Wednesday, July 24, 2024



Today I will be pottering around the house, doing odd jobs and sewing.

So, just a normal, boring for you to read about, day.

So.  Bugger off and find something more interesting to read.

I probably won't be back until I've made something worth showing you.

Then again, considering the mood I'm in, I might not come back till bedtime!


11.45 am.  And ... no one cares.

Except my girlfriends in Palmerston North, who rang to see what was 'wrong' with me.

I totally appreciated the call.  I'm just in a GRUMPY mood.

It happens.

Trying to snap out of it.

ABOVE:  'Housework' in the sewing room, I got all those black bobbins wound.

I vacuumed the floor, and did a general tidy up.

ABOVE: Then I got the next Braid Runner laid out... and sewed up half of it, before deciding I was hungry.

ABOVE: So I drove down the road and bought a Subway.  Sorry Sandra, I also got two biscuits.  Oatmeal and Raisin, my favourite.

I'm now about to continue sewing.

I did REALLY WELL this afternoon!

I got heaps done.

I'll show  you tomorrow, cos right now, I'm going to get Stew to order our dinner.  PIZZA.

Cos, well... when you sew all afternoon, ya don't give much thought to dinner.  Well, I didn't today that's for sure.


  1. It's ok to be grumpy sometimes but you can and will shake it off . πŸ’œ

  2. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Filling bobbins is so satisfying.
    So is vacuuming!

  3. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I love the picture of your office. It looks so organized and business like. Ky Girl

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Lunch looks good....Peta

  5. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Too cold to do much today. I may have sat in my chair and had a very short nap

  6. Kiwionholidays4:57 PM

    Interesting posts last couple of days Chris
    Some days we don’t feel 100% but tomorrows another day and you’ll probably be back to normal
    Loving your energy, it’s a great inspiration for us all here,

    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  7. Kiwionholidays4:58 PM

    PS love Subway
    Great choice my friend πŸ’―☕️πŸ•ΊπŸΏ

  8. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I've been water blasting the concrete outside ranch slider so it looks much clearer except the windows now need cleaning lol. Felicity

  9. Sorry I'm a bit late reading your blog today .... we had a staff meeting at work today that I was required to attend (on my working from home day - the audacity eh? - Only kidding - it was nice to see the team - but it did mean that I had to be a bit more organised this morning to get myself out the door on time, so no time to read blogs over breakfast today). I hope that your day has improved - it looks like you've had a productive day yet again in your sewing room. Well done!

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Hi Paula hope U r well Felicity

  10. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Have only ever bought Subway once in my life.....too many questions, do you want, onion, do you want beetroot, do you want blah blah, nearly had a breakdown πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Marie, Melbourne

    1. Marie, to avoid a 'breakdown', how about you look online at all the options. Then WRITE it down ... the bread you want, the fillings you want and the sauces you want. Then ya go in and hand them your piece of paper with your choices on. NO MENTAL BREAKDOWN necessary!
      Subway is LOVELY, so fresh and filling. And you can have your subway any way you want... you can have two meats, several different cheeses, bla bla bla.... cos their adverts say it is 'YOUR SUBWAY, YOUR WAY'.

  11. Hopefully you are feeling more chipper in the morning. Take care.


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