Wednesday, January 15, 2025



Good Morning... here's to a lovely day.

I talked about getting some elastic for a job yesterday.  I finally did with it what I'd planned.

ABOVE:  I wanted to wrap it around the square trestle table, to give me something to clip the Square Table Toppers on.

It works a treat!

ABOVE:  I can display five toppers on it at the same time.  Excellent.  I'm rather happy with that.

Our next market is on January the 27th, Auckland Anniversary Day, in Cambridge.  I'm really looking forward to it.  We've had quite a break from markets over the holiday period.

For the first time in a very long time, we are having to miss the Tamahere Market this month, as we will be at a wedding in Tauranga.  Luckily, the market organiser is holding our space for us, it will be ours again next month.  

Right, I really don't have anything planned for today.  I will probably  just potter around, do some housework, tend the pool, and so on.

I might even go for a little walk.  Time to get my fitness up again, now that I'm recovered from the tooth extraction from HELL! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜–πŸ˜‰

Oh I just thought of something I can do this morning.  I shall re-dye my hair.  That is always a two hour mission.  Hopefully it comes out OK, cos we have a wedding to attend on Saturday.  AND I shall shave me legs and pits... both are looking fairly ragged.  Oh the lengths we go to,  in an effort to look half decent!

10.50 am:  
Hair - DONE.  Might be a bit yellow, with purple tones!  lol
Legs & Pits - DONE.

Phone call from our Estate Agent... just checking in and letting me know we have a Private Viewing this afternoon.  Gosh, lucky there's bugger all for me to do to make the house ready.

Lacy's last surviving guinea pig got attacked by a cat this morning. He's hanging in there right now, but it's a strong possibility he will die.

So sad.

Right, I'm off to do those few things that are necessary for today's Private Viewing.

ABOVE:  Today's viewer(s) will arrive to the delightful smell of a Meatball and Bacon Pie cooking in the oven.
It will be our dinner of course.  Yummy.

ABOVE:  I CANNOT sing the praises of ANGEL BAY products enough!  Their meatballs and burger patties are HANDS DOWN, the best you can buy in a supermarket.
Nothing can beat homemade of course, but these come damn close.
And NO, no bugger is paying me to say that... sadly.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‹

ABOVE:  lol!  A bit yellow, a bit purple... and I really don't care one iota.  Though,  I'll probably put some more purple shampoo on the very top/front in a couple of days, to try and tone down the yellow some more.
Overall ... I'm happy to do it myself, and save OVER $280!  
I'm thinking of having about 2-3 inches cut off the very ends soon, to tidy them up, they are very straggly and whispy.  

Back to it...

3.50 pm, and I am pretty sure the house is ready.   I just put the pie in the oven, it should be starting to smell lovely by the time the viewer(s) get here.

ABOVE:  I have this notebook, with a list of things we must do before every Open Home/viewing.   I know it off by heart now, as you can imagine.  lol
I just checked the list.   Yep, all done.  Even the side gate Stewie.
He almost always forgets the side gate I might add. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š
Coco is safely curled up in my car, ready to park down the road.  She is happy as in there.  And yes, she has water.

I have about 15 minutes left until I need to leave...

I thought the buyers had brought a building inspector with them.  I was wrong.  The bloke taking photos etc was the buyer... with his wife and son.   He wanted to measure rooms up etc etc.  They are VERY VERY interested... they just have to wait for their Broker to say OK and we could have a back up offer on the table soon!!!

Wouldn't that be AMAZING???

Funny thing, when I left the house prior to the viewing time, I drove out of my driveway, down the road a little, and parked behind a workman's ute.

When our Estate Agent arrived and parked outside our home, the man in the Ute drove up and parked opposite our home.  LOL, it was the potential buyer!  

He must have been 100% aware I was watching from the road, while they looked through the house again.

My Estate Agent said they were really concerned about me having to sit in the car in this horrendous heat.

I didn't mind, I got out of the car and sat under a tree on the grass verge.   Nothing is too much trouble when you are trying to sell your home, seriously.

OH and my pie in the oven made them all drool.  lol  πŸ˜‹πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‹

Well... it looks like we have a few repairs to make to our property, in order for the sale to go Unconditional.  Not too many, so we shall see what happens over the next week or so.  
Steve is going to probably do the repairs as much as he can, and we will have to get a bit of new guttering fitted.  Fingers crossed we can get it all done, and the sale goes through.

At least it is still ongoing... not a dead in the water deal.

And of course, we still have another potential buyer in the wings!

It has been another stressful and busy day I must say.  I am dying for all this to be over so I can finally just damn well relax again.


  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I had my arm pit hairs lasered at one of those places at the mall -- Laser Clinics I think it's called. About 4-5 sessions, not expensive. Absolutely recommend it -- they've gone FOREVER. A little painful at the time, but soooooooo worth it. Christy in Sydney

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      My daughter had pits and legs done. She agrees with you, fabulous.

      I however am too blond. The laser has to be able to “see” the hair. Blond does not work.


  2. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Great idea with the elastic. Kj

  3. Hugs for Lacy. I hope he pulls through.

  4. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Sad about Lacy's guinea pig but how did the cat get into the guinea pig cage? I would have expected a cage that size would have been cat proof. Unfortunately cats love rodents and a guinea pig is a rodent. Audrey

    1. He gets time out of his cage to graze and run about In my little front yard area, usually I can go inside for a few minutes and he is safe, well not this morning, turned my back for a minute and a cat got him....he is hanging in there, but yeah the next 24 hours will be.....

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Oh Lacy, I am so sorry. I hope he recovers. Not only you, but Keera too will be so upset if he doesn't get better. We looked after a guinea pig once for a friend and they had a cage with a wire netting bottom so he could graze and a cat put its leg into the cage and mauled him - he died of fright and we felt so guilty even though we couldn't have known it would happen. BTW, I still love cats (and dogs). Audrey

    3. Oh your precious xx thank you, and yes Myself and Keera were both screaming at the Cat, Keera even said some very colorful words in her big girl voice at 8.....something this morning, so we didn't think it got Chocolate to much, but when I did manage to grab him he wasn't acting right....then got him inside and well yeah.....I won't go into to much detail, anyways I had seen this sort of thing before and knew it was not going to end well, unfortunately Keera seen the blood ect aswell so she was upset, we both cried for a while....but seems Chocolate may have some more plans with us, he hasn't left us yet....finger x'd he dosnt xx

      Thank you Audrey xx


  5. Anonymous1:27 PM

    You just need a πŸ˜ƒ. It's gorgeous, you're gorgeous, but I agree with getting the straggly bits cut off. I hope Lacy's guinea pig recovers. Kj

  6. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I agree with getting the ends tidied up Chris. Makes your hair look very thin. I’d go 3-6 inches. Marie, Melbourne

  7. I actually like your hair colour, doesn’t look yellow in pic.
    A good trim is necessary every now and then…makes the ends neat and tidy.

  8. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I get my hair cut every 7 weeks, just a slight trim, makes a huge difference. Every other cut is color too.

    My daughter has longer hair, she gets deeper trim and color every four months.

    Being on a regular schedule helps a lot.

    I agree with Marie, more off this time and then regular schedule.


  9. Pie in the oven is a great idea. Smells so good and you get to it after the viewing. You baking in the car not so good.
    Your hair looks great to me. Reminds me I have to do mine. I've got very grey roots.

  10. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Just curious how it works.

    If the people from yesterday processed their paperwork quickly, same dollar amount, no required fixes, are you allowed to go with them (and refuse to do the fixes for the first people and walk away from them)?


    1. No, we are beholden to the first contract.


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