Saturday, April 27, 2024



Let's start the day with some photos from last night.  

ABOVE: The boys modelling their new slippers.  Nice.
I hope they don't trip them up!

ABOVE: Dante and Lily.

ABOVE:  Miss Drool-a-lot!  Lily is bound to be getting teeth soon, going by the amount of drooling she's doing.  It's just a constant flow!

ABOVE:  Mike and Steve eating their Asado Beef Short ribs.  I got a taste of them... sooooo nice!  I will be buying some for us for sure.
Note the audience, wishful dogs.

ABOVE:  Lily has been able to roll for a while, but yesterday she decided she could roll both ways.  Such a clever wee girl.

ABOVE:  Joyce and I in our lovely, snuggly new PJ's from Bed, Bath and Beyond.  ONLY $30!  Score.

Today Mike and Steve are playing Magic at a friends, Joyce is going to hang out with Bex and the boys, and Stew and I are going to the Base for a few things.

After that, who knows?  

tic, tic, tick.... the morning has gone like clockwork.  The kids are off doing their own things, and Stew and I did our thing.
I bought another pair of PJ's, a new computer mouse cos mine died after 20+ years, and we did some grocery shopping.

I bought all of the Asado Beef Short Ribs I could find at Countdown, and can't wait to cook them myself.
We are now home and just chilling out for the afternoon.  
There is nothing pressing needing doing. 

8.20 pm: Oh wow, I didn't realise I hadn't updated since this morning!
But seriously, it's been a very quiet afternoon/evening.

I had lunch, and had some white bread.  NOT  such a good idea.
I've had heartburn/acid reflux ALL AFTERNOON AND EVENING.   Just might not do that again.

Maybe if it had been toasted it wouldn't have affected me quite so bad, but either way, might avoid it.

Stew is really enjoying watching rugby games back to back today.  Mike is keeping him company tonight, though I doubt he's as addicted as Stew.

Joyce is still hanging out with Bex and family, Mike will go collect her a bit later on.

I think I will sign off for the day, I'm all snuggled up in my jammies, just scrolling through YouTube/Instagram and so on.  

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Precious photos today! You and Joyce - so cute! Dante and Lily - great photo. And those slippers!!!!

  2. How do you cook those short ribs? They sound delicious.

    1. Steve just did them like a steak in the Frying pan with butter and salt. On the packaging it say slow cook... like in a slow cooker I suppose. But I'm going to do them like Steve did, cos they were just delicious.

  3. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Is that a ring I spy on Joyce's finger?! Did I miss something 😲

  4. Kiwionholidays4:30 PM

    Quick go time poor gotta say loving the pic of you two in the PJs
    Must try there myself , didn’t realise they sold PJs
    Looking snuggly warm for Waikato Winter
    Hey great game from Crusaders and THE Chiefs πŸ‰πŸ•ΊπŸΏπŸ’―πŸ₯

  5. What a clever wee miss is Lily
    Love the pj’s, lovely pic of you and Joyce 😊

  6. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Love those Jammies. I need some warm ones. Will go and have a look Tuesday. Kj


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