Friday, July 06, 2007


Wonder what today will bring? If Steve turns up I'm going back to the Shop again, 10-1 today ....

Did I tell ya, I bought a really neat mirror yesterday from the shop? It had just come in and I saw it first! MINE... for only $30... it's really neat, it's got a boat etched on it! Anything nautical and I want it! I have NO idea where I'm going to put it either.

I sure hope I don't 'spot' anything else today, or this volunteer work is going to start costing me heaps! heee hee he, put me in a shop, what can you expect????

My ability to eat has come back with a vengence, yesterday I was starving all day, and I must admit to eating too much yesterday afternoon


  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Your losses are adding up!!! Congrats!

    Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. I can't imagine working in a shop - I would take home ZERO dollars!

  2. A friend and I used to help out at her church OP shop and each time we would each come away with lots of stuff and spend atleast $20! but it was lots of fun and we only helped out a few times a year.

  3. Ooh, all about shopping for a good cause! Then your hubby isn't aloud to make you feel guilty!

  4. Thanks for popping by earlier - I have left a comment in response (verbal diarrhea as usual - sorry!)

    Don't be cross with yourself - negative energy not allowed!

    Have a great day.

  5. Dont be cross! You've been sick and probably puking...its only natural to want to eat afterwards...

  6. Bummer about the food..but I can relate ..
    Going to try and behave... I want to get to my 35 lost... pftttt why does our mind tell us different.. we get so close to a goal.. and its like someone ripped on the handbrake... FKN ME!!!!

  7. Congrats on your loss this week Chris!! .... Glad you're feeling better!!

  8. That's the only bugger with working in retail, it's like shopping all the time! Might have to leave your wallet at home. But cool purchase all the same ;)

  9. Well, when your appetite comes back it is usually a good sign. Maybe the coughing will go away soon too...

  10. we use to have a little mirror like that i don't know where it went. maybe in the bin after all the moving i have done!!! i like boats too...

  11. Congrats on all of your wonderful finds!! Very cool indeed!! :)

  12. Mirror - crazy!! I do see it has something about it but I don't really know what.

    Cough - one onion cut into slices, lay on a plate on top of some raw sugar. Cover and let the sugar draw juice out of onion, takes good couple of hours, and then use syrup when cough gets bad. Works a treat and doesn't taste as bad as it sounds.

  13. That is a nice mirror.

    I would be spending all my $$$ too.

  14. Love the mirror - maybe you could somewhere for it at your place in Whitianga? Have a good weekend and catch you the following.

  15. oooooooooh...I dig the mirror.

    onions and sugar???? uck!

  16. Good for you for shopping and feeling better! Beauty of a mirror. I have a place to hang it in my living room if you don't have the perfect spot for it! :)

  17. Hun, I just got home frm conference and I'm concerned that you are still spewing. Glad that u went to the doc tho. Hope that helps ya.

    As far as your purchases are concerned if you love them then buy them/ Its so for a worthy cause.

    Love ya heaps and stay healthy. I'm on fire and so far things are going great. Wait for the next post, lol.

  18. Lurrrv that mirror!

    I hope you are feeling better now and managing to keep food down!

    Hugs to ya

  19. I love the mirror Chris. Sounds like it could be expensive volunteer work - lol.

    You are so funny thinking you can have more points because you are spewing up meals. Only you could think that!!!

    Glad the doctor gave you something. Hope it helps.

  20. i like ya mirror also...
    I was starting to worry about ya spewing too..glad you went to the dr...

  21. Good thing you finally went to the doctor - enough is enough. Glad to see you are enjoying the volunteer job.

    Now be sure to schedule some relaxation time in for the weekend. Hope to see you're back to your 100% self on Monday. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

  22. I did the same thing when I worked part-time in a shop. It was an art supplies shop with scrapbooking stuff. I don't scrap but the bits and pieces were so cute - I spent hundreds and now I have piles of that stuff at home unused...

    Will have a go one of these days though...

  23. What, you are PURGING? That is not good. It can be addictive, and then you might end up partying with Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton!!

  24. Congratulations on the loss - glad the new medication is working. You sound much brighter. THat stir fry sounds fab

  25. I love that mirror!


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