Tuesday, July 10, 2007


It's all sorted for today, Mike is home and he's going to babysit for me... so I'm really off to the gym today! Yipee, hope I don't end up in pain tomorrow though!

Stew is flying to Auckland and back today.... he's not looking forward to it.... stressful day ahead for him...friggin work eh?

Not much else planned for the day, sounds windy and horrible out there.... hate winter.


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    All I can say is WOW WOW WOW!!!!!
    Your photos are amazing - you have got to be SO proud of yourself!!!

  2. If you can't gym it get the baked beans tins out and give yourself a home workout!! That's what you would say to me!!

  3. Cold?? Yesterday it was about -3 when I got up!! If only you could literally freeze your arse off!!

  4. either way you'll get a work out..going to the gym or throttling him!!! hahaha

    i agree winter sucks.

    holidays rock ;)

  5. Vain... you.. nah not at all.. mwahahahha
    oops gotta go get ready for skool... doh... Can I chuck a tanty and say I dont wanna go...
    unfortunately there is no-one but the kids here to listen to me.. so that wont work...
    have a top day chick

  6. Try not to kill anyway today - I believe it may be illegal!

    I have just put up some photos as well - bit of a before/now 'spot the difference' competition - quite how you can lose 2 stone and look the bloddy same - god knows!

    Anyway, enjoy the gym. I went for a run tonight with wife and dog and found it alot easier than the first time so I must be doing something right!

    Anyway stop moaning about the weahter, we have winter in the summer!!

  7. heh....no plan ever survives does it....:D

  8. You look amazing and you have the most beautiful blue eyes!!!!

    You have a lot to be proud of!!!

  9. Wow ... the years have been so very kind to you ... you look 30.

  10. You really don't look anywhere near your age and like the others I think the colour of your eyes is amazing!!

  11. bloody shit weather hope his flight isnt cancelled back...civil defense is watching the weather up here :S

  12. Shit .... I am sure hubby will have a safe trip home .... no wonder people have no chance in surging waters .... that looks deadly!!

  13. HI Chris,
    I'm sure you're hubby will be fine.. :) Haven't left you a comment before, but thought I'd tell ya that I love reading your blog... its become a morning ritual when I get to work!!

    I agree with the others, you have awesome blue eyes!

  14. You look great girl!!!!!!!! :D
    Even better in real life ;) hehe

  15. Our city and surrounding areas were/are on a tornado watch. Scary outside right now. Snuggled up under a blanket pretending that its not crap outside. You hate winter - I hate tornados!

  16. I am glad that stew got home alright. We are only in the Waikato and it is blowing like you wouldn't believe here not nice. I would hate to be living in Auckland or up further... poor things.


  17. Hey

    Glad the Hubby got home safely

  18. Pleased to hear Steww home safely the wind etc sounds rough up north think I'll have the cold afterall.

    Not sure this having an extended blogging family is a good thing for my blood pressure now I have the whole country to worry about.

  19. I'm glad Stew is home safe and sound. You can't help but worry.

    I'm over winter here too. Roll on summer and some nice days so I can go out walking.

  20. Sorry to hear things didn't work out quite as you had planned. Hope the weather improves soon. Glad to hear Hubby got home safe and sound.

    Your picture looks great. Hope you get to the gym tomorrow.

  21. Great blog!! I will be back for more!!


  22. What a transformation! That's some mighty impressive hard work!

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