Tuesday, July 16, 2024



I am off to Cambridge early this morning for an FBG walk.

It is the last one I'm doing for this week.  I am totally up to date with all the 'posted' walks for this month.

So, I'll probably get on our treadmill for the rest of this week.

When I get back into Hamilton I am going to The Base to do some shopping.

I'd like to find a decent rain jacket.  My Blunt Umbrella is too big to use comfortably for the walks.  My right arm was really sore after holding it above me and my walking companion yesterday for over an hour.

So, I hope having a rain jacket with a hood is a better idea.

I also need do some banking... getting money out for our market on Saturday.  I often 'raid' my float when I need cash...so then have to replenish it.  

And that's all I have for now.


Leaving in the pitch dark for a walk?  I must be crazy.

Luckily, it was not foggy or raining... at least while the walk was on.

ABOVE: The Cambridge town clock has been under repair for months.  They finally finished.

And the coloured lights are just lovely.  There's a couple of other colours it glows with, but I didn't hang around long enough to get them. 

Sadly, by the time I left it was roped off again as clearly the clock has broken down.  It sure wasn't 9 am when I was there in the pitch darkness.  

ABOVE: Waiting at the corner for the walk to start, and a bus stops to pick up a passenger.  The bus driver gets out and comes over to us, we thought he was going to ask if we were getting on the bus?  But no, he was interested in our walking group, and wanted details.

Nice one.   It was tempting to get on the bus!  lol

ABOVE:  My lovely hot chocolate today.  The barista did a great job giving all our drinks different faces.

Note to self:  Chocolate fish don't really do well dropped in a hot chocolate.  😂😊

ABOVE: Our happy little group this morning.  It really wasn't that cold today.  No frost.  

The fog and drizzle started AFTER our walk, so that was lucky timing.

ABOVE:  Today's walk stats.  

After the walk and hot drinks, I came back into Hamilton and did a few jobs at the mall.

I did not get time to look for a  rain jacket.  I will do that tomorrow I think.

Lacy is here doing some housework for us.  She is going to be coming here every week from now on, doing an hour or two's work.  Stuff I find difficult, or FUCKING HORRIBLE.  😂😅😝

Now I've got this update done, I can get on with a couple of jobs myself.

7.33 pm:  I've been a busy bee all afternoon.  I have made three more Braid Runner tops.  I will be quilting and binding them tomorrow.

I have just left the sewing room for the day. Time to relax and watch the TV till bedtime.

Oh, and browse the internet.  


  1. I much prefer a rain jacket over a brolly ... went through a couple of jackets until i found that the hood actually comes forward far enough to keep the rain off my face.

  2. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Great idea for a raincoat. I am a walker, do at least 8 k’s a day, there is no way in hell I would carry an umbrella. I have a great raincoat, it has a product called Gortex in/on it where the water “beads” and runs off. Expensive, yes, but false economy to buy a raincoat that doesn’t do the job. Luckily in Australia there are sales every day, I never pay full price for anything so was lucky to buy this one for around $250 rather than $500. Wear a cap on your head so rain doesn’t run down your face with the hood. Good luck Chris. Marie, Melbourne

  3. Hello. Good Morning.
    Cute Octopus!

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Rain jacket hoodies are the way to go. Umbrellas are so cumbersome and rarely keep you dry anyway.
    The clock tower is beautifully lit. You take awesome pics.

  5. The issue with most rain jackets is the get so hot! The clock tower colors were stunning. I hope the town can get them working again. That barista is really good. Great job getting those walks in.

  6. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Love all your photos from your walks. I wear a rain jacket, just a light one from macpac and a sunhat which looks silly lol but it keeps the rain off your face

  7. An umbrella hat? That’s on your head arms free.

  8. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I walk the dogs in the rain regularly. Not pouring rain. More misting/light rain.

    I do not use an actual raincoat - way too hot, no matter the weather, it does not breathe.

    I wear a rain resistant hooded jacket if it is cold outside. I stay dry, it gets wet, I hang it up to dry when I get home.

    If it is nice weather, I simply wear a wide brimmed straw hat. It keeps the rain off my head, which is all I care about really.



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