Monday, May 13, 2024




Didn't sleep well last night.  Got stuff on my mind that just needs to bugger off!

I need to get up and get moving.  I am going over to Cambridge this morning for an FBG walk.

In fact, I have three booked in this week!

Once I get home, my plan for the remainder of the day is to finish sorting out the front bedroom's wardrobe.  The middle bedroom's one is done.

I'm not going to bust a gut this week, trying to do so much.  I totally overdid it last week and paid for it by the weekend.

Our baby granddaughter, Lily, was given a little stewed apple to try the other day.  It didn't go well.  She hated it.  So last night Steve and Bex decided to try her with some meat 'n' vege baby food.

ABOVE:  That went down much better!  In fact, she seemed to actually like it, after the first taste.
So cute watching the 'firsts' again.
And the boys made me smile with their lovely 'Grandma' comment.

ABOVE:  From last night...  Steve and the boys having a rough and tumble. Note Marley, right there!  She wanted to join in so bad.  So sweet.

Right, that's me for now, I'll catch ya later.


12.48 pm:  Well... this morning's walk was lovely.  There were about 20 of us walking today!  It was foggy, cloudy and cold.  And it drizzled a bit during the walk as well.
But, I wasn't cold, until we stopped walking.
Quite a few of us went to the nearest coffee shop for morning tea and a natter.

ABOVE:  It was a nice distance, and an easy pace today.

ABOVE:  you don't see many coffee shops that sell 'Dog Treats'!   Cambridge is renown for people taking their dogs with them for walks, and having them outside coffee shops.  Most coffee shops have bowls of water out for the dogs too. It's nice.

Once home, I quickly made myself some lunch as I was a bit hungry.  Now.. I'm going to potter around in the house, get a few jobs done and so on.
Once the walk leader posts our walk photo, I'll do me bit to it, and post it here.  I LOVE putting funny faces on them!

So far, no walk photo.  Might even be tomorrow.
I've not done too much so far this afternoon.  Just sorting through card making stuff, which I fully intend keeping.
I might want to start making a few again one day.  But NOT to sell!   I don't want to add any more stress to my life.  I'm doing all I can to cut stress OUT!

ABOVE: And we have a today photo after all.  Gosh that was a lot of faces to put on there!  Note the dog even got one.

I'm feeling sick as a dog.  Lunch did not agree with me.  I had a home made burger.  The meat pattie has kept repeating on me all afternoon.  And I have acid reflux as well.  Not fun.
Certainly won't be having any dinner.

Stew is cooking some bacon, eggs and kumera chips for his dinner.  The smell of the bacon cooking is turning my stomach!  I can't stand bacon any more. 

So yeah, it's the end of the day, and I'm going to relax till bedtime, and hope like hell this acid reflux doesn't keep me up all night.


  1. Awww those boys are so cute!

  2. Baby is already trying new foods! She will be walking soon! We had Mother's Day today. Then the dreaded 5 hour drive home again. It was fun to see family and meet a new family dog that we came dangerously close to bringing home with us. He was was such a sweety!

  3. Kiwionholidays4:30 PM

    Thanks so much for the awesome wee video of Lily trying her new food
    Super cute and such neat family times, By number 3 it’s a piece of cake 🍰 for Mum n Dad etc lol
    Loved comments from Dante n Archer they love you and Stew and feel totally at home there I can tell

    Take care
    Catchup soon
    Cheers 🥂

  4. Acid reflux is the pits….i get it. 🥹

  5. It’s great watching kids try new foods. My grandson has food issues and daycare puree almost all of his food. At 20 months he is still spitting out lumps, mind you he loved the sponge cake for his dad’s birthday last week😂

  6. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Hi Chris, is the issue with the bacon making you sick since you started on your weight loss injections, can you still eat pork. Maggie Melbourne Au

    1. I can still eat pork, just not bacon. The Trulicity has nothing to do with my aversion to bacon. I've just come to dislike it over the past year or so.

  7. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Chris, take 1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate powder for the reflux, Maggie, Melb.

    1. I take LOSEC, it works wonderfully.

  8. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Hope your tummy settled before you went to bed. We also had bacon and eggs with tomato. FELICITY

  9. Oh that’s no good in feeling blah I hope it passes and you have an ok sleep. Lily is just so beautiful. Dante and Archer are growing so fast, Steve and Bex look great.

    1. I did sleep well after all that, the reflux settled by the time I went to bed. OH and some Losec helped.

  10. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Aww the boys are awesome. That would make your heart sing. Lily is growing fast. I've gone off bacon in the last 12 months. In fact my appetites shrunk. Maybe cause I'm not active as I have made a habit of falling over. Hate it. Kj


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