Thursday, April 11, 2024




I've realised Trulicity is not going to be a magic injection for me.  It eases the hunger but not the overriding reason why I eat, how much I eat etc.

I eat cos I'm Bored.  Annoyed.  Stressed.  Happy.  Sad.  So in other words, I'm an emotional eater.

Blocking hunger might HELP, but its a mind game for me.  How do you change habits of a lifetime?

I'm feeling really annoyed to be honest.  I really, really thought this drug would help me.  It DOES block hunger for about 3 days, then it doesn't.  Frustrating.

Stew thinks I need to give it more time, but I just feel like ...

I need my jaws wired shut!

You all know I've tried everything in the book to lose weight eh?  (except Weight Loss Surgery)

It has been something I have struggled with for at least 40 years!

When do you stop worrying about it?  Do you EVER?  

Well dumb question really, cos clearly I haven't stopped letting it worry me.
I wish, wish, wish it didn't bother me so much, I really do.
Why can't I be happy with where I am right now?
I'm not massively overweight now, I'm down 40 kilos on my heaviest weight ever.  Yet I'm not happy.

I don't know how to move forward.  Do I keep doing the injections and hope something happens that improves my mindset as well?

Yesterday was a really shitty day.  I nibbled on crackers all day.  I was bored shitless.

Today I am going to sew, because when I'm sewing I'm happy if nothing else.  And it distracts me from thoughts of food.

Stew is doing really well, he's moving about so easily, I'm so impressed.  He's not been a moaning, groaning, pain in the arse AT ALL!    He probably knew he needed to recover fast before I stabbed him 16 times in the chest!

Well actually, he's got three new holes in his body right now, so I'd only need to stab him 13 times eh?  lol

In answer to a question from yesterday's post:

Is door knocking illegal in NZ?
The latest updates to the Fair Trading Act have come about to protect consumers against pushy, uninvited door-to-door sales people. Recent changes to the act will make it an offence for any seller to ignore a sticker, or other written or verbal direction not to enter your property.16 Aug 2022
So... if you have a sign on your door/fence/gate saying 'NO DOOR KNOCKERS', door to door salespeople are not allowed to enter your property, or knock on your door.
I better get me a sign then.


VERY QUICKLY... I am not and never will consider or have Weight Loss Surgery.

It's a very invasive procedure, whichever way you go, and as I'm a 'BLEEDER' I will avoid any unnecessary surgery.

I just made a beef/bacon/tomato stew for our lunch.  It was horrible!
The bacon was too strong, and salty.  The rest is going down the sink!

This morning I did some sewing as planned, and got 6 bowl cosy's made.
Then Lacy called in to visit us, which was lovely.
She's doing well.

It's now 11.51 pm, and I'm going to relax for half an hour before heading back into the sewing room. 

OMG my stomach is NOT HAPPY with me!  I've got acid reflux, I've got the shits, and I feel TERRIBLE.  That stew was far too rich for my tummy.  I have felt awful since lunchtime, and it's not getting any better yet, 5 hours later!

I have just taken two LOSEC tablets, so hopefully they settle me guts before I have to go to bed tonight.   I don't fancy having to sleep in my chair all night.

Thankfully Stew isn't feeling bad, just a mild ikky tummy.  

One thing is for sure, we won't be having any dinner tonight!

It is now 8 hours since I ate that beef 'n' bacon stew, and I'm still feeling rotten as.
I almost feel like I've got food poisoning, but as Stew is OK, it's clearly not that.
But still... I feel like I'm gunna have a rough night.
Damn it.
Signing off for the day, catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I understand completely what you are saying regarding the Trulicity. I injected daily with Saxenda last year. Yes, it stopped hunger but I can honestly say, I very rarely eat when I am you, I eat when I am bored, upset, angry, happy. While it had some minor success, it certainly wasn't successful enough to justify the $500 month cost. I hope that your one works out for you. Paula

  2. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I would give it 6mos. You are back in walking season. The edge might help more than you realize.

    And I would remove excess/large amounts of your problem foods from your house.

    Buy one tiny package with three crackers. Not a package size like you used to buy for a large family. Ditto with candy. Buy one piece, not a package.

    Stock your house with more nutritious food. Eat at meal time.

    If you have the urge to snack, go for an extra walk.


  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Hubby didn’t have much luck with trulicity, he did much better on ozempic. It’s really hard changing habits of a lifetime

  4. What’s your worst food drink WATER at home carry a water bottle feeling hungry sip ( just a sip ) water it will motivate you I’m sure. But it shouldn’t feel like a punishment.
    Chia seeds soaked in warm water almond milk blueberries/strawberries / etc Greek yoghurt like a smoothie.
    Baked Kumara in the microwave dessert spoon baked beans is/was and still is a great hunger suppressant And blood sugar regulator. My dad was told that near 40 years ago because they have low GI. Could protein be better filler for you baked chicken tenders? Boiled egg.

