Friday, July 13, 2007


I don't usually like fridays, but today I do... cos it means after this coming weekend the kids go back to school.... and I can get back to the gym every day and not have to worry about getting a babysitter.... it's not so easy now that Steve and Lisa are not home... yeah I know.... I wanted them to move out !!!!

Steve is coming this morning to watch them.... I am so lucky! How many guys do you know would come and babysit so their Mum can go to the gym? RPM this morning... hope me bum and legs are up to it! I'm revving to go!

Terri (Steel Magnolia) ... I have been blogging for 10 months... and I LOVE IT !!! It has opened up the world to me, and I have 'met' so many awesome people.


  1. Only bloggin 9 months???? Ohh I am coming up for 12 months next month... I think....
    Oh and I am supposed to be in the shower getting ready for class... old habits die hard hey!! fk I better get my skates on or I will get detention....;o) Might get the cane if I'm lucky...
    Oh and glad you had 'fun' last night... Bitch... hahaha

  2. i soooo knew you were going to about last day of holidays hahahahaha

  3. You'll go to the gym everyday???? Sheesh thats awesome, I hate exercise, hence why Im stuck at this weight!!lol

  4. good for you! Glad you like it, 'cause I enjoy reading it...

  5. I'm over McDonalds happy meals for the kids too.... I love the Subway happy meals for the kids .... definately teaching them about nutritious food.
    Oh and Happy Birthday to Izzy!!

  6. I think I am hitting a year and a half anniversary myself! I love my blog and really don't know where I would be without it - probably 20 pounds higher than my starting journey weight. Very happy to have followed you on your journey!! Looking forward to another 9 months! :)

  7. I love Breakers too, except the one here. It's rather disappointing.
    We've been to the one in Hastings and Tauranga and they are lovely.

  8. Thats so kids that your kids, will say they want to go there and not maccas.

  9. Sorry to hear you are sore from your workouts but you are building up your muscles!!
    Looks like a nice restaurant. I haven't been going out to eat much due to the diet but I will next week in vegas as no choice. Hope I can make some good food choices and not be tempted by the dark side. ha.

  10. Must try Breakers sometime - I reckon anything would beat McD's. Been thinking about Janene.... hope it all goes well for her.

  11. Not good that your aren't going to Auckland hun but it must mean that something wonderful is going to happen and like they say all things happen for a reason aye.

    Breakers is great isn't it. We have it here too... big meals though GEESH....

    Love ya

  12. hi ya girl sorry your 'something' didnt happen.
    I enjoyed Breakers when I went to Hamilton still hasnt arrived i Chch yet live in hope.

  13. Sorry to hear your somthin' didn't work out, enjoy the choccy!!! Really does wonders...:P

  14. Sorry your 'something' failed to materialise... It usally means that it would have been wrong for you - karma and all that!

    As for 9 months - seems like you've been at it for ever - I like the way you update your post during the day as things change and develop, it involves the reader so much more deeply in your day - really interesting way of doing it!

    Bacardi and cokes - BAD GIRL!Lol!

    Have a great weekend!

  15. First time visiting...

    How are things in NZ? I'm a big rugby fan and am looking forward to seeing the All Blacks win the Wordl Cup in Faance!



  16. so great that your son is willing to give you that much needed time for you! Kudos!
    I am so jealous that you got to the gym! The weather here is just yuck so i cant get out to walk! AND the jealousy also moves to the fact that your kids will be beck to school soon! lol Mine just started summer holidays 2 weeks ago and are bored silly already adn driving me crazy! (maybe you should send your son here for a bit and i will come out to yours! lol)
    Have an awesome weekend Chris! Keep up the great steps and exercise and of course blogging!

  17. Anonymous1:55 AM

    The number of steps you do each day is AWESOME!! I think I heard somewhere that the average in the US is 5k (?) and that overseas people walk SO MUCH more. Anyway, keep up the good work!

  18. Sorry to hear that the move didn't workout, know that must be very dissappointing. ((HUG)) Please don't spend your weekend down in the dumps. Something else will come along.

    Thanks for you nice comments, don't worry Lola is very spoiled. Everyone gives her treats. It's those sad eyes. She's also been known to help herself.

    Take Care.

  19. I'm always so impressed with your energy and all you do. Keep up the great work!

    Yay for the kids starting school soon! Thankfully I'm still on summer break here in California.

    BTW, I just saw the pictures of you on your sidebar. Amazing progress! You're one of those women who is beautiful no matter what size she is. But you sure are looking hot!

  20. Wow... 9 months!
    I've been tellin everyone 6 months...
    time sure flies when you're addicted... I mean having fun!


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