before it is surrounded by houses.  They are getting VERY close already.

ABOVE: You meet all sorts on our walks.  Today we met lots of walkers with dogs, and a cute little pony and child, being walked by her carer.

ABOVE:  A nice short walk.  

Now... I'm about to have some lunch, then I might tackle a couple of jobs.

I was on the home stretch with the next runner, when I get an SOS call from Lacy.

ABOVE: She somehow managed to drive her car into the little garden in front of her house.

So I had to go over there and tow her out.

Luckily my little car managed to do the job.

I'm now back home, and about to finish the next runner.

ABOVE: And there we have PE #3.  I could make a few more like that using left over pointy ends, but meh.

Let's see how they go at a market first.  

I am now going to sweep all the bits off me sewing room floor, and vacuum it.

Well, another quiet day here it would appear.

Stew and I had left over casserole, it was just as yummy 2nd time around.

I'm now watching the telly, waiting for Coronation Street to come on.


  1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I deadheaded day lilies and irises early this morning, and trimmed the ivy on the edge of the street. I sprayed the little weeds that pop up on the edge of the curb on the whole street (7 houses, small cul de sac).

    Walked the dogs. Dogs and I ran two errands where they can go in. We watered at my daughter’s and the dogs ran around her/their backyard.

    I picked up my grocery order, went home and put it all away.

    And then I went to the pool for 45 minutes. I do that most days, feels good to float and cool off.

    Came home, ate late lunch.

    Now I have my feet up watching TV for an hour or so until my husband gets home and then dinner and working in yard.


  2. That sky is beautiful! The colors were so vibrant.

  3. I'm working away at my desk, editing someone's PhD thesis. It's kind of interesting!

  4. My hubby has an app that will tell him any plane flying overhead. It's kind of cool!

  5. I somehow managed, it wasn't hard, there is nothing to spot anyone driving into it, this clearly needs to change lol.
    This will be my next project as there is not much else I can do inside my Home lol πŸ˜†
    Iv been here 3 months shy of a year, I'm rather surprised I hadn't done it sooner lol, I mean iv got the fence lol ....shivers lol πŸ˜†

  6. My day was pretty standard, gym, physio, work, dinner then tv. Have trivia at the local pub tomorrow night so that will be fun 😁

  7. That sunset picture is gorgeous. Lacey ... several years ago i was backing out of a friend's driveway with her in the passenger seat. There were six kids running around so I was trying to keep my eye on where they were. Meanwhile my friend is sitting there saying, "oh, oh, oh" when she should have been saying "tree, tree, tree". Side of my car looked exactly like yours.


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