Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I will be weighing myself at 12 midday.... why? That is bang on the middle of the week! So expect the result this afternoon, I am hoping and praying that it's good! I had a bit too much dinner last night, could have kicked myself AFTER it had gone down, but hopefully I didn't do too much damage.

Today: kids to school, then Steve and I are going to attact the attic and restore it to order...weigh in, then later on I am going to the Doctor's.

I suppose you poor people will get 'before' and 'after' photos of the attic....oooo you lucky buggers! My life is so much excitement!


  1. Attic work. My my. I know the decluttering aspect is such a pain in the behind! I worked on it all weekend! Scream!!!!!!! I still have a room to work on....I really have to be in the mood to take that kind of time...I love to shop but hate to throw anything away!

  2. Happy Birthday Chris's sister!

  3. I am sure the weigh in is going to be a good one hun... it won't be ruled by just one dinner he he he... not going to wish ya good luck because I AM SURE you don't need it.

    Wow you are tackling the attic now... geesh do you ever sit still he he he.

    Love ya

  4. Good luck today. I know you are going to have a good result:-)

  5. We bloody well better get photos of before and after. Otherwise how are you going to inspire us lot out here to get off our arses and do stuff.
    Although I am having my own clean out at the moment! hahaha - not much choice really.
    Have a great day gorgeous, hope everything goes ok with the doc.

  6. I agree your kitchen is so much better in the L shape. You have so much more room. And I'm very impressed with those sparkly floors - you can see the reflection of the stove in them.

    You made short work of the attic too. Now tell me - where did all the clutter go.

    Waiting for weigh in ......

  7. Now Chris, you know better than anyone that it takes more than a bit of extra tea to make a difference to your weight! You will be fine! You have been a busy bee haven't you? Your house is always bloody spotless, now your attic is too!!

  8. LMAO @ weighing in at 12 noon because it's EXACTLY the middle of the week! You're such a classic!

    Ok, so I have to ask, where has all the contents of the attic gone?

  9. Just popping in to say Hi and having a quick catch up.

  10. Holy hell! That's amazing!!!!!

  11. Well done hun on the loss


  12. Wow, great loss there mate - well done

  13. Congrats on the loss!

  14. one thing to say to everyone.....


    There's 3 kilos floating around somewhere in the atmosphere and by golly it AINT going to find me :)

    Well done Chris....

  15. yes, you go girl. 3 hole kg wowwwww. good luck at the doctor. take care. K

  16. Nice loss.

    Before you cleaned the attic did you say "just popping up to the attic, be back in a minute" like they do in the horror movies? I'd have not been able to resist :D

  17. WAY to go!!! 3 kilos....I'd take that anyday of the week

  18. Wow! Huge congrats on the weight loss! That is big!!

    *sigh* You are always cleaning, re-painting, etc. I don't suppose I could hire you out for oh, I dunno, a week to come re-do my house? =0) hehe.

    I hope all goes well with the blood work.

  19. 3 kgs that is fab, wish I could get the motivation going :) cant wait for your next weigh in, your attic looks great wish I had the cleaning fairies at my house, cause it is looking like pigs live here not humans.

  20. Slam dunk indeed!

  21. you are a legend - how good do you feel right now WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO

  22. OmFG!!! 3 Kilos is huuuuuuuuge...
    Well done girl....

  23. WOW! Get you.....3kilo's gone.....WELL DONE!!!

    Well done on clearing the attic also.
    Did you not do that not so long ago? Or was it a different part of the house? I can't remember now.

    I'm pleased you went to the Dr's.

    Stay happy!!!

    Hugs to you xx

  24. love the new header, very creative person that lil chubby mummy.K

  25. Love the attic 'after'. You did a great job. Wonder when you're available to do some cupboards for me here lol........

    Sorry that you still aren't well, but pleased that you are having blood tests done to sort it all out.

    Congratulations on a fantastic loss - that's huge for one week - good on you.

  26. Anonymous10:35 PM

    3kg!! OMG!! That is unreal!
    And your attic looks awesome....great job!
    Oh, and happy birthday to your sister!!

  27. sounds like you have had a great day!
    Well done on losing 3kg!

  28. Am impressed with your attick clearing and the weight loss!
    Well done!

  29. FAN-BLOODY-TASTIC loss!!! No wonder it was such a great day for you! Keep up the great work girl, love the new header!

  30. wowwwwwwwwwwwwww if I can lose just a little bit of what you have just lost I'll be happy.....wouldn't mind the whole 3 kilo's thou!!! You go girl...!!!

  31. Hi Chris,

    I love your new header, it looks great.
    Well done on you massive loss this week, what a boost, your hard work has paid off.
    I really enjoy reading your blog and usually drop in every day.

    I hope you have another fantastic week.
    Lots of Love
    Chris C. (Edinburgh) Scotland

  32. Congrats on your weight loss, great job!

  33. ((BIG HUG)) What a wonderful lose! I can see you are over the moon with joy. Keep up the good work. Love the new logo! Take care.

  34. Awesome new header - very YOU!

    3 kilo's Chris, that is fantastic.
    I bet you are still on cloud 9?
    Way to go.

  35. Wow, way to go on losing 3 kilos!! Woooohooo! You are on a roll and I need to get my arse back in gear. I think I'm on the wt gain diet.
    Nice job on your attic....I feel guilty hearing all the housework/projects you do.


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