Monday, July 29, 2024



Yesterday, while the family was visiting, I had Lily on my lap, and she kept looking at my diet coke bottle.

So I ... ummm... let her try it.  JUST a tiny drop on the end of the bottle.  She seemed to like it.

So I gave her a tiny sip.

ABOVE:  I'm proud to say that little bubby tried to drink it like there was no tomorrow!

She's got excellent taste.

ABOVE: That was the face when I took the bottle away.  She was not impressed.

I might have to hide my bottle when she's around now.  She really is a bit young to be sculling diet coke! 

ABOVE: This is the runner I made yesterday afternoon.  I used blue tones with this one, otherwise it's another like the last two.  Using the fabric I managed to secure yesterday.

ABOVE:  All three using the same centre and border fabric... same/same, but different.

I don't have any plans for today, except the usual Monday stuff.  Washing, housework and so on, followed by some more sewing.

Lacy is visiting me after lunch, so that's something to look forward to.


1.50 pm, it's been a busy morning.

I got all the housework done (that I want to do), then started cutting out more Braid Runner strips.

That is also called 'housework' to me.  It's the boring, mundane part of sewing the runners.

Getting all the bits ready.

ABOVE:  It is the first time I've used that particular fabric as a center piece.   I really like this one.

Now... I'm going to make another one using a different center piece.

ABOVE:  Meanwhile, the real 'housekeeper' is busy doing some jobs around the house for me.

Lacy is a godsend, why I didn't think of getting her in to do the jobs that kill my back sooner, I will never know.

ABOVE: This one relies purely on it's colour.  Not a theme, or house, or Kiwiana fabric.  Just the colours.  And I LOVE IT.  Green/Aqua, neat combo.

And it's now 5.15 pm, and I'm going into the house to sort out our dinner.  And wonder where everyone is?  It is certainly very quiet today.

Hi guys!  Nice to hear from a few more of you.

So... we've had dinner... and are now just watching the telly till bedtime.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Lovely runners. So glad you found your fabric.

    The three runners in the photo, together, very much have the look of stained glass windows.

  2. HAHA. So baby likes Diet Coke too!
    The set of runners are nice.
    Are you watching the Olympics?

    1. I've watched the parts I like... gymnastics and diving so far.

  3. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Wish I had a Lacy handy -Anne Palmy

    1. Xx I am avaliable xx and I love Palmy 😘

  4. I've been at work then groceries... sucks ass on a rainy night.

  5. Work, gym, dinner now tv. Usual boring day πŸ˜‚. Lily is growing so quick πŸ’•

  6. Anonymous9:05 PM

    The runners look great, the last one is really nice as well....Peta

  7. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Worked in our yard and our daughter’s yard all weekend.

    The temperatures were great. Except for one ultra hot week in June, a very lovely summer.

    Went to the pool every day, twice on Sunday.

    And bought a new (higher) vehicle. My car was too low for me, my left knee is really impacted by my arthritis. So my husband now has my car, I have a mid sized SUV. His old car was traded in as part of the deal.


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