Monday, July 22, 2024



Another Monday rolls around.  And I don't have an FBG walk today, so it's a stay at home day for me.

And I am going to make a runner today that is NOT a Braid Runner!

ABOVE:  In fact, I'm going to be using some of the 'ends' that I have cut off Braid Runners.  The ends that come off, so the runner is square ended, instead of pointed.

I think joining them together will make an interesting runner.  Well, I hope so.

Before doing that though, I shall be doing all the usual Monday morning jobs around the house.

I've got a pile of washing to fold and put away, and a few other odd jobs.

So ... I better get on with it.


ABOVE:  8.30 am.  Preparing dinner, and I fumble with an open tin of tomatoes.  I end up wearing them, and make a hooah of a mess as well.
Splattered tomato everywhere.  😖😔😒

ABOVE: After a big clean up... we have a lovely Beef, Bacon and Tomato Casserole in the crock pot.

Dinner is sorted.

Now... back to the housework.  Nearly finished all that as well, so will be in the sewing room fairly soon.

ABOVE:  2.07 pm:  And there we have two more runners.  I'm calling them 'Pointy End' Runners, cos they were made using the pointy ends from Braid Runners.  

I'm now going to stop for lunch and a rest.

6.25 pm:  And I have just finished sewing for the day.  I have another runner ready for it's binding, which I will do tomorrow afternoon.

I'm really happy to have found a use for those cut off bits.  Waste not and all that, and they are becoming quite nice runners.  Win/Win.

Stew is now home, and enjoying a bowl full of casserole.  I think he likes it.

And that is me for the day.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    What a mess guess could have been worse not sure how but could have been. I'm off to cards making class. A social outing fun. Felicity

  2. Beetroot is worse 😁 Dinner sounds yum.

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Have a great day Chris. Can't wait till I can do that. Few more zzzzzs kj

  4. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Those pointy end runners look great. What a neat way to use all of the leftovers.

  5. wow you whipped those runners up quick!

  6. Those runners came out great!


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