  5. I don't know much about Ozempic or Trulicity. People lose tons of weight on Ozempic. I am sure that includes emotional eaters too. I would stick with it. Sometimes it takes a while for things to get "on board". It's okay to feel frustrated. See where you are at in 3-4 months.

  6. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Chris, FFS, give it a go, it’s been a week. (I’m sailing down the Rhine River on a river cruise, so have had a few). What I’ve seen with my sister who lost 63 kilos with a gastric bypass, then had surgery to remove loose skin, cost her $30,000, then has put on 25 kilos since, now on whatever you’re on, clearly she has more issues, personally I think the “experts” don’t deal with what goes on in peoples heads. She can’t keep chasing solutions for her problem, perhaps she needs to take some responsibility, she has tried everything known. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️Marie, Melbourne (Rhine River)

  7. I feel like i could have written your rant myself. Don't be too gard on yourself because you have achieved a lot!! You've identified triggers... boredom. For me i need to get away from the fridge. What about a job or volunteer position... my mum does it and honestly she loves it... the interaction mostly. I can see you doing something like that Driving Miss Daisy service!

  8. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I'm an emotional eater too and was amazed when I weighed in at diabetes check in thT I'd lost 2 kg.. expected to put on heaps as I'm not getting exercise. You aren't getting out at the moment bit when life returns to normal and you get back to routine it might seem better. You've done so well.

  9. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I wonder if you’re looking at it a bit back to front? It mightn’t help you at all with emotional eating at stressful times and yesterday must have been a stressful day - at some level at least - with Stu’s operation. Eating helped you deal with that stress so the drug ‘failed’.

    But it doesn’t have to help you every day to help you overall. Say 60% your week or year is normal every day stuff and it helps on those days, that’s probably enough to help overall even if it does nothing on days of high stress or emotion.

    You need to give it at least 3 months to see if there is a net benefit I think.

  10. Anonymous9:20 AM

    As Trulicity is a diabetic medication rather than a weight loss medication - ask yourself if it is making any difference to your diabetes as sometimes you have bad symptoms from that. If it helps with your diabetes than surely it is a good thing. Otherwise I agree with Vickie, try not to have too much temptation in the house but I suppose then it would be more frustrating. Audrey

  11. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Keep using the injections because it will also be helping your diabetes management. It won't stop you eating, that's up to you, but you will find it benefits you. It's not a miracle cure, but it is a medical aid so keep going. Me, I resorted to weigh loss surgery. One hundred percent the best thing I did FOR ME. That's not to say it's for everyone. But it was for me. I lost a lot of weight, got too skinny, then my body sorted itself out and now sits where it needs to. Still a little overweight for my liking when I look back at how skinny I did get, but I'm doing fine. Menopause did put on extra belly fat again, but overall, I am doing well. Apart from sugar lows now when I eat too much sweets (which is how I knew when you were experiencing them!). Please, keep trying the injection. Give it a good 12 months then see how it's working for you. You might be surprised. xx Colleen

  12. Rhonda11:21 AM

    Oh Chris please give the injections more time. Not just for your weight loss but for your diabetes. Weight loss surgery would be, in my opinion, a huge step and a last resort. Not sure would you opt for a gastric sleeve (not reversible) or stomach band? Your relationship with food obviously would need to be dealt with before considering WLS as you have identified that you are a habitual emotional eater. Yes WLS would most likely give you the result you want with your body image but would you be happy dealing with the lifelong restrictions of WLS? Huge decision. I have two dear friends who opted for WLS and yes they were over the moon in the weight loss phase but OMG they are both so miserable now years down the track as their lives are incessantly dictated by food restrictions. They both say they would never recommend the gastric sleeve to anyone. They would give anything to be able to eat properly, live in the moments and be happy. Their relationship with food hadn’t changed and if anything their emotional issues are more severe. One friend’s marriage ended and she relates its directly to how miserable her life became. I’m sure there are many, many very successful results where WLS literally has saved their lives and they live happily. Take things easy Chris, as you have said many times you do act too fast at times when you get an idea in your head. You are loved unconditionally by your wonderful family and Stew. Time for you to start loving yourself. You deserve that.

  13. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Weight loss surgery doesn't fix the emotional problem Chris. I was so thrilled with my new slim body only to gain most all the fat morid obesity me back again. Hate hate hate. Felicity

  14. Rhonda12:47 PM

    Opps Chris, I assumed very wrongly that you were at your wits end with dieting and you may be considering WLS. Got that wrong didn’t I! Apologies 💕💕. You are doing so well Chris. You have definitely been motivating me to exercise more. Thank you. Enjoy your day

  15. Have you tried hypnotherapy for the emotional eating? Calm Minds Hypnotherapy have some great sessions, they're not expensive and they have a great customer support team.

  16. Pretty much every woman I know is constantly on a diet of some sorts. I think it's just the way most women are. Both my grandma's were dieting all the way until right before they died.

  17. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Do not get a gastric band, they only help for a short time, make your life miserable and you just might gain all or more of your weight loss back.. you will never be able to eat a proper meal again. It screws up your metabolism for good. I know because I did it. Walking is best for you, keep it up. Gigi


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