Sunday, April 14, 2024



Bearing in mind Stew is still recovering from surgery, and we went out and about yesterday, today is going to be a quiet, stay at home day.

Talking about Stew's recovery, he is still doing exceptionally well.  He's not needed to take any pain medications since Thursday night!

Even though he is feeling really good, we have to remember that he can't do any heavy lifting, twisting movements, or anything like running etc.

I am sure he is going to do everything the doctors told him, cos he doesn't want to undo the work done to keep his guts inside!  lol

Today I am going to vacuum the house (desperately needed), even if it kills me back.  I also want to get the washing done, and a couple of other odd jobs around the house.

So, nothing too riveting.  Just normal everyday stuff.

Steve, Bex and the kids are coming for dinner, I have a nice piece of pork belly out for that. That should be yum.

I'm so happy I decided not to go to market today, getting up at 5.45 am is not my idea of fun!  And the weather was very iffy too.  


Scrap all that.

The weather has played nice and so we are going on another little road trip.  This time to Thames to visit my grandparents graves.

Expect to be home in time to put the pork belly in the oven at 3.

ABOVE: Coast road heading from Thames to Coromandel.  We didn't go that far along this road as the weather turned to shit.

ABOVE: All those photos were taken just north of Thames.

ABOVE:  KY Girl, I was not standing in front of a lake, it is actually the Firth Of Thames, so it's the sea.

MORE LATER...and captions.

ABOVE: The reason for our day trip today.   I found my Grandparents graves quite easily.  Memory took me in the right direction.

I tidied up their grave and gave them succulents, and a Happy Rock too.

ABOVE: The cemetery is high on a hill overlooking Thames and The Firth Of Thames.  So pretty.

ABOVE:  I am so happy with what we got done this weekend.  Lots of memories stirred up, but what's wrong with that eh?

Our trip home was via Paeroa, Te Aroha and Morrinsville.
So we did a big loop.

ABOVE:  It was a very pleasant drive.  Mostly fine today, with a few blustery showers.
Lunch in Thames was OK, nothing to write home about.


ABOVE:  The BIGGEST COW you will ever see probably... in Morrinsville.  There's lots of cows dotted around Morrinsville, it's the 'thing' there.

And now it's 2.30, we have been home about half an hour.
I can now think about dinner.  Cooking it I mean, not eating it.  I have had my 'meal' of the day.
Tonight I will be having something very light.

8.00 pm:  Dinner is done and dusted.  Roast Pork Belly looked damn fine.  I will be having my share for lunch tomorrow.
The kids have now gone home, and all is quiet again.
Time to sign off for the day.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I have a Eufy robovac, no more back pain, you can have it on a timed schedule and it has made our life so much easier. They even have a combined mop vacuum now.

  2. I love a spontaneous road trip! Also love pork belly. Sounds like my kind of day!

  3. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Nice photos of the lake area and YOU! I can see your weight loss in your face. XO Ky Girl

  4. Kiwionholidays12:59 PM

    Lovely idea and love Thames as well
    Lovely photos and a nice one of you Chris
    Enjoy the day and dinner sounds lovely for tonight and more catching up with Family
    We’re off out to meet friends for lunch on a lovely sunny day πŸ₯πŸŒ΄☕️πŸ₯‚❤️πŸ•ΊπŸΏ
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  5. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Thanks for the sea versus lake info. It is such a beautiful place. And the graveyard looks very inviting. Not that I want to be in one anytime soon. Ha Ky Girl

  6. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Naaaw well done both of you for doing that πŸ‘ when our loved ones have gone all we have is memories and we must treasure them until our time comes. BTW can you please smile in the photos πŸ˜‚ GMπŸ’™πŸ’™

  7. My great grandparents are buried in that cemetery. They arrived in New Zealand in the 1860s.

  8. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Find A Grave (free) Website

    “Find a Grave is a website that allows the public to search and add to an online database of human and pet cemetery records. It is owned by”

    Internationally Find A Grave volunteers walk cemeteries and document graves.
    They take photos of the stones and enter as much information as they can on the website. They are literally boots on the ground, photographing stones while they are still readable.

    Then families assist by linking their family members on the website (husband, wife, child) and adding information. Each Find A Grave has an ID number. The numbers are what we use to process updates on the system.

    This allows descendants all over the world to see the graves of family members. It also creates families trees, with the deceased extended family linked.

    If this is something that interests you, for your family members, watch a couple tutorials and read the carefully rules.

    You will need to set up an account.

    The people who have entered the original grave will read your requests and process them to update information and link your family members.

    There is grace to this, these are volunteers. Changes are not immediately made. You send in the request, then the volunteer who originally loaded the grave, verifies accuracy, and makes changes as they have time.

    I volunteer for Find a Grave. I answer requests and hunt/photograph individual stones for people in my area. I also work with small local county cemeteries that are being documented. The most recent one, most of the stones had sunk. A family dug/restored, I photographed and loaded them on the website. This is an enormous amount of work.


  9. Love the photo's, a beautiful place by the looks of it, you are looking good too, the walking IS paying off.
    The graves look so much better, the cemetery is a lovely place too, to spend a few minutes with family who have passed.

  10. Laura M.6:15 AM

    The picture of you under the cow is so you, all though I can totally see Lacy doing something similar!!!

    PS. That lovely face picture of you with the water behind you really shows the weight you are losing!! You're looking great and it shows!!!


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