Sunday, May 19, 2024



If you are reading this and think I'm up early, you'd be wrong!

I typed this up, rolled over and went back to sleep.

Both Stew and I woke at 2.25 on Saturday morning, then had market all day.  So we are knackered.

Sleeping in today is top of our 'To Do' list!

When we do surface, we shall do the few odd jobs around the house that need doing.

At some point today, Steve (and probably the family) will come over, to suss out what needs doing to get both the new oven and cooktop to fit in the existing gaps.  And also, work out when to call in the electrician. 

It's all timing, and when he can do the work for us.

We are so lucky to have such a bloody handy son. 💚💙💜

Yesterday afternoon, while at Steve 'n' Bex's, Bex asked me if I'd tried the tea she was drinking?

It was a Bell Tea, but flavoured to taste a bit like Apple Pie!

APPLE PIE flavoured tea?  I never knew you could get such a thing.

She asked me to taste it, and I rather liked it.   So on our way home:

ABOVE: We bought two of the 'Dessert Flavoured' teas.

I am really struggling to drink enough at the moment, it's so cold I'm not even having enough Diet Coke.  And I'm getting cramps from being a bit dehydrated.

So, hopefully I can boost my fluid consumption with the teas.  And they are nice and warm, just what ya want on a cold day.


ABOVE:  And... it's not half bad!  I can still tell it's TEA, but it's not revolting. 😂😅😉

We stayed in bed until 9 am!  It was wonderful.

We are now off to the mall as Stew has an eye appointment.  Just a regular check up hopefully.

LOL... I'm clearly a MONTH ahead of myself. I'll edit the photo once I'm home. Derrr.

12.20pm:  And we are home again.  Stew's eye test went very well, he does not need a new prescription.  Excellent.

They also tested his hearing, and that's 100% as well.  He has NO excuse for not hearing me!  lol

We had lunch at the mall, kebab meat over some chips.  I was shocked at how much I COULDN'T eat!  I think I managed to eat about a third of what was served.

Clearly the Trulicity is working on my appetite.  WINNING.

I'm now going to just relax for a little while.  Stew is going to do a couple of outside jobs, then he will be chilling out as well.

BTW:  I lost .5 kgs this week, which is exactly what I want to be losing each week. 

3 pm:  We were not long home from the mall when Steve, Bex and the kids arrived.

Steve had come around to suss out what needed doing to get the new cooktop and oven fitted.

ABOVE: This is all I thought he would be doing today.  Pulling the oven out 'a little bit' to measure the gap for the new oven.  Same with the cooktop.

ABOVE: The next thing I know, he's pulling it all the way out, and sitting it on a chair in the middle of the kitchen!

ABOVE: So, I'm thinking I will have the old oven sitting in the middle of the kitchen for a week or so.

ABOVE:  But no!  He disconnected and removed both the old appliances, and put the new ones in place (for now).

ABOVE: The new Induction Cooktop fitted in the existing gap perfectly!

And it won't take too much for Steve to craft a new panel for the oven to sit in, and have a new shelf above it for all the oven trays etc, (where me finger is pointing).

The new oven is AMAZING... it has way more features than I realised.  I'm going to love using it.

I'm not sure how long I will be without an oven or cooktop, but as I said to Steve, I have two microwaves, a slow cooker and an electric frying pan I can use in the interim.  It's not a problem.

ABOVE:  Little Lily was in a delightful mood this afternoon.  So smiley and happy.

She is a whopping 7.5 kgs now, such a bonny 4 month old.

ABOVE: The boys enjoyed playing with balloons again today.  It is so nice and warm in our sunroom, such a perfect playing space for the kids.

ABOVE: Archer and Lily hangin' on the couch.

ABOVE: Dante trying to smile... always a mission to get him looking unlike a chipmunk!  lol

So the family have gone home now, and it's back to us just chilling out.  It's a beautiful afternoon here, quite warm for Autumn.

I had another cuppa tea late this afternoon.  It was the Caramel and Ginger one.  It has not settled well on my tummy at all.  I won't be having another of that flavour.

It's been a very quiet evening, just browsing the 'net, watching a bit of TV, just the usual.

I'm now heading off to bed a bit earlier than my 'norm', cos I'm feeling ikk.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. 19th of June? lol I love tea, and they sound lovely… wonder if they’re available in Australia…..

  2. Chai tea is yummy too. I like it, but rarely make it. Basically stick with Diet Coke. I know. I know.....
    I hope the appliances go in smoothly - but usually one thing leads to another and you have an entire kitchen remodel happening!
    Happy to hear Trulicity is working... No side effects? That's great.

  3. The tea sounds lovely .
    Boys are such handsome fellas. I can see Bex in Lily those eyes a very cute photo.

  4. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Lovely photos. I've never been a tea drinker. How much sugar is in the second one? I always feel sick after too much sugar like a chocolate bar! Should no better. Kj

  5. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Lovely photos. I've never been a tea drinker. How much sugar is in the second one? I always feel sick after too much sugar like a chocolate bar! Should no better. Kj

  6. Kiwionholidays10:46 PM

    You’ve had a mixed bag of a day there like we’ve had here
    So neat to see all the photos and the new oven on its way to being fully operational once it’s wired up no doubt
    Worth the wait with use of all the appliances you have in the meantime
    Love the idea of the first Tea you tried of Bex may have a look for some here for a change of winter taste
    Take care
    Cheers 🥂

  7. Look at those chubby cheeks, such a sweetheart. Grandson "D" has beautiful blue eyes. Tea is my go to drink, not the flavoured ones, good old Orange Peko.

  8. Those teeny tiny storage spaces are super handy. Will he make a little flip-down door to hide the pans? Can't wait to see the completed kitchen. Are you going to add the blue bling light?
    You can certainly see a family resemblance in those kids! WOW!

  9. I'm not a big tea fan either. Apparently it's supposed to be good for us though lol.


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