Monday, November 05, 2007


As you can imagine, I'm still on a high! Do you think it was the freshly baked bread or the bacon and egg pie in the oven that did it???? LOL

I know that when they came back for a second look (and stayed for over 40 minutes) they told the Agent they would have loved to stay for dinner cos it smelt so good!!! Phew, I am so glad I went to all the trouble I did.... the house was in tip top condition, smelt gorgeous and looked gorgeous. I am now going to be on tenderhooks till Friday!

Today: Kids to school, then home to read all your blogs! After that I think I will do.... NOTHING! Certainly NO housework for this chick today. I am knackered.


  1. hey you put alot of work into that house. I'm sure it was great(and teh naked boy and girl probably helped more than the food....:D)

  2. Crikey things are moving fast in your world eh? Congratulations honey.

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Congratulations hun! They say that having your house smelling yummy helps :)

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! All your hard work paid off!

  5. Wow!!! that is great news, and sooo fast to sell!!!!! Im sure all will go well on Friday.

  6. How exciting!!!! So glad to hear it all went well on the weekend, and that you have tentatively sold it!! Well done! I bet it was the egg & bacon pie - yummo!!

    Hope you have a good day, and manage to have a bit of relaxing.


  7. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    ...and can I come over for dinner? LOL

    I'm like Pavlov's dog. Mention bacon and I start drooling.

  8. Exciting for you all!!! Pleased you don't have to go through more open homes. Look out Auckland!

  9. Congratulations! Hope that's not being too premature, but pending a building inspection on a good house is better than 'waiting for finance approval'. Your house looks fantastic, I am not surprised it sold!

  10. Congratulations :D

  11. duct tape will hold the broccoli on.

  12. Congrats on the house wow that was quick...

    Have a great week


  13. That building inspection is happening quickly. That's a very good sign. Let's hope the whole process continues smoothly.

  14. Hey don't take it to heart. I had a building report done on the first house I brought and it had 3 pages of faults! and I still brought it!

    They often list the most ridiculous things but I guess thats what you pay for.

    Also you wonder if the purchasers are going to use the faults as a bargaining tool... That would be cheeky!

    Chin up, nothing worse than someone picking the shit out of something you love...even if it is a house!


  15. Don't worry that is their job to cover every square inch. If anything goes wrong.... it is on their heads!! Chin up... it will be fine!!!

  16. wow a building inspection that sounds positive! it could sell soon!

  17. mmm.. reminds me of when I sold my home in Stokes Valley. The builder spotted the most crazy things and I finally had to drop my price by $500 but was worth it for the sale.

  18. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Sounds like a very busy day, hope u put ur feet up and relax this evening. Fingers crossed on the building inspection.

  19. Snap brought the nail biting stuff for Corbin and Quinn a week ago... Corbin bites his fingers and Quinn starting sucking his thumb grrrrr and Corbin is now used to the taste grrrr and it didn't work but it did work (so far) on Quinn sucking his thumb.


  20. I remember when my mum used to put that yucky stuff on my nails and crap it used to get into everything I ate, its a wonder I didn't end up with a serious eating disorder!
    Sound like things are progressing on the house front fingers crossed....:)

  21. mmm, interesting that they were picking your house apart when they had a builder there.
    One of my brothers is a builder and has done a couple of 'inspections' for me. He only tells me structural things such as piles, damp, unauthorised work etc, and never points out cosmetic things (like wallpaper etc) as they are not building issues.
    One customer had a fit at him for not mentioning some tatty wallpaper and I remember him saying that he told his client his job was to list building issues, not give an opinion on cosmetic flaws such as wear on the carpet or similar. Sounds like your guys were using their builder to pick at things unrelated to the actual structure of the building.
    I can relate to that horrible feeling of feeling a dislike towards your buyer. I felt the same when our buyer tried to get our campervan included in the deal, when we said 'no way' they then tried to get us to deduct money so they could buy one. (what a cheek. They tried to claim that they needed it to accomodate farm staff. lol, lol, lol, nice try)

  22. Inspectors have to act "tough" and "anal retentive" for their clients. Don't be completely turned off just yet. It sounds as if your prospective buyers are really "interested".

    Your cooking has me hungry and wanting to come to your house to eat! YUM


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