Friday, July 12, 2024



Well, sorry to say it's a repeat of yesterday.

Walking in Cambridge, then home to sew.

In the meantime, I have some more family photos, taken yesterday:

ABOVE:  Miss Muppet enjoying her birthday with her Mum ... and me.

ABOVE:  OMG and *SNORT*... ya should have know better!

Life is SUCH FUN.

ABOVE:  This is the runner I'm working on right now... It's so lovely.

Right, I better get a move on, the walk in Cambridge is earlier than usual for me.


When I left home this morning (6.45 am), it was DARK.  It was VERY FOGGY.  There was a FROST.  IT WAS FREEZING.

ABOVE: By the time I got to Cambridge, it was daylight, it was not foggy, but there WAS a frost.

Freezing.  I wore my  thick jacket and double thick gloves.

ABOVE:  Most of this group had already done a walk before this one!

The one I did with them was only a short one.

ABOVE:  Walk stats.

When I got back into Hamilton, there was FOG in my area still!

I went to the mall to grab a few things, and post some papers to Mike.  The last BIG TICK on our 'TIDY OUR AFFAIRS' list.

Now... I've just had Lacy and Keera visit.
Lovely to see so much of them.

And they just left, and I can get on with my sewing.

3 pm, and I finally have a runner finished.  Two to go.

ABOVE: This one is subtle.  I like it.  It's one of my longest ones as well, so would suit a big dining or coffee table.

Now... I'm taking a short break.  

ABOVE:  Yes you have seen this one before, it wasn't bound then.  Now it is.
One to go...

ABOVE: And there we go... a few more to add to the stash.
Over the weekend I'll probably make a start on 4-5 Kiwiana Braid Runners.  I can never have enough of them.

Stew is due home in another hour and a half, so I might just take some time out till he gets home.

Well my darling arrived home, I fed him then we both settled down to watch some mindless TV till bedtime.


  1. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I am hoping you see this before it gets published, I didn’t want to send an email. I’m betting someone is seriously stalking you at the minute, her “layer” will be on speed dial, made me laugh this morning. Marie, Melbourne

    1. Oh Marie I don't mind publishing your comment. Anyone 'in the know' knows damn well I am being STALKED.

  2. Looks like your morning was a good one...bugger the stalkers they can go 'float up canel kindly', code take first letter of each lol

  3. I'm sure you already do, but make sure you hold your grandchildren tight and tell them you love them. I feel like I'm living in a nightmare right now. I still can't believe my cute, funny, lovable Logan isn't with us anymore. It's devastating.

    1. I am so, so sorry for everyone in your family Carol. I do make sure my grandkids know they are loved, I tell them every time I see them. {{{HUGS}}} 💜💙💚💔

  4. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Love the brown. Kj


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