Sunday, November 04, 2007


And I think we are ready! Stayed up very late last night getting all the jobs done, floors washed etc... today all I have to do is vacum and do the breakfast dishes... and turn on the breadmaker at 9am so the bread is finished just before the Open Home.

I hope we get a good turn out... I'm not expecting to get it sold today of course.... even though that would be FANTASTIC, it is totally unrealistic.

Further on the Advertising saga... there are 4 Adverts 'out there', two on the net and two in print, and each and every one says something different.... 5 bedrooms & two bathrooms, 6 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms, 5 bedrooms & 1 bathroom..... GRRRRR I am livid! So if they think I am paying for them they can get stuffed!!! The only one that is accurate is one on the net:, ID Number 702 ... for anyone who wishes to have a look.

I am not expecting to get around the blogs today, hardly read any yesterday either.... I will catch up with all of you TOMORROW! Right now.... I'm waiting for me Latte in bed, then it will be GO GO GO.....


  1. I am sure that you don't need telling, but wow! What a beautiful home you have!! How can you bear to part with it?

    It's HUGE. You could fit our whole house in your lounge, LOL

    I dunno, must house in the UK are like blooming rabbit hutches...

  2. Good luck with selling your house :-) Pretty stressful time!!

  3. Good Luck with it all.

    The "old bread baking smell in the house" trick!!! Mmmmm

  4. Just had a peep at the place, wow, Chris you have done a wonderful job! Very inviting and looks so fresh... I especially like the white flowering treat out the front... lovely. Goodluck, I have my fingers crossed for you!

  5. Naked boy and girl! Whata thing to walk in on...ever hear of knocking? :D

    You shouldnt pay for the wrong adverts. They screwed up and its their fault...

    Good luck!

  6. Good luck with selling the house! how exciting people are coming back to look at it!

  7. ohhhhhhhh the bread baking...thats whats bringing them back...good luck with it all.


  8. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I had a really good feeling about it!! i was at the shop a while ago and had a feeling!! CONGRATS!!!!

  9. woo hooo, that is absolute the best result ever. I am so happy for you, (wish mine would have gone like that, boo hoo, lol) but pleased for you though.
    What a great result, I can imagine how relieved you must be, as the prospect of doing oodles of open homes (and ALL the cleaning that goes with them) is a daunting tast.
    Yipeeeee, doing a little happy dance for you.

  10. Firstly, your home looks great. And secondly - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a result - hooray!

  11. Congratulations on selling your house so quickly. Thank god you don't have to keep baking the bread, that would not have been very good for your diet!

    Just goes to show that all the work you have put into decorating over the last few months has been oh so worth it.

    Go on have some bubbles!



  12. Fan-flippin-tastic,I am not surprised it sold on the first day, it's a lovely home.

  13. Bloody hell... faster than a speeding bullet! Well done to you. Oh well, you'll soon be up here so we'll have to set up the Auckland coffee mornings!

  14. Excellent news! Fingers crossed!

  15. Sold?? Already?! Get that champers on ice, they sound keen as mustard to me. Now for the REALLY exciting and stressful bit: buying. Giddy up!

  16. OH MY GOD! That is too much! It was so funny reading through your day and how crap it started, and how good it ended up! I felt like I was over in NZ with you!


  17. I will have to have a day to catch up on your blog but I just wanted to say a big congratulations on the contract on your house. I'll have everything crossed that it all goes smoothly.

    I gather you are moving with Stew's job but I will catch up on all that another day.

  18. Anonymous1:25 AM

    woohoo thats so exciting, first open house and its sold. All the hard work paid off. A big congrats from this side of the tasman.


  19. Wow! You sold your house already?! I'm tired of the horrible house market we have here... people are lucky to sell their home in two months!

  20. Congrats on the sale! That was fast....great job.

  21. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Wahooooo!!!!!!! Congrats... Fingers crossed! So happy for you that you won't have to go through the stress of an open house over and over again!

  22. Congrats on the offer!! Hope everything goes smoothly till Friday. I took a peek at your ad...looks like a lovely home and wow, nice lawns and grounds and so green.

  23. Started to snicker when I read the "naked boy/naked girl" comment. Reminds my why I moved out 3 days after my high school graduation! Ha!

    Sending you good vibes for house selling. You can throw a coffee mug in the mircowave with water and cinammon - heat it and the house smells amazing for a long time. Throw 10 seconds on the microwave every now and then to get some more good smells! It fools them every time. Ha.

    Take care!!!

  24. That was fantastic news!! I am sure you will fly through the builders report .... I hope everything else is just as easy for the big move!!!

  25. Wow! Congrats on selling the house. All your hard work has definitely paid off. I can't believe you sold it on the first open for inspection, that is unbelievable!

    Now the fun begins... house hunting in Auckland. These next few months are going to be so exciting for you and your family!

    Also- lol re: Mike and naked girl!!!

  26. What is it with your real estate agent? How hard can it be to copy and paste from one document to the next?

  27. Wow wow wow. Keeping my fingers crossed that this goes through. Good Luck!


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