Saturday, July 28, 2007


I am taking my wallet..... cos I need food eh??? And I think we are driving part of the way then taking the train into Wellington so we don't have to worry about parking in the city....oooooooo today should be nice! No kids, no hassels, just a girly day out. BLISS.

Dreamt about my operatiion last night, no big scary bits, don't think the nerves have hit yet..... but I am fully aware that I could be in for another operation after this one, depending on the outcome of the biopsys they are doing while "in there".... oh joy. Then again, all could be fine and dandy .... so will cross that bridge when I come to it.

Stew's job today? DUSTING !!! Lol, and maybe vacuming..... washing, cooking, cleaning, child care.... oh I am evil.


  1. Have a wonderful time at the craft show!

    I've never actually eaten meatloaf before, I know, weird! It sounds kind of good though. Do you have a special recipe for it? Or will something off food network be as good?

  2. Yay have fun!!!

  3. Have fun gorgeous girl! Don't buy too much - remember you're de-cluttering!! hehe

  4. Your op will soon be over though, so that's good. All WILL be fine and dandy. xx

  5. as you wont see this untill you get back there is little point is wishing you a good day but hope it was great and the wallet didnt come out to often hehehe

  6. Enjoy your day hun.... he he he poor stu he he


  7. Hope you had fun at the craft show! Of course you had to take your wallet, what would be the fun of it otherwise?!

    I am keeping my fingers crossed and sending all my positive vibes your way that you op will go well.

    Have a good weekend.

  8. ok, I just have one question for you. Does Stew have a single brother??????

  9. omg WELLINGTON IS SOO COOL plantform 9 and three quarters LOVE IT! HEHEHEH i'm so going there next time i head down there!!! HEHEEHEHE

    watching commerical sounds cool...!!!

  10. Sounds like you had lots of fun. Pity about the craft show, I often find that about them.

    Did you manage to run across the road in the background while they were filming? I mighta considered it!! lol

  11. Did you see that guy with the phone walking around saying "Can you hear me now?" Or is it "Permission to speak freely."

  12. You did well only spending $10. I'm glad you had a good girly trip. Nothing like a break away.

    Will tell you about it on Friday.


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