Friday, May 17, 2024



I'm supposed to be going over to Cambridge for an FBG walk this morning.

But as we are forecast to have showers, it might get cancelled.  I will have to keep an eye on the updates, so I don't drive over there only to find it's cancelled at the last minute.  

I might even message the walk leader and make sure it's still on before I go over.

If it's cancelled, I will just head over to the mall and do me own thing.

ABOVE: Can you see her? That's one of her favourite places to sit.  She's literally keeping an eye on our front door, in case someone arrives and she misses it.  Bearing in mind she's very deaf now, she has to SEE what's going on.

She's just a bit cute.

Right, it's probably time I got outta bed and started my day.  Catch ya later.


Well I needn't have worried about the weather.  Its a glorious day! I'm  already in Cambridge,  waiting for everyone to arrive for the walk. 

ABOVE: What a lovely day for a walk! 23 of us walking this morning... and a good half of us went to coffee afterwards.

I'm now at Stew's office, waiting to go to lunch with him and Jacqui.

Then I'll head home and make sure everything is ready for tomorrow's market. 

ABOVE: Today's walk photo.  I've not got a 'stat' one as I forgot to hit 'RESUME' after we stopped for our photo, so I didn't record our entire walk.

It was 5.1 kms long and took just under an hour.  So average pace and a nice distance.

Lunch was at Centreplace Foodcourt.  Very average would be kind to say.  We got donuts for 'afterwards'.  

Now that I'm home, I'm going to take some time out for a while.  Then check everything is tickety boo for tomorrow.  

7.46 pm:  Well... everything is ready for tomorrow.  

ABOVE:  I did a little tweak to my UCKI PLANTS tonight, so they are ready for market tomorrow.  I'll show you another day what I did... cos they are already back in the van and I can't be arsed getting them out again!

ABOVE:  My steps for the day... not bad.  Not the 10,000 that 'they' used to say we all needed to do.  I think the magic number now days is like... 6,000 isn't it?  I'm not sure.

And that's me for the day.  We will be off to bed earlier than 'usual' tonight.  It will be an early start in the morning.


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Glad it's nice day up there...hope same tomorrow for your markets. Sun shine here with cool breeze. Expect rain for weekend. Have a great afternoon my friend. Felicity

  2. Glad you had a nice walk this morning!

  3. Looks the start of a lovely day. Glad the dog has a "job". And she is taking it seriously!!!

  4. Another glorious day here too.
    I need to done joggers and walk, been so slack since my buddy went on holidays.

  5. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I’m a 10,000 a day least. Mostly much more....but still 5 kg overweight. However am glad I love walking, all by myself. Marie, Melbourne

  6. I love the way you decorate your home. So much color and pizzazz.


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